Conmed s***hole company

Wow....why are people so angry? Certainly it cannot be related to the fact that USA Largo jobs are being moved to Mexico where the pay per hour is One Dollar Sixty Cents per hour. The fact is that Conmed Largo moved our very profitable 10k pump to Mexico only to realize a 20% failure rate in the field. Nice one Conmed. Guess where the pumps are assembled today???? Largo.......They continue to move products to Mexico with hopes that they will succeed and be profitable for the almighty shareholders. No body gives a shit about the skilled hourly workers. We are all just numbers in the game of greed.

Wow....why are people so angry? Certainly it cannot be related to the fact that USA Largo jobs are being moved to Mexico where the pay per hour is One Dollar Sixty Cents per hour. The fact is that Conmed Largo moved our very profitable 10k pump to Mexico only to realize a 20% failure rate in the field. Nice one Conmed. Guess where the pumps are assembled today???? Largo.......They continue to move products to Mexico with hopes that they will succeed and be profitable for the almighty shareholders. No body gives a shit about the skilled hourly workers. We are all just numbers in the game of greed.

Soon marijuana will be legalized in Florida. We aren't that angry. We wait patiently. Everything works out in the end. ;)

Try working in Emea. We are the orphaned children- we have way less that you all do. You global idiots think you have it bad, try walking a day in our shoes with leaders like Laurent (I have no clue who we are or what we do£) leading the charge! What fucking Hope do we have!!!!!

Try working in Emea. We are the orphaned children- we have way less that you all do. You global idiots think you have it bad, try walking a day in our shoes with leaders like Laurent (I have no clue who we are or what we do£) leading the charge! What fucking Hope do we have!!!!!
If your thinking about us in Largo you have a point. But have you ever been to Utica NY USA. There aren't any "Shit Holes" in the Congo, or Liberia, or the rest of Emea that compare to Utica.

So we can agree: We all got it bad. Some worse than others.

The problem is with sales leadership among all divisions all are in positions they should not be in and thus hire incompentence below them to keep their jobs!
Shit begets shit I know several highly compentent sales leaders who have not made it past hr screening I know bc i have discussed the roles and what conmeds shortcomings are only to reaceive a call that they did not make it past the hr screeners

All these regional managers And directors and vp of sales are shit and will not hire good people who will outperform them

They have been trying to sell this shithole company for years. Now in deeper debt per Buffalo Filter. Stock taking be hit. Curt already looking on who needs to be canned in 2019 to cut costs so Board of Directors who are a bunch of A -holes anyone won’t give him shit.

They have been trying to sell this shithole company for years. Now in deeper debt per Buffalo Filter. Stock taking be hit. Curt already looking on who needs to be canned in 2019 to cut costs so Board of Directors who are a bunch of A -holes anyone won’t give him shit.


Who can they get rid of?

Auditors are gone. Many engineers are gone. CI team gone. Second shift in a few departments gone. Many positions have been eliminated and never replaced. Some job positions used to have multiple people; now they have 2 people at most doing the job. Are they going to get rid of an entire shift? Are they going to get rid of many managers and make 1 go building to building regulating many departments on a 12 hour shift monday - sunday?