CV Jan 31st

My prediction for tomorrow- bunch of lies with no accountability. They will say they didn’t predict Entresto would be generic so early, that LPa would be delayed so late, that leqvio sales arnt what they expected. The truth is they spent too much on Leqvio, they messed up everything about the launch, they hired too many reps, they are incompetent and not leaders. They lied the whole time about our future and how cv is the place to be. Most of them will find other jobs within the organization and the reps will suffer most this week.
And they are about to fuck up the Remi launch by adding 60 reps to allergy and 60 to derm. Way too many bodies

I don't disagree with you about the disaster that the Peli launch will be, but Novartis' refusal to do value based contracting on Leqvio and I'm sure Peli means the nimrods in management are going to lean on 340-B pricing available to these systems to provide a spread and revenue stream to these systems and pray that the systems will snap it up. Ridiculous, but they are going to go whole hog on selling into the systems. Good luck everyone!
Who the fuck makes these decisions?

I have changed my tune, apparently they're is no more work to be done with Entresto. I'm in shock, all NSM I was told we had broken records but not to stop because we still had work to do and patients to serve. Would they really lie to us? I did not see this coming, I've been hammering the entresto message 9 times a day every day since the nsm and felt like a superhero saving lives for patients. Most hcps wouldn't write entresto if it weren't for me, I tell them all the core messages. Now I'm confused.

That piece of shit is long gone to another company. Fuck things up at Novartis and your reward is a better role elsewhere
Mike Exton & Duane Marbles Kalzinski
Should be documented in leadership textbooks as cautionary tales of the lasting effects that poor leadership has on organizations. This was a top down cascade of failures in hiring poor leadership.

Mike Exton & Duane Marbles Kalzinski
Should be documented in leadership textbooks as cautionary tales of the lasting effects that poor leadership has on organizations. This was a top down cascade of failures in hiring poor leadership.
Maybe they will do a case study on them for the Harvard business review. The Novartis leaders going through their advanced training can see what an atrocity they caused

Well, those are the exact numbers, as quoted my the LT, so I’m positive YOU don’t know what you’re talking about.
Would love to know who made the decision to add all these people when CV is going through layoffs and it’s clear that adding more reps isn’t an effective strategy. Could it be the new head of immunology - or she just doesn’t have the courage to push back?

Mike Exton & Duane Marbles Kalzinski
Should be documented in leadership textbooks as cautionary tales of the lasting effects that poor leadership has on organizations. This was a top down cascade of failures in hiring poor leadership.
I'll never forget the day when the F.T.O. overlord announced that they were hiring a P.C.P. team to sell Leqvio.
He looked so proud. He told us all the other companies in pharma were either downsizing or right-sized, but Novartis was going to hire a primary care sales team to sell a buy and bill, biologic s.i.RNA technology.
Even in that moment, it was crystal clear that this was misguided depravity, and, at best, they were only going to serve as an unnecessary revenue drain.
Fast forward a few years, and here we are.
Exton was an irresponsible fuckup, but Duane made more hands-on, practical mistakes to destroy the C.V. division.

Mike Exton & Duane Marbles Kalzinski
Should be documented in leadership textbooks as cautionary tales of the lasting effects that poor leadership has on organizations. This was a top down cascade of failures in hiring poor leadership.
Dez Creary needs to be added to that list. Wasn't it convenient that he was non-existent today. He is a POS.

Email by the end of today.
National call tomorrow afternoon.
Wednesday individual placement calls.
Good luck everyone.
You were 100% spot on- thank you for sharing the real information with us. It helped to prepare me for what to expect because the whole thing was done in the dark it felt like. No one knew what has happening and when. So thank you for the clarity. Please feel free to share your insights anytime - we are listening.