concur sucks a big ass

You are all missing the point. Concur is fabulous for accomplishing its #1 goal, to discourage you from submitting requests for reimbursement at all. Do you really think the company wants to pay you back? They are happy to have you not submitting reimbursement requests.

Agreed. CONCUR rejected my claims for the 11th time for the past 3 months. By next month I might not be able to claim as it expires. Seems like it never want to reimburse in the 1st place

Agreed. CONCUR rejected my claims for the 11th time for the past 3 months. By next month I might not be able to claim as it expires. Seems like it never want to reimburse in the 1st place
I have been using concur for years and have never had anything rejected or kicked back. Maybe you should consider doing it correctly. Usually helps.

Concur is garbage. I guess people on salary don't mind wasting time using this horrible app but commissioned sales people take it in the wallet.
This is BS. You aren't on commission and you don't have to pay business expenses. Concur is so elementary. If you cannot do expense reports you should not be in this field of business, or any business. Did you finish grade school?

the keys to concur success are:

1. Take the picture of your receipt right away.

2. If you can't find a receipt take a picture of your floor to make it think you have a receip so it won't reject your expense.

3. Be smarter than a doofus

2 1/2 hours. Whoever bought this system was a complete idiot!
I agree I worked for Concur clients were called names customer service is horrible. I tried to make it better but company Concur I think they just don't care, once software is sold your company?? Good luck for getting any support! We have to create a case and then toss it around nobody cares about open cases we just called these poor clients dummies! Yeah this is concur and yes I agree from user interface the system is complicated! Especially if you want to itemize hotel charges! If your company didn't buy this feature another pain! So i agree Concur SUCKS. From a previous employee.

Call Concur.

There are tons of short cuts that our managers won't tell us about.

Either they don't know about them, or they just don't want to tell us.

I heard about it from a bunch of people, and I gave it a shot. I finished in like 25 minutes this week, and the last time took me over an hour.

I explain, your company probably didn't purchase Admin support, this means when your company bought Concur we supposed to train your administrators if they completed their training in general when you the user have issues you can get tech support from your company.
Now if your admins are idiots and your company didn't purchase Admin support then nobody gonna help you.
Some companies purchase Admin and user support them user can give us a call and we will assist.
But overall Concur sucks.
Previous employee .

HAHA, I typed in Concur Sucks and got this thread! I work for a federal agency that uses concur...Holy Shit what a nightmare! Cancelled bookings, glitches up the ass. Whatever money the feds think they saved by switching to this turd is negated 10 fold by the time employees waste dealing with all the problems. We used "Govtrip" for a few years, not a bad system, there were issues but the work-arounds were easy....Not with Concur, the entire system needs a work-around.

Concur is a dead company it was bought out in 2015 I believe by SAP GERMAN company. So SAP they have their own travel and expense software but Concur??? Too big too messy and what is best they don't give a shit about clients! I worked there so I know. People who work there are superficial I have no idea how they are still in business??
So if your company gas issues with concur? Good luck I tell you we will create a case and this case will be tossed around by : I break it down.
By somebody in india! Then if your company's admin calls? Guess what they need to think about time lap between US and in India to handle your case.
Of course on concur side it's your fault you just don't know how to use the software. Customer service nobody cares nobody! When company implements stuff good luck I had clients yelling at me I was like OMG if I only knew more I would help!
Concur inside is the big mess do not except us to provide great service, owner who found this program sold it out so NOBODY CARES RIGHT NOW.