criminalizing sex outside of marriage

Not buying it Gams....and I've seen you source your graduate work previously. All lalaland unsourced BS.

Do religious people cheat? Absolutely. At the same rate as secularists people? Not even close. an aside....which I argued way...way up above.....cheating/broken marriages/single moms........all have a deleterious effect on our children's lives. The ball don't lie....when it comes to the the social discourse from these activities.

During child bearing years, one has a social responsibility (or at least should) regarding pulling one's own weight. When Sally Jessie Jones has 9 puppies without a dad or a fucking job, then we become a decadent society and a burden to those that actually give a shit.

I never did a fuggin "thesis" on it....but I can pretty much figger it out. Millions of kids out of wedlock blows do single parent homes.

Now....with that all said...if you, LLB, or Vag wanta bang a hundred different people at your age...then knock yourself out....because I....don't give a shit. Your promiscuity is not taxing on our society at this point of your lives.

This is why Hairy is considered a genius around here.

This is why Hairy is considered a genius around here.

Hairy was careful to separate the promiscuity issue from the single-parent family issue. I think that the three of us (GG, Vag, and me), all have lived up to our parental responsibilites and then some. My daughter is down this week and we went to the Rangers ballgame tonight. She pouted the whole way there, but she and I can always have a good time together, because we have the same sense of humor, so we ended up having a great time. She is adopted, but has my personality and Point of View totally. I wouldn't have missed child-rearing for anything, and I'd quit fucking around tomorrow, if it meant my relationship with her could be jepordized. My kids come before all else.

Libs, this is where I know I'm not right as my animals come before everything. . . well, except my mom. However, I would do anything and even die for my children. I would not "die" for my pets. However, my animals bring me more unadulterated joy than any human being anywhere on this planet. I have dumped many a man over my pets. They are everything to me. One in particular when she dies, I think it will probably kill me. Even my kids know I'm a total animal nut. (I have gotten worse after my kids grew up.) I carry them in my pockets/coat, sleep with them, kiss them, buy them special toys, groom them constantly, buy special treats, brush their teeth. Mr. Gams says the minute I leave the house, they wait by the door for me to return. LOL

Folks: NO!!! My house is spotless and does not smell. (Just a note since this thread is about sex - my pets watch and it is creepy.)

Not buying it Gams....and I've seen you source your graduate work previously. All lalaland unsourced BS.

Do religious people cheat? Absolutely. At the same rate as secularists people? Not even close. an aside....which I argued way...way up above.....cheating/broken marriages/single moms........all have a deleterious effect on our children's lives. The ball don't lie....when it comes to the the social discourse from these activities.

During child bearing years, one has a social responsibility (or at least should) regarding pulling one's own weight. When Sally Jessie Jones has 9 puppies without a dad or a fucking job, then we become a decadent society and a burden to those that actually give a shit.

I never did a fuggin "thesis" on it....but I can pretty much figger it out. Millions of kids out of wedlock blows do single parent homes.

Now....with that all said...if you, LLB, or Vag wanta bang a hundred different people at your age...then knock yourself out....because I....don't give a shit. Your promiscuity is not taxing on our society at this point of your lives.

Brilliant post Dingy! Spot on

Hate to be a dumbass but how much did you say it's up?

Yet, you continue to be a dumbass. I thought I made clear that I didnt' buy for the short term.

Seriously, let's not play this everyday.

As you and your Somali Butt Pirate buddy Brokeback Chancre like to say, "you started it"

My take -

bottom line, Marvell is as cheap on a net cash basis as it's been other than the 2008/2009 extreme lows.

So you agree with me

This gets even better considering their new product introduction pipeline with much growth potential.

So you agree with me

The company's P/E just under 12, the forward at 9.4 and the forward less cash is a mind boggling 6.1 times.

So you agree with me

The reason I'm not buying is it has a beta of 1.3 and that's one of my criteria.

So you can't handle the risk

As I menetioned earlier, it isn't my strategy that you are bothered by, it is the fact that I have the balls (and the years left) to gamble a little bit. That is OK that you don't have the balls to do it. Don't be a hater. I agree that we can go back and forth on the day to day machinations of the stock market. Bottom line is that, risky or not, the company is priced below its intrinsic value. Let's see where it is a year from now

As I menetioned earlier, it isn't my strategy that you are bothered by, it is the fact that I have the balls (and the years left) to gamble a little bit. That is OK that you don't have the balls to do it. Don't be a hater. I agree that we can go back and forth on the day to day machinations of the stock market. Bottom line is that, risky or not, the company is priced below its intrinsic value. Let's see where it is a year from now

Actually you agreed with me on the dividend yield criteria since I bought T & VZ before you posted on MRVL. Let's take a look in a year, I wish you luck. I have the balls, I can handle the risk, I have my sytem, you have yours. For example I bought AAPL the day they announced the iPOD @ $205. It's now $340ish. Did you buy it?

My purchases this past year have been AAPL, T & VZ. I'm doing just fine.

Again, I wish you luck and will be the first to say it was a good play if/when it hits.

Libs, this is where I know I'm not right as my animals come before everything. . . well, except my mom. However, I would do anything and even die for my children. I would not "die" for my pets. However, my animals bring me more unadulterated joy than any human being anywhere on this planet. I have dumped many a man over my pets. They are everything to me. One in particular when she dies, I think it will probably kill me. Even my kids know I'm a total animal nut. (I have gotten worse after my kids grew up.) I carry them in my pockets/coat, sleep with them, kiss them, buy them special toys, groom them constantly, buy special treats, brush their teeth. Mr. Gams says the minute I leave the house, they wait by the door for me to return. LOL

Folks: NO!!! My house is spotless and does not smell. (Just a note since this thread is about sex - my pets watch and it is creepy.)

Funny, when our dog sleeps with us, if my wife and I start to fuck, she goes jumps off, and goes to the other room until we are done. She doesn't want to be there either. I agree with animals GG. and their unwavering love. Plus, they aren't as high-maintenance as kids are. They can be as expensive though. The Vetrinarian business is a great gig.

Actually you agreed with me on the dividend yield criteria since I bought T & VZ before you posted on MRVL. Let's take a look in a year, I wish you luck. I have the balls, I can handle the risk, I have my sytem, you have yours. For example I bought AAPL the day they announced the iPOD @ $205. It's now $340ish. Did you buy it?

My purchases this past year have been AAPL, T & VZ. I'm doing just fine.

Again, I wish you luck and will be the first to say it was a good play if/when it hits.

I think you meant to say iPad. I didn't buy AAPL. It is an attractive stock, and it definitely has a higher intrinsic value than the current market value.

I haven't bought the stock for two reasons.

1) The health of Steve Jobs. There are very few companies where the CEO is the driving force and Apple is one of them.
2) Which is related to the first is that Apple is getting a lot of competition from Android in the Smartphone space and the intensity of the competition in tablets is only going to increase. Without Jobs can Apple maintain its edge?

BTW, Apple's Dividend Yeild is 0% so you are flexible on your criteria ;)

I think you meant to say iPad. I didn't buy AAPL. It is an attractive stock, and it definitely has a higher intrinsic value than the current market value.

I haven't bought the stock for two reasons.

1) The health of Steve Jobs. There are very few companies where the CEO is the driving force and Apple is one of them.
2) Which is related to the first is that Apple is getting a lot of competition from Android in the Smartphone space and the intensity of the competition in tablets is only going to increase. Without Jobs can Apple maintain its edge?

BTW, Apple's Dividend Yeild is 0% so you are flexible on your criteria ;)

Went to the Apple Store this morning and the guy said that they have a line every morning when they open for the IPad 2's. So, I ordered it online and it ships within 2-3 WEEKS! Isn't it interesting that this is one of the few companies, where the CEO is so crucial? Most of them are useless fuckups. I know zero about investing, but can spot a dumb-shit CEO a mile away. Apple has flipped spots with Microsoft in the past 15 years. Remember how dead they were and how hot Microsoft was in the mid-90's?

Vag: I could have a hayday with the King James version and what IT says about screwing around. Believe it: Men can fck anything they want and r3pe is encouraged. This version of the Bible is considered the closest most scholarly interpretation of the Old Testiment from all the versions and it is SHOCKING. I did my best to not feel sick when I read it cover to cover, really. Please folks, go to

The site is rather offensive but uses actual quotes from KJV not taken out of context for a real eye-opener. . . My point at the end of my diatribe was how wonderful it would have been to have that ideal life that my mom and dad had. I don't have it - not even close and damn I tried and tried. They had that spark for fifty years! LIBS, VAG, Rhianna and few others get it. (And, no, there is no way to mold what I have into that dream!)

Now, I'm not knocking what people want to believe but some of you are going to have to stop ASSUMING I'm a sleezebag with no values and throw the Bible into your theory. (WRONG!) You MAY think I'm going to burn in hell. (FINE!) However, according to the KJV and if my husband orders me to perform for other men, it is perfectly acceptable, and that IS in the Bible!

Oh, flame on. . .

The idea of 'burning in hell' strikes me as archaic as being rewarded a bunch of 'virgins' when you die. Both extremist views in religions that have 'some' good points as far as providing a code to live by in more realistic forms.

I do kind of like that idea of the wife 'performing upon her husband's orders' though. Maybe I should get married? LOL!

I don't think you're a sleaze bag. I think you're very much like many, if not the majority, here on the playground. We've served our time and now it's time to get our share.
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I think you meant to say iPad. I didn't buy AAPL. It is an attractive stock, and it definitely has a higher intrinsic value than the current market value.

I haven't bought the stock for two reasons.

1) The health of Steve Jobs. There are very few companies where the CEO is the driving force and Apple is one of them.
2) Which is related to the first is that Apple is getting a lot of competition from Android in the Smartphone space and the intensity of the competition in tablets is only going to increase. Without Jobs can Apple maintain its edge?

BTW, Apple's Dividend Yeild is 0% so you are flexible on your criteria ;)

I meant to say iPAD. We both know about typos. I don't even have an iPAD or iPhone or iPOD or any otyhe Mac product in my house. Yes, I'm flexible in my criteria but careful and keep a certain fixed percentage of my portfolio for those investments. That percentage is currently filled up although I'm thinking of taking my profit in AAPL, keeping my initial investment, setting the cash aside and looking around for another product.

Good luck on MRVL, it could be a serious winner and like I said, it's on my radar.

I currently have two cats and a border collie - all rescue pets. To think how advanced we have become as a civilization, but yet still need to have animals around us and let them sleep in our beds at night.

I meant to say iPAD. We both know about typos. I don't even have an iPAD or iPhone or iPOD or any otyhe Mac product in my house. Yes, I'm flexible in my criteria but careful and keep a certain fixed percentage of my portfolio for those investments. That percentage is currently filled up although I'm thinking of taking my profit in AAPL, keeping my initial investment, setting the cash aside and looking around for another product.

Good luck on MRVL, it could be a serious winner and like I said, it's on my radar.

Can never go wrong taking a profit ;)

Vag: I could have a hayday with the King James version and what IT says about screwing around. Believe it: Men can fck anything they want and r3pe is encouraged. This version of the Bible is considered the closest most scholarly interpretation of the Old Testiment from all the versions and it is SHOCKING. I did my best to not feel sick when I read it cover to cover, really. Please folks, go to

The site is rather offensive but uses actual quotes from KJV not taken out of context for a real eye-opener. . . My point at the end of my diatribe was how wonderful it would have been to have that ideal life that my mom and dad had. I don't have it - not even close and damn I tried and tried. They had that spark for fifty years! LIBS, VAG, Rhianna and few others get it. (And, no, there is no way to mold what I have into that dream!)

Now, I'm not knocking what people want to believe but some of you are going to have to stop ASSUMING I'm a sleezebag with no values and throw the Bible into your theory. (WRONG!) You MAY think I'm going to burn in hell. (FINE!) However, according to the KJV and if my husband orders me to perform for other men, it is perfectly acceptable, and that IS in the Bible!

Oh, flame on. . .

No flame, just some correction.

While God has tolerated much bad behavior and lots of sexual misdeeds are recorded in the Bible, that does not mean that God approved of them.

The record is actually quite clear from Adam and Eve in Genesis to the words of Jesus and the writings of Paul and other writers in the New Testament. God's plan for intimate relationship is one man with one woman for life in a monogamous relationship.

The ethics of sexuality are quite clear and consistent in the Bible.

The idea of 'burning in hell' strikes me as archaic as being rewarded a bunch of 'virgins' when you die. Both extremist views in religions that have 'some' good points as far as providing a code to live by in more realistic forms.

I do kind of like that idea of the wife 'performing upon her husband's orders' though. Maybe I should get married? LOL!

I don't think you're a sleaze bag. I think you're very much like many, if not the majority, here on the playground. We've served our time and now it's time to get our share.

Only a fool tries to equate extremist Islam with mainstream Christianity, just sayin.

As for the idea of burning in Hell striking you as archaic, if there is no transcendent morality and no reward or punishment for transgressing said morality, then there is no difference between Hitler and Mother Theresa. I choose not to believe that is the case. I also think based upon some very good reasons that that is not the case.

Basically, if there is no Hell, then there is no moral difference between murdering one of your daughters in some particularly heinous fashion and giving my life in order to save hers. In your moral universe one action is as good as another. Is that they sort of moral universe you choose to believe we live in?

Ah, the New Testament - exactly. The KJV is as close as it gets to the Old Testament and orginal version of the Bible. What I stated (above) is in there (see below for a small search sampling). I really don't feel like playing Bible games so I have attached a thread where you can search the various versions and see the differences. This is why, for me, it is just a book (well group of books) and a pretty strange doctrine at that . . . course I think most religions are strange, unrealistic, dogmatic and separatist.

Go to the King James Version (not the new one). I have looked at a number of these versions under different topics. (Yes, I even went to Bible study at one point in my life.) Each version is so different it makes any Christian religion seem like THEY have picked through what is acceptable for the day and thrown out what was distasteful with the exception of KJV. OK, here is what KJV says about women. It is close to ridiculous, maybe even offensive and it is the most accurate interpretation of God's word. . . (or so scholars say)

"Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." Genesis 3:16

Women were created to be inferior.

"Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof." Genesis 19:8

Lot attempts to let a crowd of sodomites r8pe his two virgin daughters instead of strangers.

"And thy estimation shall be of the male from twenty years old even unto sixty years old, even thy estimation shall be fifty shekels of silver, after the shekel of the sanctuary. And if it be a female, then thy estimation shall be thirty shekels. And if it be from five years old even unto twenty years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male twenty shekels, and for the female ten shekels. And if it be from a month old even unto five years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver, and for the female thy estimation shall be three shekels of silver. And if it be from sixty years old and above; if it be a male, then thy estimation shall be fifteen shekels, and for the female ten shekels." Leviticus 27:3-7

These verses put a monetary value on female inferiority.

"When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the LORD thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive, And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife; Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house, and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails; And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife. And it shall be, if thou have no delight in her, then thou shalt let her go whither she will; but thou shalt not sell her at all for money, thou shalt not make merchandise of her, because thou hast humbled her." Deuteronomy 21:10-14

Women are allowed to be taken and r8ped as prisoners of war, and then they can't even be sold because of their inferiority.

"If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days." Deuteronomy 22:28-29

If you r8pe a women, you do have to pay fifty shekels though. Which, may I point out, is 20 shekels MORE expensive than a woman's worth according to Leviticus 27.

OK. . . I could and will go on and on with this if that is where this goes, just not until maybe Friday. Feel free to find your NEW improved friendly version of God's word and let me know all about it and the treatment of women. BTW: Where are the pets?

I currently have two cats and a border collie - all rescue pets. To think how advanced we have become as a civilization, but yet still need to have animals around us and let them sleep in our beds at night.

There is nothing quite like feeling sad and having your favorite pet sense it and come and lay his or her head on your lap. They give you that look, maybe purr (if a cat) and their warmth radiates through your tired body seemingly restoring you to life. . . ok, I love my kitties. I imagine the same joy has been felt by "man" through the ages towards their animal companions, our tiny spiritual guardians.
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