GSK interviews in Dallas

So...I went to Dallas...Interviewed with 2 DMs...Immediately was told that I was moving on and seeing the Director that day. Saw the Director and things went his commitment for the recommendation. Was told that I would know in 48 hours either way but was assured by the first DM that things went great. Well...It's been almost 2 weeks...NO CALL...NO EMAIL...No reply even from my recruiter. Nice job Inventiv.....You have lowered the bar for even this heartless industry.

So...I went to Dallas...Interviewed with 2 DMs...Immediately was told that I was moving on and seeing the Director that day. Saw the Director and things went his commitment for the recommendation. Was told that I would know in 48 hours either way but was assured by the first DM that things went great. Well...It's been almost 2 weeks...NO CALL...NO EMAIL...No reply even from my recruiter. Nice job Inventiv.....You have lowered the bar for even this heartless industry.
GSK contracts are the absolute worst mainly because GSK is the worst pharma company out there.

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