Company Finally Sold

Shionogi rep here.. my dm told me today get ready to start promoting naperlen since we purchased the company. Take it for what its worth not saying she knows all but did in fact say that today

Sorry but I call BS. If you know for a "fact" then who is the buyer? I just can't see another pharmaceutical company buying them.

The company maybe selling, but its not SOLD yet. If Shoogni is the buyer and they had a deal it would have to be public knowledge because they are a public company and by law they have to make annoucements like this public.

It will become public knowledge when the deal is done.
I am not sure if you all want this company to sell, or don't want this company to sell, but, if you work there, you sure seem like you hate it. So, why not go work somewhere else anyway? Regardless of if the company sells or not?
You all sound like a bunch of ungrateful haters.
If the company is so f'd up you think no one would want it or buy it, they, why do you work there? You need to believe in the company you work for and have some love for it.
I dont work there, have never been there, will probably never use any of their products
(accupunture, body cleansing, yoga, chiropractic, meditation, herbs are the way to go to heal).
Perscription drugs are a joke and kill and hurt people, so, I am not even sure WHY you want to sell them.
Anyway, I am just sayin.....
I know people who know people who know people and the company is sold OR let me put it this way, the company is in the process of being sold. The deal is almost done.
That's a fact.

Re: Company Finally Sol

Does any one know for how much the company will sell for? for how much stock options will be paid out for? When does Shonogai & Victory plan to make the announcement? Also do you have any idea if they plan to take the sales force? If you know anything please reply dont bash please its so annoying. Also what are the complications they are going to take on with the ongoing investigation?

There is nothing to know! Victory is not for sale! Now go sell something you idiots!

Right Victory is not for sale, but the products are sold! All the sales force will be out. Sorry to hear about anybody being outta work, but the company was always for sale and has made it clear that their sales staff is expendible. Glad I got out when I did. Goodluck to you all........

Why the anger for Shionogi. Shionogi is the buyer not the seller.

Ummmm...did you seriously ask that question? Do I really need to answer it for you? ok?

Shionogi bought us out. They didnt want $hit to do with the sales force, that comes from MG. Thats why I am angry and if you work for Victory and have a family to provide for, then you should be angry too.