CV pocket meetings! What a waste

It’s embarrassing to talk to anyone outside pharma about our meetings. Someone needs to make a documentary about how stupid the Novartis meeting is - start with excessive budget, pan to the empty words from leaders, mic up everyone talking crap & texting, highlight blabbing abls, the kiss asses, the moronic training games and close with the false expectations.

It’s embarrassing to talk to anyone outside pharma about our meetings. Someone needs to make a documentary about how stupid the Novartis meeting is - start with excessive budget, pan to the empty words from leaders, mic up everyone talking crap & texting, highlight blabbing abls, the kiss asses, the moronic training games and close with the false expectations.

Excessive budget.
Excuse me?
Looks like someone was able to skip the Dallas meeting.

Duane and the F.T.O.'s just released their new album today entitled “We Hate It When Our Reps Become Successful". It features the new single “"I've Been Flushed From the Bathroom of Your Heart". The summer tour with “We Butter the Bread with Butter” and “Suburban Kids With Biblical Names” will run through mid November.

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