
DM here $8,000 a quarter on average. Some reps up $11,000.

This is a joke ... no DM has ever made $8,000 / QTR, much less a rep @ $11,000. That's a yearly total, trust me. DM target is less than $20k / year, and less than 20% of DM's make that. Heck, they didn't even pay out half of the quarterly bonuses from 2006 - 2008.

Company has struck gold in spite of itself, not because of leadership. Other than Proehl, the rest are a joke.

Per-year maybe. This company sucks. My counterpart never works. She's too busy shopping and going to the gym.

This is so true. The Inventiv Reps are just high paid UPS workers. I don't think my Inventiv counterpart has ever had a clinical discussion in her career. She's great at collecting signatures though...

Tell me about it, DMs are a joke, bonus sucks and the girl in Tx works a half a day and spends rest of day at gym and gets promoted. If you bitch enough or kiss ass enough you will make it. Crazy company. I'm just here for the stock options then I'm out.

The bonus is chump change with this company. The above poster put that a manager makes 8 per quarter the reality is that the reps make on average $8 grand per year on bonus. Which is way way below industry average. The reps that are crushing it have good coverage. Yes a few will make good money that is all . Please dont respond management, we know you have big stock options the rest of you guys dont

The bonus is chump change with this company. The above poster put that a manager makes 8 per quarter the reality is that the reps make on average $8 grand per year on bonus. Which is way way below industry average. The reps that are crushing it have good coverage. Yes a few will make good money that is all . Please dont respond management, we know you have big stock options the rest of you guys dont

Management here, yes we do have big stock options. I'm hoping to cash out very soon, so go bust your asses out there while I approve exp reports this morning... I have a 1 pm tee time tomorrow, its suppose to be 80 degrees. Anyone want to join me? In the mean time, please stop going to the gym and shopping you lazy fu$&^@ so we can make some decent bonuses. Daddy needs some new clubs...

The compensation is 4 times a year and pitiful. Like a thousand dollars. Most reps don't know that they are always changing the compensation plan midstream. They just did it for the new drug.
Also, you don't get paid for a prescription. You get paid based on some twisted way to shortchange the reps. Your pay is based on say, 150 pills of a certain medication will count as one prescription. It is not,"Dr writes an RX, Rx is filled, you get RX showing up in your numbers" It is like 4 RX's to be able to add up to enough to count as one.

Most of the reps don't even know that's how they get paid. They think one script is a script for them. Nope. Just shows who is a real salesperson and who isn't because if you don't know that, you didn't read your incentive plan, which is like a 50 page booklet made to be super confusing.

Who cares? Just let your Inventiv counterpart do all of the work and collect you measly bonus. Go to the gym, shop, spend time with your kiddos, enjoy this easy job.... I woooooork out...

The InVentiv reps I've met so far are some of the hardest working reps! Santarus is lucky to have them.

My Santarus counterpart has every excuse in the book to not work on Fridays. Maybe I should follow their lead, but someone has to bring home the bacon!

My Santarus rep is worthless too. She just works half of the day and shops, works out and picks up kids from daycare the second half. By the way she works out to much, she looks like a tranny. We are the ones that are carrying their ass. They dont have to work but we do. The same thing happens all over with our inventiv reps, these Santarus reps high paid worthless reps.

My Santarus rep is worthless too. She just works half of the day and shops, works out and picks up kids from daycare the second half. By the way she works out to much, she looks like a tranny. We are the ones that are carrying their ass. They dont have to work but we do. The same thing happens all over with our inventiv reps, these Santarus reps high paid worthless reps.

I wooorkout

My Santarus rep is worthless too. She just works half of the day and shops, works out and picks up kids from daycare the second half. By the way she works out to much, she looks like a tranny. We are the ones that are carrying their ass. They dont have to work but we do. The same thing happens all over with our inventiv reps, these Santarus reps high paid worthless reps.

Not on iPads? They track your every move all day with a locator.

My Santarus rep is worthless too. She just works half of the day and shops, works out and picks up kids from daycare the second half. By the way she works out to much, she looks like a tranny. We are the ones that are carrying their ass. They dont have to work but we do. The same thing happens all over with our inventiv reps, these Santarus reps high paid worthless reps.

You must me talking about NK. lol.

So i entered twelve calls today into my I-pad and banked five drive by pharmacy calls and Im ranked in the top of the class, but guess what I barely got a bonus. GPS THAT MANAGEMENT

Good for you, their biggest problem is that they have one week to withdrawel their marketing statement that says over eighty percent of patients with commercial insurance pau ten dollars for each prescription. Heads up management you are toast!