Forest can hire contract them and not feel bad about it....instead of firing their own reps and still not feeling bad about it...Forest used to be a respectful company, they actually cared about their reps at one time and knew that they "drove the business". Now it is all about some idiot ABD, RD or DM trying to save their own job and throwing their reps under the bus. They don't care how long you have worked for Forest, that you have a family to support or if you are dying of cancer....they will always do what is best for them...and laugh about it to their other idiot managers. BS LOC's...LOW' is all just to say to their manager..."look...I have been trying to tell them...but they are not listening". Give me a freakin break. Quit the crap are losing great reps. Remember that you were a rep once, quit acting like you have all the answers and let us freakin sell!