Creationism's Top 10

I am still waiting to meet any creationist who has even a junior high school level understanding of evolution or science. It is painful to listen to them.

Well, when you are dead, you don't know that you are dead. It is difficult only for the others.

It is the same when you are stupid.

Please inform us . . . Do you really believe in Creationism and that the earth is 6,000 years old and that modern man actually co-existed with dinosaurs?

I believe in Creationism which is far broader than the factors that you associate with it.

But hey, the 6000 year/dinosaur crowd makes more sense than what you believe which is grounded in the blindest of faith.

"A child asks his creationist father how far away is the farthest star from Earth. The father answers, "I don't know, son, but if it's more than 6,000 light years, its a sinner."


Say you met a person in their 40's who believed without a shadow of a doubt that Santa Claus was real, delivered toys to the children of the world once a year on Christmas Eve and had a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer. They had stacks of books with contradictory explanations for every element of Santa Claus mythology and no matter what facts they are confronted with, they always fell back to the "you just have to have faith" defense when pinned down.

Do you then consider that this person is on to something because of their conviction? Or do you realize that no amount of fervent belief makes a fairy tale true?

That's how it is with Creationism. It's a fairy tale that believers desperately want to be true. Wishing doesn't make it so, and the longer they cling to outdated dis-proven mythologies, the more of a fool they appear.

Atheist - someone stupid enough to think everything came from nothing!

Not quite - everything came from the elements, molecules, energy and laws of physics in our Universe that are all 'eternal' - just as you believe your god is. Not really a difficult concept.

Say you met a person in their 40's who believed without a shadow of a doubt that Santa Claus was real, delivered toys to the children of the world once a year on Christmas Eve and had a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer. They had stacks of books with contradictory explanations for every element of Santa Claus mythology and no matter what facts they are confronted with, they always fell back to the "you just have to have faith" defense when pinned down.

Do you then consider that this person is on to something because of their conviction? Or do you realize that no amount of fervent belief makes a fairy tale true?

That's how it is with Creationism. It's a fairy tale that believers desperately want to be true. Wishing doesn't make it so, and the longer they cling to outdated dis-proven mythologies, the more of a fool they appear.

LOL! So says the man who has more BLIND faith invested his beliefs than I do.

Tell you what. Why don't you learn to put forth an honest example illustrating creationism. You have failed miserably with this attempt.

Not quite - everything came from the elements, molecules, energy and laws of physics in our Universe that are all 'eternal' - just as you believe your god is. Not really a difficult concept.

You don't have a clue. Here's how off base you are. I can allow your premise and you still come out a loser because elements aren't going to organize themselves.

And your 'god' isn't going to create himself either.

You don't know that because GOD is beyond your ability to analyze and observe.

We can observe the physical universe and examine how it works and based upon that we know that elements don't organize themselves.

This is a loser logically and philosophically for you but I'm sure you'll continue to embarrass yourself with dime store theology. LOL!