DC/Maryland/Virginia Distributor - Supreme Orthropedic Systems


I know the group indirectly, I don't work for them however. Their management seems pretty solid to me (Steve is the distributor principle). I'm not in Maryland, but in the area of their distributor I am in, I've seen them retain good reps, and let go bad ones. Overall not a bad distributor.

Callahan is a good guy for the most part. After reading a few posts on here, it seems that he must be one of the more favorable distributors to work for. Fair with pay, willing to listen, and knows how to run a business. I have doubts about Arthrex's business model moving forward-especially in ASCs, but Callahan will do what he can to keep us afloat.

The positive kudos for the good guys exacerbates jealousies and petty grudges that exist in the Arthrex principal community. They are real and are much like those experienced in junior high school. Brett Pylant and Callahan and a handful of others deserve good press. The others resent these positive public posts.

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