Company Cars-Joke

Why do you think the company is responsible for providing you with a car for your family to ride in? The car is for you to do your job. If you have a family then that is YOUR responsibility to provide transportation for them. And, why don't you stop wasting money and live within your means so that you CAN afford an upgrade or anything else for that matter.

Why do you think the company is responsible for providing you with a car for your family to ride in? The car is for you to do your job. If you have a family then that is YOUR responsibility to provide transportation for them. And, why don't you stop wasting money and live within your means so that you CAN afford an upgrade or anything else for that matter.
Hey ASS WIPE- the guy is having money taken out of his paycheck to pay the company for personal usage- So YES he is entitled to use it for some personal use. If the company gives a POS car he can't use they should quit taking money from his paycheck and pay HIM for storage- in essence they are stealing from him - he has a very reasonable attitude- you on the other hand remind me of Mike Austin.

Why do you think the company is responsible for providing you with a car for your family to ride in? The car is for you to do your job. If you have a family then that is YOUR responsibility to provide transportation for them. And, why don't you stop wasting money and live within your means so that you CAN afford an upgrade or anything else for that matter.
OMG what a prick- how would you know if that poor man lives within his means or not - maybe he has a very sick child or wife or something. And why should we pay for upgrades they should put us in decent cars to begin with.

Hey ASS WIPE- the guy is having money taken out of his paycheck to pay the company for personal usage- So YES he is entitled to use it for some personal use. If the company gives a POS car he can't use they should quit taking money from his paycheck and pay HIM for storage- in essence they are stealing from him - he has a very reasonable attitude- you on the other hand remind me of Mike Austin.

Hey, dumbshit. The IRS requires you to pay for "personal use" of the car, you stupid shit. It is not Hospira trying to rip you off. It is a TAXABLE benefit! Yeah, sure they are stealing from "HIM" that is probably your dumb stupid shit ass that wrote this, thus the anger you are showing. So I will speak in the language you understand. There is no way in hell any company is responsible for paying for a car for someone's family. You are a grown up so learn to manage your money and buy a real car for your car load of rug rats and stop your bitching about the practically free car they give you--that you pay NO maintenance for and I am sure you don't pay for your own gas either.

For the record the Prius has a great safety rating:

you just like to bitch, you candyass

Hey, dumbshit. The IRS requires you to pay for "personal use" of the car, you stupid shit. It is not Hospira trying to rip you off. It is a TAXABLE benefit! Yeah, sure they are stealing from "HIM" that is probably your dumb stupid shit ass that wrote this, thus the anger you are showing. So I will speak in the language you understand. There is no way in hell any company is responsible for paying for a car for someone's family. You are a grown up so learn to manage your money and buy a real car for your car load of rug rats and stop your bitching about the practically free car they give you--that you pay NO maintenance for and I am sure you don't pay for your own gas either.

For the record the Prius has a great safety rating:

you just like to bitch, you candyass

You obviously have never driven one in the snow.

Hey ASS WIPE- the guy is having money taken out of his paycheck to pay the company for personal usage- So YES he is entitled to use it for some personal use. If the company gives a POS car he can't use they should quit taking money from his paycheck and pay HIM for storage- in essence they are stealing from him - he has a very reasonable attitude- you on the other hand remind me of Mike Austin.

reasonable like an entitlement

It's not an entitlement if you are paying for it - which we are dumbshit!

well, dumber shit, you HAVE to pay for as it is taxable benefit per the IRS. So, if you are so unhappy about it you have 2 choices: 1) Quit and buy your own car with your own money and pay for your own gas and maintenance.2) Stop bitching like a spoiled child and get over it. Hospira can't give you a free car you cry baby shit head--the gov't won't allow it.

well, dumber shit, you HAVE to pay for as it is taxable benefit per the IRS. So, if you are so unhappy about it you have 2 choices: 1) Quit and buy your own car with your own money and pay for your own gas and maintenance.2) Stop bitching like a spoiled child and get over it. Hospira can't give you a free car you cry baby shit head--the gov't won't allow it.
You know just enough about taxes to make yourself look stupid also it is obvious that you have been told this by someone inside and you are doing nothing more than parroting back what you have been told. Yes the company has to allow for some benefit due to co. cars but there is NO real definition of how much. What everyone is saying that we are being charged way more than we should for the benefit we are getting (Prius). We have been told that the per mile charge is to cover fuel only(in a co email sent out by sales services about a yr ago) if you do the math there is no way this is true If a vehicle is NOT being used for personal use then there is NO tax liability. Many companies use just some personal miles at a much lower rate than HSP. Abbott's per mile charge is a lot less. They also pay less on a flat rate basis. As to the personal milage rate if gas were $4.00 per gal (the highest it's been on a nat. ave. is 3.89) the vehicle would have to be getting about 22mpg to be at the .17 rate the Prius will get well into the high 30s or mores so you are now looking at an equitable rate of around .11 per mile.

You know just enough about taxes to make yourself look stupid also it is obvious that you have been told this by someone inside and you are doing nothing more than parroting back what you have been told. Yes the company has to allow for some benefit due to co. cars but there is NO real definition of how much. What everyone is saying that we are being charged way more than we should for the benefit we are getting (Prius). We have been told that the per mile charge is to cover fuel only(in a co email sent out by sales services about a yr ago) if you do the math there is no way this is true If a vehicle is NOT being used for personal use then there is NO tax liability. Many companies use just some personal miles at a much lower rate than HSP. Abbott's per mile charge is a lot less. They also pay less on a flat rate basis. As to the personal milage rate if gas were $4.00 per gal (the highest it's been on a nat. ave. is 3.89) the vehicle would have to be getting about 22mpg to be at the .17 rate the Prius will get well into the high 30s or mores so you are now looking at an equitable rate of around .11 per mile.

you know just enough to be a stupid ass . Why don't YOU do the math on how much buying a real fucking car would cost your stupid ass if you worked in the real world and a company car was not provided. Better yet, run the numbers on how much you would "need" for any company to re-imburse you for your own POS car for it to be worth as much as the practically free fucking car you get with any company--remember to add oil changes, maine, gas, repairs, insurance, etc. There is no way that you would come out ahead either way. You are just a pathetic POS shit whiny asshole who probably whines about the tax you have to pay on your bonus. If you don't like it--QUIT you huge pussy. The bottom line is you have to have something to bitch about -there are plenty of companies who offer cars and most have caring rates of fees associated with them--go find the best one you deem fit and work there you POS. You act like the company is making money off your god damn car charges. You should be lucky you even have a job instead of bitching out something so ludicrous. Just go get another job you loser. PS ask a FUCKING CPA about the advantages of the company car vs buying your own, maybe then you can understand. Obviously then you would have to stop doing your own taxes on turbotax though.

you know just enough to be a stupid ass . Why don't YOU do the math on how much buying a real fucking car would cost your stupid ass if you worked in the real world and a company car was not provided. Better yet, run the numbers on how much you would "need" for any company to re-imburse you for your own POS car for it to be worth as much as the practically free fucking car you get with any company--remember to add oil changes, maine, gas, repairs, insurance, etc. There is no way that you would come out ahead either way. You are just a pathetic POS shit whiny asshole who probably whines about the tax you have to pay on your bonus. If you don't like it--QUIT you huge pussy. The bottom line is you have to have something to bitch about -there are plenty of companies who offer cars and most have caring rates of fees associated with them--go find the best one you deem fit and work there you POS. You act like the company is making money off your god damn car charges. You should be lucky you even have a job instead of bitching out something so ludicrous. Just go get another job you loser. PS ask a FUCKING CPA about the advantages of the company car vs buying your own, maybe then you can understand. Obviously then you would have to stop doing your own taxes on turbotax though.

Ken Myers????? Is that you, commenting on this board again????

you know just enough to be a stupid ass . Why don't YOU do the math on how much buying a real fucking car would cost your stupid ass if you worked in the real world and a company car was not provided. Better yet, run the numbers on how much you would "need" for any company to re-imburse you for your own POS car for it to be worth as much as the practically free fucking car you get with any company--remember to add oil changes, maine, gas, repairs, insurance, etc. There is no way that you would come out ahead either way. You are just a pathetic POS shit whiny asshole who probably whines about the tax you have to pay on your bonus. If you don't like it--QUIT you huge pussy. The bottom line is you have to have something to bitch about -there are plenty of companies who offer cars and most have caring rates of fees associated with them--go find the best one you deem fit and work there you POS. You act like the company is making money off your god damn car charges. You should be lucky you even have a job instead of bitching out something so ludicrous. Just go get another job you loser. PS ask a FUCKING CPA about the advantages of the company car vs buying your own, maybe then you can understand. Obviously then you would have to stop doing your own taxes on turbotax though.
You are so funny, I am laughing to the point of tears at you temper tantrum. I am so sorry, - I have obviously struck a nerve when I exposed your total lack of knowledge. But since you seem to seem to be in a mood to elevate this to the next level why don't we make that happen. I would love to meet with you personally so we can have a civilized discussion like you exhibited above. I think that would be great fun especially for me, since it would be so much fun to watch the steam rise from your pants when you piss yourself. Immature individuals like you only get brave on this type of site.

Also as to quiting if you and more of those like you had quit some time ago the company would not be in the poor shape it is in today. Your type of management skills (from the Chris Begerly school of how fuck up a company) do nothing to advance the company and consequently the share holders and employees. So do us all a favor and don't show up at Las Vegas, (quit) the company will be much better off for it. By the way should you decide to do the wrong thing and show up we really should figure out a way to get together.

you know just enough to be a stupid ass . Why don't YOU do the math on how much buying a real fucking car would cost your stupid ass if you worked in the real world and a company car was not provided. Better yet, run the numbers on how much you would "need" for any company to re-imburse you for your own POS car for it to be worth as much as the practically free fucking car you get with any company--remember to add oil changes, maine, gas, repairs, insurance, etc. There is no way that you would come out ahead either way. You are just a pathetic POS shit whiny asshole who probably whines about the tax you have to pay on your bonus. If you don't like it--QUIT you huge pussy. The bottom line is you have to have something to bitch about -there are plenty of companies who offer cars and most have caring rates of fees associated with them--go find the best one you deem fit and work there you POS. You act like the company is making money off your god damn car charges. You should be lucky you even have a job instead of bitching out something so ludicrous. Just go get another job you loser. PS ask a FUCKING CPA about the advantages of the company car vs buying your own, maybe then you can understand. Obviously then you would have to stop doing your own taxes on turbotax though.
I think it is Mike Austin or maybe Craig Theriot both are wimps with big time tempers then again maybe it's that guy that wants to pay out of his pocket for a safer car.

You are so funny, I am laughing to the point of tears at you temper tantrum. I am so sorry, - I have obviously struck a nerve when I exposed your total lack of knowledge. But since you seem to seem to be in a mood to elevate this to the next level why don't we make that happen. I would love to meet with you personally so we can have a civilized discussion like you exhibited above. I think that would be great fun especially for me, since it would be so much fun to watch the steam rise from your pants when you piss yourself. Immature individuals like you only get brave on this type of site.

Also as to quiting if you and more of those like you had quit some time ago the company would not be in the poor shape it is in today. Your type of management skills (from the Chris Begerly school of how fuck up a company) do nothing to advance the company and consequently the share holders and employees. So do us all a favor and don't show up at Las Vegas, (quit) the company will be much better off for it. By the way should you decide to do the wrong thing and show up we really should figure out a way to get together.

Of course you are a big man for wanting to meet someone you had words with on a forum. Everyone can see that the dude was messing with you and you took the bait. Silly lil troll. You make me laugh. Now, go order your new Prius.
Love ya!

Of course you are a big man for wanting to meet someone you had words with on a forum. Everyone can see that the dude was messing with you and you took the bait. Silly lil troll. You make me laugh. Now, go order your new Prius.
Love ya!
Truth is your the silly little troll - you seem somewhat nervous. Pretending to be someone else when you get called out.
here's a piece of advice don't let your battle ship mouth overload your rowboat ass. This type of site is just perfect for someone like you who can't do shit in real life so you hang out all bad ass here. Too bad you can't back anything up.

Truth is your the silly little troll - you seem somewhat nervous. Pretending to be someone else when you get called out.
here's a piece of advice don't let your battle ship mouth overload your rowboat ass. This type of site is just perfect for someone like you who can't do shit in real life so you hang out all bad ass here. Too bad you can't back anything up.

I am so scared!

thanks for listening to us alright-Here is your options-Take the Prius AGAIN or PAY for something else.WTF-Hate this place

If the Prius is your biggest complaint, you need to get a life. Free car, free gas, insurance, upkeep.....what more do you want?

You have a're lucky to have it. Shut up and go to work.