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Dear Japan: What about OB?


Please make this Christmas a Happy Season for the sales team. We want OB out. We are not lazy; we are not disgruntled ex-employees; we are hard-working employees. Please stop listening to OB's old excuses. We have a big problem here and it is OB. Please reassign OB. We need a real leader. OB is not the answer. Thank you.


I like OB. Great leader and motivator.

This is so sad that a VP of Sales has to come here and pretends that he is a rep. Search this sentence "I like OB, Great Leader and motivator"and see how many times OB used this sentence to defend himself here. What is so great about OB's leadership? Please tell us. If OB has done such a great job, then why are we in such a mess? Whom did OB motivate?

The place is a total disaster; everyone is unhappy, everyone wants out and looking for another job; work environment is so hostile; bonus sucks; trips and trainings suck; territories suck; preferntial treatment everwhere,...

No, OB is not a great leader. He is not a motivator. He is a lousy leader whose policies brought down a once great company.

We have serious problems in sales. We have a leader who really has no business of leading a sales team. This is not personal. OB can't lead; he has no vision; and he is really lost. The sales team has lost its respect for OB years ago and no one takes him seriously.

OB has been here for too long. We need new ideas. We need a new leadership team. Eisai needs a break from OB and OB needs a break from Eisai. It's time for OB to leave. He has way overstayed his welcome.

I like OB. Great leader and motivator.

Yes. OB is great because he said his wife tells him that every morning. Japanese Mgt keeps OB because he is a part of our family; like child with special needs. The worst he does the more love he needs. All we are asking is that you give him a chance and love him.

Please make this Christmas a Happy Season for the sales team. We want OB out. We are not lazy; we are not disgruntled ex-employees; we are hard-working employees. Please stop listening to OB's old excuses. We have a big problem here and it is OB. Please reassign OB. We need a real leader. OB is not the answer. Thank you.

Ok. we'll take you at your word that you're not lazy or a disgruntled ex-employee. We'll assume that you're an intelligent, knowledgeable, and hardworking sales rep. Ok? So, what SPECIFICALLY, are you looking for out of OB that you're not getting? Please don't be vague or general like, "I want a real leader". What does that SPECIFICALLY entail for you? Let's hear SPECIFICS. In fact, let's hear the SPECIFICS from ALL of the intelligent, hardworking, and knowledgeable OB critics out there. Please do enlighten us with your business acumen.

This is so sad that a VP of Sales has to come here and pretends that he is a rep. Search this sentence "I like OB, Great Leader and motivator"and see how many times OB used this sentence to defend himself here. What is so great about OB's leadership? Please tell us. If OB has done such a great job, then why are we in such a mess? Whom did OB motivate?

The place is a total disaster; everyone is unhappy, everyone wants out and looking for another job; work environment is so hostile; bonus sucks; trips and trainings suck; territories suck; preferntial treatment everwhere,...

No, OB is not a great leader. He is not a motivator. He is a lousy leader whose policies brought down a once great company.

Total disaster? Everyone is unhappy? Everyone wants out? etc.....What company are you working for? Do some of those things apply to some people? Of course. You can find unhappy people at any company. Your post is full of exaggerations and if your bonus sucks why don't you look in the mirror for an excuse? Are you still working here? If so, why? Do yourself and Eisai a favor and get the fuck out.

Ok. we'll take you at your word that you're not lazy or a disgruntled ex-employee. We'll assume that you're an intelligent, knowledgeable, and hardworking sales rep. Ok? So, what SPECIFICALLY, are you looking for out of OB that you're not getting? Please don't be vague or general like, "I want a real leader". What does that SPECIFICALLY entail for you? Let's hear SPECIFICS. In fact, let's hear the SPECIFICS from ALL of the intelligent, hardworking, and knowledgeable OB critics out there. Please do enlighten us with your business acumen.

It is obviously OB that wrote this. The message really shows that he is not getting it at all. The whole place is burning and he can't see the fire.

Total disaster? Everyone is unhappy? Everyone wants out? etc.....What company are you working for? Do some of those things apply to some people? Of course. You can find unhappy people at any company. Your post is full of exaggerations and if your bonus sucks why don't you look in the mirror for an excuse? Are you still working here? If so, why? Do yourself and Eisai a favor and get the fuck out.

We all work in Eisai. Yes, this place sucks. Yes, it is the majority that is unhappy. Yes, OB and his cronies are the only happy people in this place.

It is obviously OB that wrote this. The message really shows that he is not getting it at all. The whole place is burning and he can't see the fire.

First of all, not that it matters, but I assure you I'm not OB. Secondly you are one sick obsessed person. Honestly, you ought to get professional help. As others have suspected, and as I will further evidence, it is one very obsessed, hateful person, YOU, who can't get OB out of their head and comes on this site all the time to start hate OB threads. One person. You're probably even responding to your own threads to make it look like other current Eisai reps are responding.
The evidence:
I noticed you started this thread yesterday at 12:08PM and the other one titled, Hey LC:What about OB?! 4 minutes earlier at 12:04PM. Wow 2 hate OB threads started 4 minutes apart. What a coincidence. So, I posted the same response on both threads to see if they would be responded to very close in time further demonstrating that it is one person. Sure enough, like the sick, obsessed, dimwit you are, both of my postings were responded to 2 minutes apart, 12:36AM and 12:38AM. Listen, whoever you are, go get help. I mean it you are obsessed and filled with vengeance, and hate. Do yourself a favor and get professional help.

First of all, not that it matters, but I assure you I'm not OB. Secondly you are one sick obsessed person. Honestly, you ought to get professional help. As others have suspected, and as I will further evidence, it is one very obsessed, hateful person, YOU, who can't get OB out of their head and comes on this site all the time to start hate OB threads. One person. You're probably even responding to your own threads to make it look like other current Eisai reps are responding.
The evidence:
I noticed you started this thread yesterday at 12:08PM and the other one titled, Hey LC:What about OB?! 4 minutes earlier at 12:04PM. Wow 2 hate OB threads started 4 minutes apart. What a coincidence. So, I posted the same response on both threads to see if they would be responded to very close in time further demonstrating that it is one person. Sure enough, like the sick, obsessed, dimwit you are, both of my postings were responded to 2 minutes apart, 12:36AM and 12:38AM. Listen, whoever you are, go get help. I mean it you are obsessed and filled with vengeance, and hate. Do yourself a favor and get professional help.

Thanks OB for your thoughts. I am sure in your dream it is only one person who is "filled with vengeance"! You are so full of it. You just proved that that you are as bad as everyone says and you are in denial. Instead of these psycho rants about others, fix the mess you created. Do yourself and us a favor and get a hell out of this place so we can hire a real leader. We need a fast running horse not a mule.

Ok. we'll take you at your word that you're not lazy or a disgruntled ex-employee. We'll assume that you're an intelligent, knowledgeable, and hardworking sales rep. Ok? So, what SPECIFICALLY, are you looking for out of OB that you're not getting? Please don't be vague or general like, "I want a real leader". What does that SPECIFICALLY entail for you? Let's hear SPECIFICS. In fact, let's hear the SPECIFICS from ALL of the intelligent, hardworking, and knowledgeable OB critics out there. Please do enlighten us with your business acumen.

I agree with this post. Very telling that the hater(s) couldn't answer its challenge.

The place is a total disaster; everyone is unhappy, everyone wants out and looking for another job; work environment is so hostile; bonus sucks; trips and trainings suck; territories suck; preferntial treatment everwhere,...

You need to be more specific so OB could indentify who you are! Do tell the exact situation so OB and his HR thugs could pay you a visit! OB is here to identify his enemies. 80% of the sales team can't stand OB.

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