Continue to read if you want to make your bonus

Keep doing what your doing and you'll be looking for another job. I believe I heard they were going to implement a more strengent audit policy on expenses. So please get caught. Happy Holiday's everyone. May God Bless you all. Even the dirt bags that steal.

Quit being a slapdick and trying to scare people straight. Kowa is doing nothing of the sorts. Life is good!

Hey, I was previously employed by Big, MicroManaging, Pharma.
There is no way they can catch the 'bonuses" you reward yourself with via Expense Reporting if you do it correctly.
Its really NOT hard, just think it through first, and don't be too greedy
A few hundred extra/month is a nice "present", easy to hide, and small potatoes in the company big picture.

Again, think it through thoroughly, and don't be greedy.

Hey, I was previously employed by Big, MicroManaging, Pharma.
There is no way they can catch the 'bonuses" you reward yourself with via Expense Reporting if you do it correctly.
Its really NOT hard, just think it through first, and don't be too greedy
A few hundred extra/month is a nice "present", easy to hide, and small potatoes in the company big picture.

Again, think it through thoroughly, and don't be greedy.

Agreed, good words of advice.

Agreed, good words of advice.

How do you figure that these are good words of advice? Maybe I can give advice to your kids on how to cheat, steal, and lie. Maybe I can give good words of advice to your spouse on on how cheat on you without getting caught. It makes no sense why anyone would give this type of poor "advice", you people make me sick. I agree with an earlier post....Kowa sucks but you swallow.

Anybody who takes this "getting your bonus stolen out from under you" issue lying down is a big pu**y. Kowa wants you to continue working for them because you don't even have the cahonees to ask for vaseline. You meagerly carry on like a frigging martyr.

I'm not condoning stealing or padding your payckeck, or buying your buddies gas, or any of that, but whatever happens to Kowa from this point on, well, they brought it about themselves. They have noone to blame but their lamea**, inept, underqualified managers who don't even know how to run a contest.

By the way, you can always tell when mngmnt gets on a thread, such as the "All work and No Pay", stream, where, one manager says, "Somebody should bust a move on your a**"....."We will find you out"....but heck, mngmnt doesn't need an anonymous forum to make threats, Brad has already let everyone know he regrets hiring the experienced pharma people, and in addition, noone is working like they should. "But we're paying you a bonus for Q4"...I've heard this so much in the past few weeks I just want to vomit.

Well, for stealing 60% of our Q3 bonus, Kowa will no doubt take it in the sphincter, and I won't lose one wink of sleep.

Is management too simple to realize that if you garnish bonuses, you're going to get backlash? You think everyone is going to eat a shit sandwich lying down? The thing is, reps all over are engaging in this type of activity, the're just not talking about it here.

It is really refreshing to see a positive message on the company instead of the constant barrage of anonymous hatred posed here. I too really enjoy working here and while many may think the grass is greener at other companies I can tell you from experience it is not. There maybe more money in salary elsewhere, but I have had my bonus cut at other companies because we did not reach forecast so that's not new to me. The amount of paperwork and micro management here is 10 times less than my last company and to me that's worth a little less money. After watching my Lilly partner with her manager there is no way I would trade places with her. They are so micro managed and watching her detail nothing but the safety information made me want to vomit.

LOl you havent met my useless Kowa manager!!

Is management too simple to realize that if you garnish bonuses, you're going to get backlash? You think everyone is going to eat a shit sandwich lying down? The thing is, reps all over are engaging in this type of activity, the're just not talking about it here.

Kowa can audit me all f..... day, I have nothing to hide from their sorry asses. Unlike, KPA full of bs lies about contests, numbers, etc. I dont need to steal from them to make me feel accomplished!!

Here's a best practice that I've been doing for about six months. Save the ridicule and morality speeches. This jackbat of a company is taking my money so I am just getting back what is mine.

Been clearing, tax free mind you, close to $900 a month. False catering invoices, snacks and treats that are purchased and then returned. Keep the receipt, your credit card gets credited, and expense the transaction. I've got a buddy who "owns" a catering company who will provide me any type of receipt I need. I also make my own up on the computer, only really do 1 legitimate lunch a month.

You have got to be kidding me. Do you have no care for anyone else out there? Some of us work very hard - we do lunches daily and put our hearts into the work we do because we like what we do and take pride in what we do. It is so lame that you would jeopardize what we can do in the field. Yes, it hurt to lose in our bonus - but say you owned a company and a great new drug was launched with low is better than just laying people off or getting out of the business period. Try puting yourself in someone else's shoes instead of being so angry. Go somewhere else if you are not happy...don't bring the rest of the people down here.

FYI, I'm on lunch, Kowa mngmnt, so I'm not wasting any valuable call time.

So now Brad says there's a little pile of money left over, and guess what the brilliant braintrust over in Montgomery, and Brad, plan to do with it?? Well, instead of re thinking their collosal screw up regarding the Q3 bonuses, they plan on spreading a few thou around to all the lower end earners. Can anyone out there believe this sh**?? Does this motivate anyone at the top?? That's right, spread it around at the bottom. Well, I've said my piece. Now, time to get back to work so docs can write scripts so patients can go to pharmacies where my data won't be recorded. Another day. Thanks for nothing.

You have got to be kidding me. Do you have no care for anyone else out there? Some of us work very hard - we do lunches daily and put our hearts into the work we do because we like what we do and take pride in what we do. It is so lame that you would jeopardize what we can do in the field. Yes, it hurt to lose in our bonus - but say you owned a company and a great new drug was launched with low is better than just laying people off or getting out of the business period. Try puting yourself in someone else's shoes instead of being so angry. Go somewhere else if you are not happy...don't bring the rest of the people down here.

You are just a plain no self esteem having idiot!! You are good KPA material.

Regarding the little "raise" the low income earners will be receiving, I'm personally thrilled with the redistribution of wealth. Ha ha ha. I only lost about $300 or so in Q3 of last year, so my commission was not going to be so great anyway, but here I am, getting a $5000 to $10,000 raise in 2011. Wow. I love this company. And now, I'm going back to bed. Ha ha ha.