if you think Forest is not ripe for downsizing or a takeover you ARE drinking the kool-aid. What I'm getting ready to say isn't exactly something to be proud of, but the track record cannot be denied. I started with another small startup pharma company more than 10 years ago. I thought I would get in on the ground floor and be a part of something big. Things started going downhill and I saw the writing on the wall and I got out. I had performed well though the company as a whole had not. Within a year the company's branded business had been dissolved and the company had been absorbed by another pharm company. I moved on to another start up specialty company and doubled my salary thinking this would be the big move that would get me in on the ground floor with stock options that would explode when the company took off. A little over a year later I saw the writing on the wall and again, though I was in the top 10 in the country in sales, made a move for purposes of stability. Within a year of leaving that company also ceased to have a salesforce. I was with Forest for 6 years until this past fall. The same behaviors that I observed with 2 previous companies more than prepared me for what I was seeing with Forest. I was in the top 25% of the company when I left last fall. Believe me when I say, Forest is grasping at straws right now. The contract force is a test run to see what kind of productivity they can get from external reps. As generic Lexapro cuts deeper and deeper into Forest's pockets work will become unbearable for a large portion of reps. I feel for many of you because it is only a matter of time. Forest's business model is unsustainable with the current revenue stream. There are not enough late stage products with high enough revenue projections in the pipeline to sustain the current level of sales activity. I wish you luck!