Davide Piras


and his minion Ankita Narayan. Are there two more incapable, clueless, destructive, people then those two at PPK? They're hell bent on destroying everything they touch. Their decisions, the so-called leaders they install, are all leading to failures of epic proportions. Lurch must be proud.

How many ex-McKinsey people does it take to bring down an organization.....?

We'll find out by the end of this year after they grind everything to a halt and get rid of all the competent employees.

and his minion Ankita Narayan. Are there two more incapable, clueless, destructive, people then those two at PPK? They're hell bent on destroying everything they touch. Their decisions, the so-called leaders they install, are all leading to failures of epic proportions. Lurch must be proud.

They hit the self destruct button and are gladly going down with the ship. Nah. Who am I kidding? They're not that self aware.

and his minion Ankita Narayan. Are there two more incapable, clueless, destructive, people then those two at PPK? They're hell bent on destroying everything they touch. Their decisions, the so-called leaders they install, are all leading to failures of epic proportions. Lurch must be proud.

NONE of his minions are capable of making decisions. That's why they just hire their old McKinsey cronies (without even interviewing) to do their job.

I dont know which is more disappointing - the continued failure in Immunology "leadership" decisions and rewarded bad behavior, or the new failure in Davide (ie., walking HR nightmare) and his admittedly inexperienced "leadership team" catapulting this new commercial model into oblivion.

If you havent lost your job by now, its a miracle. Update your resume and get prepared because layoffs will continue through 2025. And by that point, Davide and his minions will be promoted up and wreaking havoc in some other division of the company. It seems to be the BMS way.

NONE of his minions are capable of making decisions. That's why they just hire their old McKinsey cronies (without even interviewing) to do their job.

I dont know which is more disappointing - the continued failure in Immunology "leadership" decisions and rewarded bad behavior, or the new failure in Davide (ie., walking HR nightmare) and his admittedly inexperienced "leadership team" catapulting this new commercial model into oblivion.

If you havent lost your job by now, its a miracle. Update your resume and get prepared because layoffs will continue through 2025. And by that point, Davide and his minions will be promoted up and wreaking havoc in some other division of the company. It seems to be the BMS way.

You speak for many. You nailed it better than I have ever heard. Walking HR nightmare indeed.

and his minion Ankita Narayan. Are there two more incapable, clueless, destructive, people than those two at PPK? They're hell bent on destroying everything they touch. Their decisions, the so-called leaders they install, are all leading to failures of epic proportions. Lurch must be proud.

This. A thousand times, this. Nailed it.

and his minion Ankita Narayan. Are there two more incapable, clueless, destructive, people then those two at PPK? They're hell bent on destroying everything they touch. Their decisions, the so-called leaders they install, are all leading to failures of epic proportions. Lurch must be proud.

Top down his organization is a complete mess. Other than a few smart, capable, people who have now been pushed out the door, or those who are looking for better opportunities, the slots are filled with mediocre and idiotic people.

Maybe this is the final nail in the coffin of the WCE?

NONE of his minions are capable of making decisions. That's why they just hire their old McKinsey cronies (without even interviewing) to do their job.

I dont know which is more disappointing - the continued failure in Immunology "leadership" decisions and rewarded bad behavior, or the new failure in Davide (ie., walking HR nightmare) and his admittedly inexperienced "leadership team" catapulting this new commercial model into oblivion.

If you havent lost your job by now, its a miracle. Update your resume and get prepared because layoffs will continue through 2025. And by that point, Davide and his minions will be promoted up and wreaking havoc in some other division of the company. It seems to be the BMS way.

NONE of his minions are capable of making decisions. That's why they just hire their old McKinsey cronies (without even interviewing) to do their job.

I dont know which is more disappointing - the continued failure in Immunology "leadership" decisions and rewarded bad behavior, or the new failure in Davide (ie., walking HR nightmare) and his admittedly inexperienced "leadership team" catapulting this new commercial model into oblivion.

If you havent lost your job by now, its a miracle. Update your resume and get prepared because layoffs will continue through 2025. And by that point, Davide and his minions will be promoted up and wreaking havoc in some other division of the company. It seems to be the BMS way.

Layoffs through 2025? Speculation or confirmed? I wouldn’t be surprised. The entire organization sounds like a shit show. Everyone is scrambling and nobody seems to have a clear idea of what’s going on.

Layoffs through 2025? Speculation or confirmed? I wouldn’t be surprised. The entire organization sounds like a shit show. Everyone is scrambling and nobody seems to have a clear idea of what’s going on.

If you want to laugh go and ask the directors to explain the new commercial model, mlr processes, and any other question relating to their day to day business. No one will be able to give you a coherent answer.

If you want to laugh go and ask the directors to explain the new commercial model, mlr processes, and any other question relating to their day to day business. No one will be able to give you a coherent answer.

Same on the capabilities side with the senior directors... go ask about marketing automation... but I guess thats what happens when you let the guy you fired, but allowed to stick around, help set up the new structure and decide who stays and who goes.

And don't get me started on the clown show that is media.

Same on the capabilities side with the senior directors... go ask about marketing automation... but I guess thats what happens when you let the guy you fired, but allowed to stick around, help set up the new structure and decide who stays and who goes.

And don't get me started on the clown show that is media.

Probably decided who would best hasten the demise of the WCE. What better way to burn things down on the way out?

Media. Another useless clown show.

The troll must be so proud ruling over the ghost town.

Meanwhile, his LT is sitting pretty still with absolutely no clue how anything previously operated in order to appropriately determine how things should operate now in this new failed model. The people put in place from Senior Director and above are completely CLUELESS and POWERLESS which is a bad combo anywhere. And since no one can properly explain or realistically operationalize this "new model" in language that non-McKinsey people can understand, NOTHING WILL CHANGE. None of the brand teams are on board and therefore each brand will continue to do what they want and just "talk the talk" when in front of Adam and the like.

No one will speak up. Everyone is just concerned with their own ass and furthering their career and looking towards their next move. WTG!!!!

Meanwhile, his LT is sitting pretty still with absolutely no clue how anything previously operated in order to appropriately determine how things should operate now in this new failed model. The people put in place from Senior Director and above are completely CLUELESS and POWERLESS which is a bad combo anywhere. And since no one can properly explain or realistically operationalize this "new model" in language that non-McKinsey people can understand, NOTHING WILL CHANGE. None of the brand teams are on board and therefore each brand will continue to do what they want and just "talk the talk" when in front of Adam and the like.

No one will speak up. Everyone is just concerned with their own ass and furthering their career and looking towards their next move. WTG!!!!

So basically, for all the upheaval, all the layoffs, not a single, goddamn, thing is changing. You're right. The brand teams will not jump on board. They are under no obligation to follow the new model. Why would they? It's exactly as you said. No one can explain or even understand the vision.

Director and above are mediocre hacks and ass kissers who completely lack the knowledge to do their job. WTG indeed.