Dear Gattex leadership!

Ummmm they’re destroying the NBU as we speak. Pulling resources and budget from their launch and giving it to the other BUs. It’s a cluster up here. FO and PS are running all of it in the ground.

Then apparently they are not capable of running any business. Rare disease, biotec or pharma. Fantastic leadership at this company

My goal was 3 and I hit 1. Got paid $0 for my bonus. This is rare disease and we need to get paid out on every ship. If not pay us more larger of a base salary. Current bonus plan is horrendous leadership!

My goal was 3 and I hit 1. Got paid $0 for my bonus. This is rare disease and we need to get paid out on every ship. If not pay us more larger of a base salary. Current bonus plan is horrendous leadership!
Do a better job of selling and you will be rewarded appropriately. We can't dole out bonus $s to losers! You are in sales so PERFORM!!

My goal was 3 and I hit 1. Got paid $0 for my bonus. This is rare disease and we need to get paid out on every ship. If not pay us more larger of a base salary. Current bonus plan is horrendous leadership!

Q: You know what Shire calls reps who don’t perform don’t ya?

A: Regional Business Directors

IC has to be changed for those reps that actually sell something. This is not right.
Come on, this is an easy one. You should be able to see the issues and correct before end of year.

Leadership has to do something or look ( ) .

[QUOTE="anonymous, post: 5952834

" IC has to be changed for those reps that actually sell something. This is not right.
Come on, this is an easy one. You should be able to see the issues and correct before end of year.

Leadership has to do something or look ( )

YES !!!! Real Bonus would be good thing.

Increase in revenue due to continuing price increases. $300,000/year at launch and now well over $400,000/year without any data other than the original Phase 3 study.

( The medication is not an issue.) Don't be stupid .

We need to pay for performance. That is an issue. Bonus on sales and stop the BS.

Q: You know what Shire calls reps who don’t perform don’t ya?

A: Regional Business Directors

Leadership needs a downsizing. Half these RBD’s are clueless. They are overpaid and contribute ZERO to the bottom line. Get rid of the lowest performing RBD’s. Flemming will love the cost savings. That would be a welcome Christmas gift to the long suffering shareholders. Cheers!

First it was Lialda of year to year sales growth and money made for Shire. Now it’s Gattex with record earnings this year and ships. Yet, we don’t get paid on EVERY ship. That’s bullshit! Pay your reps on every ship. If a rep gets 1 ship on on a goal of 3 the rep should be PAID! We have such sorry ass leaders leading this business unit. KW and DZ are two leaders that suck! They can not inspire a sales team when on a conference call or on stage, they don’t have the knowledge of rare disease and they have no strategy beyond “ we need more start forms.” No shit!

First it was Lialda of year to year sales growth and money made for Shire. Now it’s Gattex with record earnings this year and ships. Yet, we don’t get paid on EVERY ship. That’s bullshit! Pay your reps on every ship. If a rep gets 1 ship on on a goal of 3 the rep should be PAID! We have such sorry ass leaders leading this business unit. KW and DZ are two leaders that suck! They can not inspire a sales team when on a conference call or on stage, they don’t have the knowledge of rare disease and they have no strategy beyond “ we need more start forms.” No shit!

Um if the goal is 3 and you got 1 then you missed your goal and should not be paid. Pretty simple.
Honestly 90% of the reps here are no better than PC reps anyway and have no clue how to truly work a rare disease territory. Thus why companies launching rare disease drugs aren’t going near this sales force.

Um if the goal is 3 and you got 1 then you missed your goal and should not be paid. Pretty simple.
Honestly 90% of the reps here are no better than PC reps anyway and have no clue how to truly work a rare disease territory. Thus why companies launching rare disease drugs aren’t going near this sales force.
Your not getting the point here Mr. Rare Disease expert. First, why are you trolling this site. Miss Shire already? Second, selling a rare disease is not rocket science. It just comes to persistence and access. So, take your expert rare disease opinion where the sun don’t shine. If a rep finds a patients and it ships. Rep should get paid.

Gattex is a shit drug. Anyone who "responds" does so in the first two months. The nonresponders (85% of patients) should discontinue at month 3. This is a typical biotech bullshit drug.

Since SBS has a slow growth in new patients and most of the original SBS patients have started and failed Gattex, it seems that there is are not too many more patients to target. Unless you expand the definition of PS dependent or just sale off-label.