Crab cake

You are such a pain in the ass with your BS comment. It has nothing to do with the crab cake issue. Shut the F*CK up and get with it. This thread is dedicated to one thing, and that is pointing out what we all ask ourselves: where is the crab cake?

You are such a pain in the ass with your BS comment. It has nothing to do with the crab cake issue. Shut the F*CK up and get with it. This thread is dedicated to one thing, and that is pointing out what we all ask ourselves: where is the crab cake?

see?? duplication....not good

hmmm I wonder now that JZ has been fired in hotlanta if she be purchasing her options...hers been issued at 'roun ten cent a piece when she signed on in da 90's...word she be rappin' now with the REAL dem JZ Squared

Just listen to Ron's message every week. Does he sound happy? Why does he have to keep on reminding us how to postition our products and how to sell? We are still waiting to see who's heads are going to roll since the serology 7 mess!?

"Good Monday Fellow Prometheians" "Now, this week we want you to sell this way. Since the other ways are not working and maybe the doctors will buy into it"

Just listen to Ron's message every week. Does he sound happy? Why does he have to keep on reminding us how to postition our products and how to sell? We are still waiting to see who's heads are going to roll since the serology 7 mess!?

"Good Monday Fellow Prometheians" "Now, this week we want you to sell this way. Since the other ways are not working and maybe the doctors will buy into it"

I have yet to hear him mention the use of crab cakes on territory.

Sometimes, I like to eat crab cakes, and then I sprinkle some powdered sugar on my nose, so people think I am high on cocaine. Isn't that crazy? Man, I can't believe I told you that.

Pretend I didn't. And you don't know about my habits that are so unusual.

Just listen to Ron's message every week. Does he sound happy? Why does he have to keep on reminding us how to postition our products and how to sell? We are still waiting to see who's heads are going to roll since the serology 7 mess!?

"Good Monday Fellow Prometheians" "Now, this week we want you to sell this way. Since the other ways are not working and maybe the doctors will buy into it"

After the latest round of bonus checks, Crab Cakes are not happening anytime soon! Ron, your messages are pathetic! so are the numbers. if you are considering taking a position here, consider again somewhere else. you have been warned. Next time PIPs are in order!

After the latest round of bonus checks, Crab Cakes are not happening anytime soon! Ron, your messages are pathetic! so are the numbers. if you are considering taking a position here, consider again somewhere else. you have been warned. Next time PIPs are in order!

Just do what I do after the latest installment of "My Fellow Promethians." Find the nearest crab shack, order a couple patties, and just remind yourself that it's 5 o'clock somewhere! Then in no time it is 5 o'clock and you call in your success story and get home to check CP.