Continue to read if you want to make your bonus


Here's a best practice that I've been doing for about six months. Save the ridicule and morality speeches. This jackbat of a company is taking my money so I am just getting back what is mine.

Been clearing, tax free mind you, close to $900 a month. False catering invoices, snacks and treats that are purchased and then returned. Keep the receipt, your credit card gets credited, and expense the transaction. I've got a buddy who "owns" a catering company who will provide me any type of receipt I need. I also make my own up on the computer, only really do 1 legitimate lunch a month.

You can blame the company all you want but what you're doing is stealing. You are a thief. I'm a fellow rep here but I hope you get caught. I'm not happy either but I'm not stealing. That's the difference between you and I

you guys just figure this out?? Big pharma reps have been doing this for ages!

I know this company rips us off! What you are suggesting will only f... it for the rest of us, although KPA sucks balls. I will not lower my standards to meet theirs, besides I really doubt you are doing what you just posted. See what happens is there is an abundance of dirt bags in pharma and many are now part of the management at KPA.

Here's a best practice that I've been doing for about six months. Save the ridicule and morality speeches. This jackbat of a company is taking my money so I am just getting back what is mine.

Been clearing, tax free mind you, close to $900 a month. False catering invoices, snacks and treats that are purchased and then returned. Keep the receipt, your credit card gets credited, and expense the transaction. I've got a buddy who "owns" a catering company who will provide me any type of receipt I need. I also make my own up on the computer, only really do 1 legitimate lunch a month.

Being a Pharmaceutical Rep used to mean something, it was a career, it was a professional sales position. Believe it or not at one time it was an admired career and one that was hard to get into. It was a career that was also respected by the physicians.

However, it is people like you who have made this more of a job than a profession. It is people like you who make me sick. Yes, this type of stealing has been going on for a long time but it speaks more to your lack of character than it does to how bad Kowa has treated it's reps.

I am no fan of KPA. I am mad about the Q3 bonus, the lack of leadership, poor management decisions (on and on); but, you are the dog crap on the bottom of their shoes and I hope you lose your job and go to jail.

Lack of character you speak of? You people make me laugh, get off your high horses. Lack of character withdrawing a bonus from an entire sales force. What about that sample or two you took from the sample bin I am sure of sometime throughout your career? The rep pen that wrote real nice that you decided to keep? The store / restaurant who forgot to charge you for something but you didn't remind them of it? That magazine you kept from the doctor's office?

I am a DM, told my reps to do what they need to do to survive, I believe there are some of these things going on in my district. Happy reps mean hard working reps, which mean my botom line remains productive. Don't see what the big fuss is?

Lack of character you speak of? You people make me laugh, get off your high horses. Lack of character withdrawing a bonus from an entire sales force. What about that sample or two you took from the sample bin I am sure of sometime throughout your career? The rep pen that wrote real nice that you decided to keep? The store / restaurant who forgot to charge you for something but you didn't remind them of it? That magazine you kept from the doctor's office?

Exactly the kind of response you would expect from someone with a lack of character and no class. You are right, Kowa and Kowa management has no class either but just because Kowa stole from us you think it is ok to steal from them, you have lowered yourself to nothing more than a thief. No I have never taken a sample from a bin or a magazine from an office. I have used pens and pads supplied by my company but this is a far cry from what you are doing. I am not perfect but what you are doing is criminal. You know it is wrong and you just don't want to think you are the only one doing this. At the $900 a month, tax free, that you brag about you have more than gotten your bonus back but you continue to steal. You may tell yourself that you are just getting back what you deserve but you have gone way past it. Again, you are nothing but a thief who is trying to justify your actions and make yourself feel better by saying I'm not the only one. Nice try.

If the "catering" gig doesn't bear fruit or your not comfortable in that capacity, there are a few other options at your disposal.

First, sell discounted gas to your buddies, family, neighbors, etc. Fill up their tanks and then charge them half to three quarters of pump price, you've just created a win / win situation for everyone. You're cash heavy, they've got a full tank on half the going rate!

Groceries a little tight on the 40% bonus money? Shop til' your hearts content with this next caper at your local gas n' go convenient store. The key to this is DO NOT PAY at the pump!!! Liquor, beer, diapers for the know the drill. Fill it up about half a tank and then commence inside to take care of the groceries, spirits or whatever you need! Make sure they ring it up all together under gas or misc. merchandise. That's the real hidden value here! Build a relationship with the clerk and I promise it will pay divedends in the future! Good Luck!

Would anyone like to share any other success stories with your team? ...Stay tuned for the upcoming gift card scheme!

Being a Pharmaceutical Rep used to mean something, it was a career, it was a professional sales position. Believe it or not at one time it was an admired career and one that was hard to get into. It was a career that was also respected by the physicians.

However, it is people like you who have made this more of a job than a profession. It is people like you who make me sick. Yes, this type of stealing has been going on for a long time but it speaks more to your lack of character than it does to how bad Kowa has treated it's reps.

I am no fan of KPA. I am mad about the Q3 bonus, the lack of leadership, poor management decisions (on and on); but, you are the dog crap on the bottom of their shoes and I hope you lose your job and go to jail.

Not condoning stealing from anybody, but just think about it!! Is Kowa going to jail from stealing from its sales force? Screwing reps from legitimate scripts? Are any RD's VP's being held accountable for F.... reps over? Exactly, didnt think so! Just do your best to get out of this environment, most everyone else is.

Every company has their policies and terms of employment, some employees choose to implement their own. Guess it's the cost of doing business.

Stealing is bad will eventually get caught when you visit a Dr. office with lunch in your notes and someone mentions you haven't done a lunch in a while and their rxs prove it...then there's the itemized receipts..getting fired for stealing means you will never get another job handling an expense account...and Gas receipts are itemized...selling to your buddies makes you more of a loser...STOP!!! You make more money than 80% of the common man or woman. You will get caught!! How does jail time sound? how do sleepless nights sound? How does FIRED sound? Colleagues will rat you out too!! Shameful behavior and no conscinece. Ripping off the company is ripping off your future. Any DM that winks at this will be fired as well...not gonna last too long. Just do an honest day's work and maybe your sales will improve. You want a cell next to Madoff? Shame your family? Great example for all the family members when you buy them gifts with stolen money. This is not a movie it's real people you are hurting. STOP the MADNESS and GREED!!!

Stealing is bad will eventually get caught when you visit a Dr. office with lunch in your notes and someone mentions you haven't done a lunch in a while and their rxs prove it...then there's the itemized receipts..getting fired for stealing means you will never get another job handling an expense account...and Gas receipts are itemized...selling to your buddies makes you more of a loser...STOP!!! You make more money than 80% of the common man or woman. You will get caught!! How does jail time sound? how do sleepless nights sound? How does FIRED sound? Colleagues will rat you out too!! Shameful behavior and no conscinece. Ripping off the company is ripping off your future. Any DM that winks at this will be fired as well...not gonna last too long. Just do an honest day's work and maybe your sales will improve. You want a cell next to Madoff? Shame your family? Great example for all the family members when you buy them gifts with stolen money. This is not a movie it's real people you are hurting. STOP the MADNESS and GREED!!!

Why do I have a feeling you watch a lot of christian channels. They are the best examples of how to steal and make you feel good about it.

If the "catering" gig doesn't bear fruit or your not comfortable in that capacity, there are a few other options at your disposal.

First, sell discounted gas to your buddies, family, neighbors, etc. Fill up their tanks and then charge them half to three quarters of pump price, you've just created a win / win situation for everyone. You're cash heavy, they've got a full tank on half the going rate!

Groceries a little tight on the 40% bonus money? Shop til' your hearts content with this next caper at your local gas n' go convenient store. The key to this is DO NOT PAY at the pump!!! Liquor, beer, diapers for the know the drill. Fill it up about half a tank and then commence inside to take care of the groceries, spirits or whatever you need! Make sure they ring it up all together under gas or misc. merchandise. That's the real hidden value here! Build a relationship with the clerk and I promise it will pay divedends in the future! Good Luck!

Would anyone like to share any other success stories with your team? ...Stay tuned for the upcoming gift card scheme!

D-Bag number 2, dragging a lot of other people into your stealing trying to make yourself feel better. Kowa sucks but you swallow!

I happen to enjoy working for Kowa...I have been here for a good amount of years and yes we have our ups and downs but I wouldn't trade it for any of the big Pharma companys.I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and be thankful they gave you all a week and 1/2 to enjoy your holidays. I will continue to do my best in the New Year and work hard with the Lilly group to bring Livalo toone of the top statin's

I happen to enjoy working for Kowa...I have been here for a good amount of years and yes we have our ups and downs but I wouldn't trade it for any of the big Pharma companys.I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and be thankful they gave you all a week and 1/2 to enjoy your holidays. I will continue to do my best in the New Year and work hard with the Lilly group to bring Livalo toone of the top statin's

It is really refreshing to see a positive message on the company instead of the constant barrage of anonymous hatred posed here. I too really enjoy working here and while many may think the grass is greener at other companies I can tell you from experience it is not. There maybe more money in salary elsewhere, but I have had my bonus cut at other companies because we did not reach forecast so that's not new to me. The amount of paperwork and micro management here is 10 times less than my last company and to me that's worth a little less money. After watching my Lilly partner with her manager there is no way I would trade places with her. They are so micro managed and watching her detail nothing but the safety information made me want to vomit.

I cant believe anyone could stoop to this. I worked for other companies where I have my bonus taken away from me. It sucked and I was mad but it never made me want to steal from the company. Bonus is exactly what it is a bonus and while it sucks to have your money taken away for any reason, it does not give anyone the right under any circumstances to steal from one another. I have never posted before and will never again and I am sure these words wont make a difference to the ones who do this kind of thing but look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you had your own business would you want someone stealing from you. Also ask yourself do you think any company really enjoys taking bonus from anyone. Nothing good comes out of it but would you rather lose a few bucks or be back on the unemployment line. The grass isnt always greener on the other side regardless if you like your company or not but to think what your doing is right then I am feel bad for you. Imagine if you put real effort into doing your job instead of thinking of ways to steal, maybe some of these things that happened wouldnt have happened. Karma happens! I enjoy working for Kowa as well and while it may not be perfect I will take this over big pharma anyday! I will keep going out there trying to make the most I can for my family but I will do it the honest way!

Keep doing what your doing and you'll be looking for another job. I believe I heard they were going to implement a more strengent audit policy on expenses. So please get caught. Happy Holiday's everyone. May God Bless you all. Even the dirt bags that steal.