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Culture at Abbvie

Managers are agents of the company not babysitters or friends of reps. You are supposed to generate top line revenue, period. So stop being negative and LEAD.

You are delusional. What do you manage? You are a babysitter. Customers call reps. Managers do conf calls, compliance, expenses and have very little value to our customers. Try and get a appointment on your own. Classic abbvie legacy. Self importantance and defensive the average mgr here.

You may not like it but this poster is spot on. It's the reps job to sell and the managers to lead, not be your friend.

No kidding. However, there's something to be said about creating a culture and inspiring a team. Just like being a coach. Managers are coaches. Managers and coaches can be assholes. As a rep or a player which style do you prefer? Being beat down or inspired? It's not rocket science. Sadly, our internal managers are clueless about the basics.

It's about building an effective team. A team that will go the extra yard. To provide them the resources to succeed. Help them improve and lean on them when needed. Of course we want better. But I will not ride them for not being top 5. We will get there. I've have many presidents club wins at my last job. And many repsake it over the years. You keep being a slave driver and I will be a builder or solid teams. Your a career ender. I'm a career builder. A culture of fear leads to zero.

It's about building an effective team. A team that will go the extra yard. To provide them the resources to succeed. Help them improve and lean on them when needed. Of course we want better. But I will not ride them for not being top 5. We will get there. I've have many presidents club wins at my last job. And many repsake it over the years. You keep being a slave driver and I will be a builder or solid teams. Your a career ender. I'm a career builder. A culture of fear leads to zero.

You're definitely external and a breath of fresh air! I'd work for you in a heart beat and trade in the good ole boy I'm stuck with!

I spent 6 years in the Air Force afer college. Managers that are hell bent fail. They do not get the respect of the men and women they are in charge of Performance although measured in metrics here is not always about that. May I suggest you read about the leadedship programs and their philosophy. I think USMA runs a 2 day seminar on leadership for the corporate world. You May Benifit! The poster is right. Be a builder of men and women not a windbag.

It's about building an effective team. A team that will go the extra yard. To provide them the resources to succeed. Help them improve and lean on them when needed. Of course we want better. But I will not ride them for not being top 5. We will get there. I've have many presidents club wins at my last job. And many repsake it over the years. You keep being a slave driver and I will be a builder or solid teams. Your a career ender. I'm a career builder. A culture of fear leads to zero.

Many Abbvie managers and higher ups lead out of fear. It has been a RARE occurrence, in many years here, that a manger has not lead in a "fear" based manner. I'm sure that is similar in other places, but it is so rampant here and the fact that externals have come in and most do not lead that way makes me feel like other places cannot be as bad as it is here! You don't get respect when you use scare tactics and bullying - you get short term results - yes, but your team hates your guts and will either A) have a nervous breakdown B) get another position within the company that's less abusive C) ultimately leave the company. This company doesn't want or care about your thoughts if they differ from the top. So - people walk around with bobble heads and are as fake as shit! Trust hardly anyone here and pray you get an external manager who has an original thought and can actually speak and lead with inspiration.

Meaning what?

Most ppl on this board aren't a good reference point … Generally not very happy people at all that think their s**t doesn't stink.

Not sure why most of these people stick around with AbbVie …. Most likely they can't find another company to hire them …. Negative and arrogant attitudes come through pretty loud in the interview process. I guess all of these guys aren't as good as they think -- Legends in their own minds.

Meaning what?

Yeah...if you talk to people that work at Abbvie one on one - they will tell you most of everything that is being said on cafepharma is the fuc$n' truth! This is the only place where you can say things that are TRUE and hope and pray enough people read it to think "you know what??? This shit is the truth... And I'm glad that i am not the only one who's thinking it" any people poo pooing the things being said are managers and higher ups that feel the need to defend their jobs The jig is up bully's and fear based leaders! Try to mess with us and we will have our providers call OEC to report your asses!

If you want a serious answer go talk to a few people that actually work for AbbVie.

exactly! Accept OP cannot talk to anyone that works at Abbvie because they ARE NOT a sincere nor are they a qualified candidate... More than likely they're an outsider collecting for a competitor. Getting paid to find out things about any inside sales force seems easy, only thing they have no qualification to engage in a qualified conversation, and they want information for free. No reason for any of us in our right mind to simply hand it over and do their job for them. So They think baiting with an approach on CP is an easy lay up...hahaha! Hope they enjoyed reading all the BS their post generated....to those that think they are having intellectual conversation on CP...got some news for you.... you ain't.

I spent 6 years in the Air Force afer college. Managers that are hell bent fail. They do not get the respect of the men and women they are in charge of Performance although measured in metrics here is not always about that. May I suggest you read about the leadedship programs and their philosophy. I think USMA runs a 2 day seminar on leadership for the corporate world. You May Benifit! The poster is right. Be a builder of men and women not a windbag.

You obviously get it. People want to be led, not managed. When you get a well led team, they hold each other accountable and support each other. But accountability must start at the top, otherwise it is hard to get buy-in from the boots on the ground.

Agreed. I had a boss who was a total tool from HQ at my old job. He went through 10 reps in 4 years. Worst boss ever yet HQ loved him. He then went back to HQ for a promotion. My new manager was a women. I was a bit worried. She was a West Point grad. In three years we did no loose one rep. Two were promoted. She was then promoted to HQ. The old boss ended up working for her. He was then caught sleeping with a rep from another group and got canned when he threatened the rep and his boss that he knew the big boys. No luck security tossed him out. Long story short I would take a manger like her back in a minute.

Meaning what?

I work for Abbvie. The above is my post (question) and let's be honest since they spun us off nothing has changed but our name. Defensive management, unhappy reps, worries about job security, major ego's, yes men and women, backstabbing, head bobbing followed by people talking out of both sides of their mouths. I have had more manager's than I care to count - all the same when pressure is applied from up top. Go ahead and make your snarky, smart ass comments but we all know this to be true.