Dallas interviews for Men’s Testosterone Drug

I doubt my recruiter is straight up on salary. I believe they want to hire young and low ball the salaries. I think that this has been a huge waste of time.
PS. This is typical for Syneos!

What a waste of a day to travel. By law, they must interview at least 3 candidates. They knew going in that two of the interviews for the geography I am in were just a formality. Both myself, and another very well qualified candidate were interviewed and it was obvious the manager was NOT interested. They already had their recent college graduate that would accept 50 grand hired. The recruiters tell you what they think will get you to the interview. They LIE! She was so disinterested in me from the getgo I almost got up and left. I will never ever interview with Syneos again. All that time putting together a presentation. Clarus therapuetics has NO money and can’t afford to pay bottom line.

What a waste of a day to travel. By law, they must interview at least 3 candidates. They knew going in that two of the interviews for the geography I am in were just a formality. Both myself, and another very well qualified candidate were interviewed and it was obvious the manager was NOT interested. They already had their recent college graduate that would accept 50 grand hired. The recruiters tell you what they think will get you to the interview. They LIE! She was so disinterested in me from the getgo I almost got up and left. I will never ever interview with Syneos again. All that time putting together a presentation. Clarus therapuetics has NO money and can’t afford to pay bottom line.

That manager may have been disinterested, or maybe you didn’t have what she wanted. Maybe that person had something going for her you didn’t know about, I mean, who knows why you didn’t get it. Don’t be a sore loser, just move on to the next opportunity. I can promise you this-they are not just looking for someone right out of school for 50K. And if you would have done your homework you would know that they have millions to spend on this venture from a variety of sources.

That manager may have been disinterested, or maybe you didn’t have what she wanted. Maybe that person had something going for her you didn’t know about, I mean, who knows why you didn’t get it. Don’t be a sore loser, just move on to the next opportunity. I can promise you this-they are not just looking for someone right out of school for 50K. And if you would have done your homework you would know that they have millions to spend on this venture from a variety of sources.

Ah yes...the first sore loser in the thread. Can't wait to watch this unfold! Stop blaming your poor interviewing outcome on other people. No one is being offered 50k. Clown.

And you say you'll never interview with Syneos again... I doubt that. Not to mention, you were interviewing with a Clarus manager. Not a Syneos manager. And I can guarantee you, not all managers at any company are good, not all are bad. Yeah, sometimes it only takes one to leave a bad taste in your mouth, but move on.

And you say you'll never interview with Syneos again... I doubt that. Not to mention, you were interviewing with a Clarus manager. Not a Syneos manager. And I can guarantee you, not all managers at any company are good, not all are bad. Yeah, sometimes it only takes one to leave a bad taste in your mouth, but move on.

Bwahaha! Clarus or Syneos- doesn't matter. Both shit companies with f-ing morons running things into the ground. Have fun "selling" this shit for 3 months before Clarus is broke. The grass isn't greener on the other side when the other side is a pile of shit.

Another entitled cry baby. Looks like highly qualified hiring managers have been found since they have managed to weed out the potential toxic team member. Maybe you should work on your interviewing skills? Sounds like you lacked passion and personality. If you can't wow the hiring manager, why would they trust you to launch a brand-new product? Next!

Manager at the interviews stated, "I'm building a YOUNG team; older works just would not fit in!"
I was close to the person when they said it and they were looking straight at me.
I'm sorry, I'm not older. I'm just not 20 and a piece of eye candy. I am over 40 and in peak physical condition. The comment was clearly discriminatory. It is totally unnecessary to make nasty comments to experienced, award winning reps who gave a very good presentation and had created an excellent business plan.

Another entitled cry baby. Looks like highly qualified hiring managers have been found since they have managed to weed out the potential toxic team member. Maybe you should work on your interviewing skills? Sounds like you lacked passion and personality. If you can't wow the hiring manager, why would they trust you to launch a brand-new product? Next!

You're too funny. You must "work" for Syneos, making shit money, monitoring CP during the day. I'm just having fun punking you assholes- by the way, not a sales rep. Good try, though. Keep spewing lies about how great the sub-rate dickwads are. For the rest of the real world- avoid the plague at all costs.

Similar to asbestos testosterone is a known carcinogen a precursor.
Manager at the interviews stated, "I'm building a YOUNG team; older works just would not fit in!"
I was close to the person when they said it and they were looking straight at me.
I'm sorry, I'm not older. I'm just not 20 and a piece of eye candy. I am over 40 and in peak physical condition. The comment was clearly discriminatory. It is totally unnecessary to make nasty comments to experienced, award winning reps who gave a very good presentation and had created an excellent business plan.

Every single cafepharma company board has someone on it saying negative comments like “sh*tty management driving company into the ground”. Rolling my eyes. Negative trolls all over CP. Get a life.

Not a sore loser here. I did not communicate effectively. The job was filled before I got off my plane. I promise you, as two of us, the afternoon interviews, from the same geography, were treated the same way! We were not even interviewed by the manager we would have reported too! How much bigger can the Red Flag be? They already had their rep, we were just obligatory interviews necessary by HR rules so they would not be sued. If the interview manager, from a completely different part of the country, yawns, doesn’t look at your presentation you spent an entire day on, is a bit argumentative, they are just going thru the motions. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Maybe I dodged a bullet. No reasonable questions about manufacturing, pricing, quotas, bonus plan, the company, can be answered, they were a mess. It was unorganized, the Syneos people looked very unprofessional, no suits, saw some sweat pants, come on folks! Seemed as though this contract got all the Syneos rejects. The reasonable, smart, professional employees are on contracts with the Pfizer’s & Merck’s that they are lucky to get. Happy to move on!

Just my opinion and input based on experience with Syneos and their interview process. Always request the first interview if you are flying out for a final interview ( usually Dallas ). They do in fact fall in love early and basically put the other candidates through the motions to close things up quickly. If you are a seasoned rep and have made over 90K in salary in your career or definitely if your last position was in that range...DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME. Unless the recruiter flat out tells you that a higher salary range ( 85-100+ ) is the range of the new company ( rarity these days it is a possibility )...then don't go, because even if you say you are willing to accept the low ball range the hiring managers will assume you are a flight risk and weed you out quickly.

Oh, forgot to mention....Sore loser here, my base from my long career with a reputable company was $130,000 bonus averaged 45-50 year over year. I never stood a chance. And why wasn’t I working or why did I not stay with the manufacturer after I was laid off from last 5 month contract job? The boss never came up to ride with me said I was too far away. He also got upset when his reps said ( my overlays as contract rep) that I was a trouble maker because I would not hand off my IPad for a doc signature. I needed to witness signature as the Contract company had just fired someone in my district when the BI rep rep that was her partner turned her in when an office told her she handed it off, she was even the BI rep and did not get along with anyone. So much drama no way I was going to interview with the manufacturer.

Manager went to the bottom of my resume which shows 10 years of experience and
asked 'what did you do before that?" then I told them
and was again asked "what did you do before that?"
then I was asked "what did you do before that?"
Then manager tired to calculate my age! I kid you not.
Age discrimination!!!!!

Is Syneos known to not hire folks over 50? Don’t want to waste my time going forward. I am 59, white female, still a bit attractive, have 25 years experience and a good track record just went thru a few layoffs. Thanks!

Not a sore loser here. I did not communicate effectively. The job was filled before I got off my plane. I promise you, as two of us, the afternoon interviews, from the same geography, were treated the same way! We were not even interviewed by the manager we would have reported too! How much bigger can the Red Flag be? They already had their rep, we were just obligatory interviews necessary by HR rules so they would not be sued. If the interview manager, from a completely different part of the country, yawns, doesn’t look at your presentation you spent an entire day on, is a bit argumentative, they are just going thru the motions. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Maybe I dodged a bullet. No reasonable questions about manufacturing, pricing, quotas, bonus plan, the company, can be answered, they were a mess. It was unorganized, the Syneos people looked very unprofessional, no suits, saw some sweat pants, come on folks! Seemed as though this contract got all the Syneos rejects. The reasonable, smart, professional employees are on contracts with the Pfizer’s & Merck’s that they are lucky to get. Happy to move on!
I’m sorry you feel that way but my experience was awesome and very organized. The manager was very interested in what I had to say and was in tune the entire time I spoke. I was also asked/able to do my entire presentation. Best wishes to those hired and to those who are disgruntled, hate CSOs etc...there are tons of other opportunities out there. Go in peace. Any job is better than nothing to someone who is unappreciative. Like the the previous poster stated, some are less fortunate. No need to pass on negativity with how the world is today.