concur sucks a big ass

You are all missing the point. Concur is fabulous for accomplishing its #1 goal, to discourage you from submitting requests for reimbursement at all. Do you really think the company wants to pay you back? They are happy to have you not submitting reimbursement requests.

HAHA, I typed in Concur Sucks and got this thread! I work for a federal agency that uses concur...Holy Shit what a nightmare! Cancelled bookings, glitches up the ass. Whatever money the feds think they saved by switching to this turd is negated 10 fold by the time employees waste dealing with all the problems. We used "Govtrip" for a few years, not a bad system, there were issues but the work-arounds were easy....Not with Concur, the entire system needs a work-around.

Just awful. The GUI is crap. It's slow. Changes inputs randomly
Poorly designed.
Whovever sales this shit needs to come and work in Pharma- they would be excellent.

Just awful. The GUI is crap. It's slow. Changes inputs randomly
Poorly designed.
Whovever sales this shit needs to come and work in Pharma- they would be excellent.

I just started using this back in October for my new employer and there is a special place in hell for the person and or person who developed this garbage application. Last employer had an internal system using peoplesoft. 30 mins and I was done. Now it take 3+ hours. I want the entire concur organization (or at least the people who developed this joke of a system) to be locked in a cage and burned alive.

I just started using this back in October for my new employer and there is a special place in hell for the person and or person who developed this garbage application. Last employer had an internal system using peoplesoft. 30 mins and I was done. Now it take 3+ hours. I want the entire concur organization (or at least the people who developed this joke of a system) to be locked in a cage and burned alive.

Use the Concur iPhone or iPad app.

I do my expenses every two weeks and each report takes 15 minutes max.

If I ever interview for another job the first question I will ask is they use concur. If the answer is yes I will go to another company. These are the dumbest rocks I have ever seen working for them.

Wrong! This is a ridiculous comment unless you prefer to be a nonproductive employee for a company or your own business. There is a need to complain in order for change. The apps most simple, basic features should function properly and this one does not. I would rather spend company time making me and my company money rather than focus on hours of entering expenses. It is NONPRODUCTIVE and a WASTE of my time and company time. And if there are bigger issues than concur then shouldn't our time be focused on the bigger issues rather than spending 3-4 hours entering expenses? You make absolutely no sense. Perhaps you should revist your comment. You must work for concur. If so, fix the simplest issues!!!
Agree. As long as you are not doing it on your personal time then who cares how long it takes. Just log tot and do it. Stop complaining. There are bigger issues than concur

Talking about big arses, what about them mountain trolls!!!!!! Its cold in the Shire today and I have just lit my fireplace and will have a nice cup of steaming tea and good smoke with my pipe.

Why do we even bother

It's been 4 months and Concur still can't get their shit together! I mean damn duplicate transactions appear and then no transactions appear. I swear I'm ready to get rid of their incompetent asses!

One of the criticisms we get is, 'Does the world need Concur?' But you have to look beyond Concur, to the design, to the experience, to the empowering nature of the MakerBot and the community.