Obviously the poster meant to type MUST, but that was too hard for you to grasp. I am curious what the average bonus is for most districts.
Obviously the poster meant to type MUST, but that was too hard for you to grasp. I am curious what the average bonus is for most districts.
DM here $8,000 a quarter on average. Some reps up $11,000.
DM here $8,000 a quarter on average. Some reps up $11,000.
Per-year maybe. This company sucks. My counterpart never works. She's too busy shopping and going to the gym.
The bonus is chump change with this company. The above poster put that a manager makes 8 per quarter the reality is that the reps make on average $8 grand per year on bonus. Which is way way below industry average. The reps that are crushing it have good coverage. Yes a few will make good money that is all . Please dont respond management, we know you have big stock options the rest of you guys dont
Who cares? Just let your Inventiv counterpart do all of the work and collect you measly bonus. Go to the gym, shop, spend time with your kiddos, enjoy this easy job.... I woooooork out...
My Santarus rep is worthless too. She just works half of the day and shops, works out and picks up kids from daycare the second half. By the way she works out to much, she looks like a tranny. We are the ones that are carrying their ass. They dont have to work but we do. The same thing happens all over with our inventiv reps, these Santarus reps high paid worthless reps.
My Santarus rep is worthless too. She just works half of the day and shops, works out and picks up kids from daycare the second half. By the way she works out to much, she looks like a tranny. We are the ones that are carrying their ass. They dont have to work but we do. The same thing happens all over with our inventiv reps, these Santarus reps high paid worthless reps.
My Santarus rep is worthless too. She just works half of the day and shops, works out and picks up kids from daycare the second half. By the way she works out to much, she looks like a tranny. We are the ones that are carrying their ass. They dont have to work but we do. The same thing happens all over with our inventiv reps, these Santarus reps high paid worthless reps.
Not on iPads? They track your every move all day with a locator.