Contract with 300 Reps

Are they fuckin' kidding???
We need another 300 reps??
With complete lack of access and horrible managed care, this is one of the dumbest decisions I have ever seen

this is the beginning of the end...

and guess what? contract reps are cheaper than full-time reps

when frx still needs share voice and looks at expenses, guess who is going first???

you full time reps are toast, frx is bloated and due for some trimming

Yea not looking good, daliresp sales are terrible, vybriid will never
Replace lexapro share, linaclotide is a tiny market, even if approved cannot
Replace lexapro sales numbers.
I just wish the company would be honest

Are they fuckin' kidding???
We need another 300 reps??
With complete lack of access and horrible managed care, this is one of the dumbest decisions I have ever seen

For you this is dumb, but for Forest this is the best business decision because they can pay someone 35K -no car/benefit to do what we are currently doing.

Coming from someone who has been laid off in the industry, take an expansion of reps for what it's worth. In today's market, any type of expansion is positive. It could be alot worse. They could simply come to you and say they are laying off half of the sales force.

Contract reps can have base salaries anywhere from $55,000.00 up. Some specialty contract reps make up to $90,000.00 base. They do get benefits through their own company like Inventiv, PDI, and others.

Forest can hire contract them and not feel bad about it....instead of firing their own reps and still not feeling bad about it...Forest used to be a respectful company, they actually cared about their reps at one time and knew that they "drove the business". Now it is all about some idiot ABD, RD or DM trying to save their own job and throwing their reps under the bus. They don't care how long you have worked for Forest, that you have a family to support or if you are dying of cancer....they will always do what is best for them...and laugh about it to their other idiot managers. BS LOC's...LOW' is all just to say to their manager..."look...I have been trying to tell them...but they are not listening". Give me a freakin break. Quit the crap are losing great reps. Remember that you were a rep once, quit acting like you have all the answers and let us freakin sell!

Coming from someone who has been laid off in the industry, take an expansion of reps for what it's worth. In today's market, any type of expansion is positive. It could be alot worse. They could simply come to you and say they are laying off half of the sales force.

dont worry, that is still to happen when namenda AND daliresp both go generic in 2015

viibryd and bystolic arent going to float this bloated whale!!!

Forest can hire contract them and not feel bad about it....instead of firing their own reps and still not feeling bad about it...Forest used to be a respectful company, they actually cared about their reps at one time and knew that they "drove the business". Now it is all about some idiot ABD, RD or DM trying to save their own job and throwing their reps under the bus. They don't care how long you have worked for Forest, that you have a family to support or if you are dying of cancer....they will always do what is best for them...and laugh about it to their other idiot managers. BS LOC's...LOW' is all just to say to their manager..."look...I have been trying to tell them...but they are not listening". Give me a freakin break. Quit the crap are losing great reps. Remember that you were a rep once, quit acting like you have all the answers and let us freakin sell!

So true! It used to be a great company but now they really don't care about your loyalty, family, health, etc. Sad but true! The mgrs have no clue how to sell in this environment so all they know to do is be a puppet for the RD and ABD and give out LOC's and LOW's!! Such a classy, prestigious position...NOT!!!!

welcome new reps-we need more voice out here to sell these great new drugs-docs need more educating from rental car attendents and recent college grads at the local state college

The new reps will be forced to make 11-12 calls a day or be fired. All calls will be sig only and they will montier the start and end time of each rep. If you leave the field at 2 pm they will know and you will be written up.
Do it again , and you will be fired. A dream come true for forest mangement!!! No lucnh budget except a couple of 100 dollars for some bages or donuts. Use your own car and get a shit car allowance.

This is not a good sign. I would imagine the contracs rep will replace full-time employees as current products will not prevent Forest from falling over the profit cliff. Do not be surprised if you see at least 600 tossed to the street in the next 12 - 18months.

There will be 30 InVentiv managers hired nation wide.

Yep, 30 DMs and 300 reps. They will be in separate inVentiv districts but no difference otherwise. I keep reading references to "customer service reps" $35K, paid on calls, etc; that's not the model here. These teams will be fully trained and very experienced pharmaceutical sales reps. They will have exactly the same expectations, resources etc as the Forest reps. More people to drive the business...don't understand how that's bad. Anyone wants to come and help me make more bonus is welcome!

The InVentiv management team and field force are looking forward to working as a strong productive team. The professionals chosen for these positions will have both relationships and knowledge within the cardiovascular market. I believe that you will find this expansion to be beneficial and compliment the efforts of the Forest sales team. We are looking forward to helping to increase market share within a very competitive arena!


The InVentiv management team and field force are looking forward to working as a strong productive team. The professionals chosen for these positions will have both relationships and knowledge within the cardiovascular market. I believe that you will find this expansion to be beneficial and compliment the efforts of the Forest sales team. We are looking forward to helping to increase market share within a very competitive arena!