Company Finally Sold

Ummmm...did you seriously ask that question? Do I really need to answer it for you? ok?

Shionogi bought us out. They didnt want $hit to do with the sales force, that comes from MG. Thats why I am angry and if you work for Victory and have a family to provide for, then you should be angry too.

But Shionogi didn't SELL us out and yes, I do have a family to provide for.

Keep convincing yourself that Victory was all bad. I promise you, I know for a fact, Shionogi is the one screwing us. Victory had to sell. Fed Gov made them.

Welcome to America dimwit. The Fed Gov can't make corporations DO anything. They can fine them, take away licenses, monitor them and generally make life miserable but they can't make a company sell off assets (except the IRS).

Welcome to America dimwit. The Fed Gov can't make corporations DO anything. They can fine them, take away licenses, monitor them and generally make life miserable but they can't make a company sell off assets (except the IRS).

Dimwit? You must be a government sheep. Haven't you figured out that our government can do whatever they want? Where have you been the last few years?

As I said, I know for a FACT that this is what happened. Why do you think the stock options are worth nothing? It's because we were told by the OIG to liquidate all assets and to shut down operations. It all relates to the ongoing investigation of the company.

I feel sorry for you being so naive.

Absolutely no way the govt forced this. Lets take a different stab. Products arent growing, capital is tight, Hect, and his brother, wants to become millionaires. Schinoggi sucks since buying sciele and has egg on their face for buying a portfolio of crap products such as lipofen(which is dead now after the Accord study). Schinoggi needs one more revenue pop so thsy can get out of dodge, Hect shits himself over lost money, time and a sure to convict OIG investigation. Schinoggi says hey victory, I will bail you out with a 1x sales offer. Ill take your shit products and low margins for 1x annual sales, but you own the company, because we dont want any investigation. Hect has a bunch 0f .001 cost optionsand says hum 5 bucks a share, no more products, and hopefully goolsby bites the bullet for OIG. Hect clears about 8 million, schionoogi pats themselves for a 1x deal and everyone at Victory gets the shaft

Commendable analysis. But it isn't the truth. I've been telling you people since day 1 we are one believed me. Now I am telling you why we are sold. Your choice whether you want to believe it or not. I feel like I have earned the right to be listened to.

Oh, and by the way, products aren't growing? Rybix has had all time highs for the last few EV's and Naprelan has been on a roll. Do you even work for Victory? Or are you a disgruntled fired employee?

Good riddance, Victory! I feel bad for those who are now out of jobs and thought that Victory would actually deliver what they promised employees (ie. Raises, promotions, management, etc). But, I am so glad I got out when I did. No more sucking the life out of me, Victory! I hope that all those dirtbags in corporate and managers stay out of pharma for once and for all. All management in victory is dirty and unethical (as well as most high performing reps who pay off doctors, do under the table deals for scripts, and sleep their way to more scripts, etc). They deserve what is coming...long unemployment and begging for any job they can get. Sorry to those few decent reps that actually tried to ethically be successful at victory. Good luck to those few.

Good riddance, Victory! I feel bad for those who are now out of jobs and thought that Victory would actually deliver what they promised employees (ie. Raises, promotions, management, etc). But, I am so glad I got out when I did. No more sucking the life out of me, Victory! I hope that all those dirtbags in corporate and managers stay out of pharma for once and for all. All management in victory is dirty and unethical (as well as most high performing reps who pay off doctors, do under the table deals for scripts, and sleep their way to more scripts, etc). They deserve what is coming...long unemployment and begging for any job they can get. Sorry to those few decent reps that actually tried to ethically be successful at victory. Good luck to those few.

You are a pathetic human being. You must have such low self-esteem that you ridicule everyone around you to make yourself feel superior. Let me be the one to tell you that deep down you know that you’re just a piece of shit. In fact, I bet everyone around you knows you’re a piece of shit. You think you’re so superior and ethical than what are you doing on this board. This board was created for degenerates like you who could post anonymously what you’re too cowardly to post with your name attached. There are a lot of good people that worked here and worked hard for their family’s. To piss on them is just insulting and shows what a jerk you are.

Good riddance, Victory! I feel bad for those who are now out of jobs and thought that Victory would actually deliver what they promised employees (ie. Raises, promotions, management, etc). But, I am so glad I got out when I did. No more sucking the life out of me, Victory! I hope that all those dirtbags in corporate and managers stay out of pharma for once and for all. All management in victory is dirty and unethical (as well as most high performing reps who pay off doctors, do under the table deals for scripts, and sleep their way to more scripts, etc). They deserve what is coming...long unemployment and begging for any job they can get. Sorry to those few decent reps that actually tried to ethically be successful at victory. Good luck to those few.

Go blow your whistle somewhere else. Loser.

You are the loser. And by the sound of your stupid response you must be one of the unethical morons in management or one of those other unethical reps blowing their manager! I said there were some good, decent people that worked hard for their families and don't deserve the screw job Victory just threw on them. I feel for those few. As for the rest of you, you get what you losers deserve..unemployment asshole!

You've got it completely wrong. You're the one that caused our entire sales force to lose our jobs. Lowlife like you don't contribute anything or accomplish anything. They just try to keep the light off of their own incompetence by making up stories and spreading lies in order to create a diversion and make the light shine elsewhere. I hope you sleep well tonight. Just know that you are a worthless piece of garbage and you and others like you have caused us all to lose our jobs. This will catch up with you.

You are the loser. And by the sound of your stupid response you must be one of the unethical morons in management or one of those other unethical reps blowing their manager! I said there were some good, decent people that worked hard for their families and don't deserve the screw job Victory just threw on them. I feel for those few. As for the rest of you, you get what you losers deserve..unemployment asshole!

Keep writing dumbshit because your ignorance and low self-esteem just keep showing its ugly head. I get it; you have mommy and daddy issues. Did they not love you as a child? Do you stay up all night wondering why no one likes you and why you’re an idiot? When people like you wish and gloat when bad things happen to people the chance of it coming back to bite you in the ass is pretty good. I have always been amazed at how some people, despicable people, thrive when they see others suffering. It shows a window into their soul and in your case there is not much of a soul to look at. I bet your parents are proud of you, err no there not.

Calm down boys and girls. We are all without a job right now. Quit trying to be psychiatrists, you aren't.

I know everyone is stressed out about this whole situation, I am one of them. Name calling and trying to bring others down will not help the situation.

Good riddance, Victory! I feel bad for those who are now out of jobs and thought that Victory would actually deliver what they promised employees (ie. Raises, promotions, management, etc). But, I am so glad I got out when I did. No more sucking the life out of me, Victory! I hope that all those dirtbags in corporate and managers stay out of pharma for once and for all. All management in victory is dirty and unethical (as well as most high performing reps who pay off doctors, do under the table deals for scripts, and sleep their way to more scripts, etc). They deserve what is coming...long unemployment and begging for any job they can get. Sorry to those few decent reps that actually tried to ethically be successful at victory. Good luck to those few.

I totally know who this is. You weren't liked here by your team mates, your doctors didn't like you, your personality sucked, you were an underperformer who never made any decent money or ranking, and so therefore you need to call everyone else unethical because they continually beat you quarter after quarter. So pathetic. Good luck out there in the real world. Business is business and no one cares for tattletales or jealous haters, regardless of what industry you end up in, if any at all. You are destined to fail.