Conmed s***hole company

I wish I had invested in Tesla back when this thread first started. I would be super rich by now. I was busy trying to make so many numbers for the greedy upper management, and their silly run rates that get used as a weapon to pressure production to work as quickly as possible.

Lets just call it all about Christian values and your beliefs. If this was your company and your employees. What would your expectations be?

Christians made child marriage legal many years ago. Only a few states have banned it in the present. Think about that when you go to your money grabbing churches this Sunday.

Look, all of you whiney ass pussies just need to leave the building. This is your choice for income now. Many employees see a value in working at Conmed. Yes they have had management turnover at a higher than industry average in all factories. Hopefully they will at some point get it right. If you are competent in your position and play by the rules you will be fine. Show up, support your co-workers and be the best you can be.

If you are competent in your position and play by the rules you will be fine.

Not true! Do your job, play by the rules, give your all, and get demoted.

"play by the rules"? Nobody obeys the rules. Scrap isn't being counted accurately, and people don't follow procedures most of the time. The bosses act like they care about the "rules" and give their pitiful speeches on "following documentation", and then rules bend and break during overtime so we are mass producing/batching, skipping steps temporarily, using any tool we need, avoiding the hold shelf and NCR's in order to take apart something and fix the problem a.s.a.p., people crossing over so much there's nowhere to sit or cells are over crowded, machines and tables and racks are WAY TOO CLOSE for passing safety code, and the fucking a.c. is blowing cold air directly on people in MANY DEPARTMENTS while they're sitting down through most of their shift (assembly)....for what? We don't get the bonus. We don't get big raises either. We should hook up a.c. ducting to put excess air from the vents into the manager/team leader's office since they claim not to have any control over it. We know maintenance regulates it, we aren't stupid, but who commands maintenance??? We get treated like expendable disobedient dogs, so fuck the product and the company. Fuck off with your "rules". This is the an emotional circus with biased corrupt management with a stingy greedy budget. And nobody is following the rules. When authority treats us like we are always doing something wrong instead of listening and taking action, shit rolls uphill at that point ;) You fuck with us, we fuck with the product and anything else we can think of ;)

The boss's favorites are what's really getting to me for the recent 5+ years. Everyone that the boss likes the most, can get infinite warnings over most things that won't result in termination of employment. While others who seem to be isolated or unpopular for whatever reason is picked on over any opportunity.
Some moron wants the light on at a station that they're no even working at for most of their shift...??? So I turn it off, since I don't need it, it's wasting electricity, and nobody else is using it. The boss's pet paints a picture that i'm in "control" of other people's work areas and I need to leave lights on if others turn it on. Period. I said "No, I do NOT have to leave it on if nobody is even using it.". Then the boss snaps back with "Look, this person swings by the area from time to time and they need the light on, and you need to stop turning it off."
Then, not long after that, some random coworker felt pity on me and said "...they are just picking on you for fun since you aren't willing to be friends with them...". I said, "I know, and i'm in touch with a lawyer right now, and there's a few key witnesses who are going to come forth with me to court very soon, so I don't care about being fired anymore, i'll keep turning the light off mainly for reason that I don't need it, and it's extra light in my field of vision, it doesn't feel good to the eyes after a while. When i'm not here for a few days in a row, and there's about 10-25 people getting fired in one day, and some of them getting arrested, well, you'll figure it out ;)".

The boss's favorites are what's really getting to me for the recent 5+ years. Everyone that the boss likes the most, can get infinite warnings over most things that won't result in termination of employment. While others who seem to be isolated or unpopular for whatever reason is picked on over any opportunity.
Some moron wants the light on at a station that they're no even working at for most of their shift...??? So I turn it off, since I don't need it, it's wasting electricity, and nobody else is using it. The boss's pet paints a picture that i'm in "control" of other people's work areas and I need to leave lights on if others turn it on. Period. I said "No, I do NOT have to leave it on if nobody is even using it.". Then the boss snaps back with "Look, this person swings by the area from time to time and they need the light on, and you need to stop turning it off."
Then, not long after that, some random coworker felt pity on me and said "...they are just picking on you for fun since you aren't willing to be friends with them...". I said, "I know, and i'm in touch with a lawyer right now, and there's a few key witnesses who are going to come forth with me to court very soon, so I don't care about being fired anymore, i'll keep turning the light off mainly for reason that I don't need it, and it's extra light in my field of vision, it doesn't feel good to the eyes after a while. When i'm not here for a few days in a row, and there's about 10-25 people getting fired in one day, and some of them getting arrested, well, you'll figure it out ;)".

Grow up!

The pattern in mood change for everyone is positive once they quit. Even the ones that get fired are wondering why they worked there in the first place.
Those who still work there can still find a way to band together and demand change. If you do it individually, you'll be silenced or ignored.

The people here either choose to befriend you and protect you, or go against you and tell on you as much as possible. If they befriend you, they will learn as much as they can about you and eventually use it against you. This is a middle school environment.