Well, I actually did graduate work on infidelity and the topic of gender and sexual orientation, and found some very interesting things: 1) relgious people cheat just as much as agnostics or atheists (SURPRISE!), Unfortunately, it comes as no surprise to me. However, all "religious" people are not the same. I figure there is an inverse relation between infidelity and things like frequency of church attendance and prayer.2) someone's sexual preferences as long as they are not criminal have nothing to do with any other aspect of their "morality" or decision-making abilities. Hence, some of our greatest presidents and generals were philanderers and gay.Homosexuals are over-represented by a factor of 10 in terms of pedophilia given their prevalence in the population. Also, I'm pretty sure that suicide and substance abuse rates are higher for homosexuals as well. Oh, and I don't buy the argument that this is due to how society "persecutes" gays. So, I'm not sure the facts support you here. 3) happiness in a marriage IS defined by one sociosexuality meaning if you like to swing from the lights and your partner wants to hide in the dark, it is a doomed relationship. 4) Happy marriage or lasting marriage is also defined by shared values and beliefs. This is why two people with equal religious views could easily find themselves on the exact same page sexually without ever having "that" discussion. Problem with that, it causes relgious types to view the world from THEIR point of view, Everybody has a "religion" ie a worldview and everyone views the world from THEIR point of view so I don't see any "problem" with "religious types"which leads now to this thread today. I am your opposite and have a partner with the exact same point of view, values, beliefs and sociosexual nature. I would never think to make you uncomfortable and suggest that you try swinging or having threesomes or cheat and tell each other dirty stories. So, don't assume we are headed for trouble. My children do not live with me. If they did, my behavior might very well be different. Had I not died for three years, my behavior might be different but these are all hypothetical. Reality is where I live - in the moment and since I don't have that long, I'm going to have fun. I imagine this too will pass. Oh, and I have the right to believe in "my" God and not have to follow a doctrine that I believe is false. Of course you do. I certainly haven't suggested anything to the contrary, but that's why I took the conversation out of the realm of personal beliefs and placed it into the practical scope of what works for societies. Certain individuals like you and your husband, may be able to beat the odds, but that still doesn't make it the wisest lifestyle choice for society as a whole. The truth is that Biblically based societies are successful societies.Quantum physics and the God Particle will prove both of our viewpoints correct. . . now that's the funny part.
You must have missed the part where I did admitt that my lifestyle was probably not the best way to conduct life but it is acceptable right now because it makes my life tolerable as opposed to wanting to blow my brains out.