Company Culture


If you have a nice ass you get promoted
If you are a block head or crappy rack, ya get the PIP and boot.

What’s with that rep with that really bad halitosis. Damn someone tell him his breath stinks!!! Use some mouthwash! Has no one ever told you that before!? Really!?

Why give an ounce of effort here. Idiot ASDs and managers do the pip thing because they suck really back. Sit on their fatal asses. Cowards who play games with good people.

Unfortunately the good managers were either displaced by Novartis folks or left after seeing the writing on the wall. All that’s left here are people who can’t get jobs elsewhere. ie - Mid Atlantic manager.

this company is trash! Management is incompetent and lost. Most are positioned because of their friendships - not abilities. Don't believe me? ask your manager why company sale is "on hold" If your received response is anything other than "our price tag is not reflective of our value" your manager supports my claim.

this company is trash! Management is incompetent and lost. Most are positioned because of their friendships - not abilities. Don't believe me? ask your manager why company sale is "on hold" If your received response is anything other than "our price tag is not reflective of our value" your manager supports my claim.
My Manager called me on Friday afternoon to tell me she would like to ride with me on Monday and Tuesday! Thanks for the heads up fat ass! Just because you and your husband don’t have a life doesn’t mean you have to spring visits on me…. Managers expect us to plan, guess she’ll be going on where I’m working and not to see the “key” customers she would like. A little fair warning would be nice!