If Genentech is so great then why use a POS company like P1 for recruiting? They are yanking our chains and the phone screens are horrific. The gal I had sounded like a 10 year old and no habla ingles. I don't doubt most hires will be internal after talking with the P1 choke artists. The whole process is a disaster and candidates are bowing out. Perhaps your internal HR department should stop going to Giants games, get off their arses and do some work. Way to launch a new drug fools, P1 SUCKS! Oh and have a nice day.

If Genentech is so great then why use a POS company like P1 for recruiting? They are yanking our chains and the phone screens are horrific. The gal I had sounded like a 10 year old and no habla ingles. I don't doubt most hires will be internal after talking with the P1 choke artists. The whole process is a disaster and candidates are bowing out. Perhaps your internal HR department should stop going to Giants games, get off their arses and do some work. Way to launch a new drug fools, P1 SUCKS! Oh and have a nice day.

Several reputable companies use P1 and I'm not sure why. If you want answers, I recommend reaching out to every contact you've made at P1 on a group email. They are busy in addition to being unorganized,but I've managed to get their attention this way in the past.

If Genentech is so great then why use a POS company like P1 for recruiting? They are yanking our chains and the phone screens are horrific. The gal I had sounded like a 10 year old and no habla ingles. I don't doubt most hires will be internal after talking with the P1 choke artists. The whole process is a disaster and candidates are bowing out. Perhaps your internal HR department should stop going to Giants games, get off their arses and do some work. Way to launch a new drug fools, P1 SUCKS! Oh and have a nice day.

DNA used to be a great company but the ROaCHEs are putting stranglehold ever tightly after acquisition 6 yrs ago and especially last year. P1 is located in Indiana where DNA's backroom HR service is located as part of greater ROaCHEs with dying diagnostic biz located in Indianapolis.

As for hable espanol - maybe your territory is where Spanish is common? It bugs the HELL out of me when I call a # and 1st thing it says is hable whatever press - shit this is USA!

Read my lips folks - most new MS jobs are spoken for by the insiders eager for new experience and development and many of you bleary eyed hopefuls invited for interviews are seat fillers but maybe considered for the opening the incumbent insider leaves in your territory.

BTW - DNA HR in SSF is ran by lesbian empire and they're all for women, minority, gays/lesbians, slutty white chicks and if you are white male - DON'T waste your time.

PS - quit whining, chump!

Genentech has become a joke of a company when you have great talent that is proven after many years and do not even get moved to the panel interviews?? Total sad state of affairs.

This company has lost their moral compass and that is the total truth. Wake up Sr. level management; HR practices really need a complete gutting....Whatever happened to loyalty and stability from sound employees?

The reps I knew from past companies that got hired by Genentech were horrible reps and not performers. I don't know how you chose your reps but I sure as hell wouldn't have hired them. I am puzzled because they weren't the sharpest tools. Good luck to all. I am a manager for an MS product and happy to read all this BS.

Several reputable companies use P1 and I'm not sure why. If you want answers, I recommend reaching out to every contact you've made at P1 on a group email. They are busy in addition to being unorganized,but I've managed to get their attention this way in the past.

P1 is the WORST. I can't even believe they continue to get these huge contracts. They have no inside knowledge, don't know the names of drugs, don't know the disease states and don't follow up. No one walks with anyone else in that Company and there is no communication between these recruiters.

Anyone heard anything?

I haven't heard anything from P1 since after my manager interview stating I was still "under consideration". I know somebody else that flat out was told they weren't moving to the panels and that the hiring manager had identified the final 2 candidates for that territory.

I did my manager interview the week of the 28th and I was told I would hear something the week of April 11th. So, I was expecting to hear either way tomorrow or early next week. I think some hiring managers were targeting finishing all phone interviews this week. With so many internal and external people having applied, I really think it will come down to internal people and externals the hiring manager knows from previous positions.

P1 is a mess. They did a phone screen for one territory. The following week they set up an interview with the hiring manager for a different territory. P1 is definitely in over their heads. It's disappointing.

P1 is a mess. They did a phone screen for one territory. The following week they set up an interview with the hiring manager for a different territory. P1 is definitely in over their heads. It's disappointing.

I figured out PI was a mess 2 years go. NEVER again will I deal with P1. They are a disorganized, uninformed, HOT MESS!