Colson in Hillsboro

Really? Just ask John Livingston; he received a text message from his regional manager (Jon R) that his contract was being terminated. This supposedly occurred at the same time that Jeff R and CJ were meeting with the Dolphin Medical reps and the new agency that they were going to put on. This meeting happened without the knowledge of the principal of Dolphin Medical.

You can mock this all you want but this happened. It makes the rest of us in the field feel very insecure with Acumed and some members of their sales management team.

Ever read a B2B contract or agency agreement? Like any, Acumed's contains a section addressing termination. It includes explicit terms, detail and process for termination, both with or without cause. Ever worked for a medical device manufacturer? Before any such action is taken, operations and legal are in the loop and must approve. This is the case even for a company the size of Acumed.

Were the Dolphin Medical Acumen agency terminated as described above, Livingston lawyers would put a gag on John. Why risk the big bucks slam-dunk lawsuit payout?

Really? Just ask John Livingston; he received a text message from his regional manager (Jon R) that his contract was being terminated. This supposedly occurred at the same time that Jeff R and CJ were meeting with the Dolphin Medical reps and the new agency that they were going to put on. This meeting happened without the knowledge of the principal of Dolphin Medical.

You can mock this all you want but this happened. It makes the rest of us in the field feel very insecure with Acumed and some members of their sales management team.

I can verify that this is indeed all true. All things done were behind the back of John Livingston AND some of his reps were talked to prior.

Really? Just ask John Livingston; he received a text message from his regional manager (Jon R) that his contract was being terminated. This supposedly occurred at the same time that Jeff R and CJ were meeting with the Dolphin Medical reps and the new agency that they were going to put on. This meeting happened without the knowledge of the principal of Dolphin Medical.

You can mock this all you want but this happened. It makes the rest of us in the field feel very insecure with Acumed and some members of their sales management team.

I think you should be aware that John L was not terminated by text message, rather by voicemail. Everything is true about Dolphin reps being contacted without John L's knowledge. A meeting was held with these reps without the knowledge of the principal.
CJ, Jeff R and other Acumed personnel were in Tulsa the night that Jon R left a voice message on John L.'s phone.
Acumed's contracts allow termination without cause with 30 days notice; however, terminating in this manner a rep who had been on board for 20 years leads to questionable ethics on the part of some Acumed management.

I think you should be aware that John L was not terminated by text message, rather by voicemail. Everything is true about Dolphin reps being contacted without John L's knowledge. A meeting was held with these reps without the knowledge of the principal.
CJ, Jeff R and other Acumed personnel were in Tulsa the night that Jon R left a voice message on John L.'s phone.
Acumed's contracts allow termination without cause with 30 days notice; however, terminating in this manner a rep who had been on board for 20 years leads to questionable ethics on the part of some Acumed management.

So who is telling the truth? Who is lying? Per many claiming first-hand information on this matter or quoting John L.: Dolphin's Acumed agency was terminated by text message (Hillsboro speak - "fired contract").

As for me, your story feels factual. The claim of agency termination by text message fails any junior high level sniff test. I believe you instead. And your account, if true, reflects poorly on Acumed.

I think you should be aware that John L was not terminated by text message, rather by voicemail. Everything is true about Dolphin reps being contacted without John L's knowledge. A meeting was held with these reps without the knowledge of the principal.
CJ, Jeff R and other Acumed personnel were in Tulsa the night that Jon R left a voice message on John L.'s phone.
Acumed's contracts allow termination without cause with 30 days notice; however, terminating in this manner a rep who had been on board for 20 years leads to questionable ethics on the part of some Acumed management.
Were these Dolphin reps 1099 or employees? If Dolphin employees - Acumed meeting with them on the sly is egregious. If 1099s - a big MEH.

So who is telling the truth? Who is lying? Per many claiming first-hand information on this matter or quoting John L.: Dolphin's Acumed agency was terminated by text message (Hillsboro speak - "fired contract").

As for me, your story feels factual. The claim of agency termination by text message fails any junior high level sniff test. I believe you instead. And your account, if true, reflects poorly on Acumed.

The current leadership has shown that they perform at a junior high level.

But, why should anyone care who "you" believe? Are we shooting for your validation with this thread?

We can blame Jeff and SC for getting rid of so many strong sales groups for nothing more than political reasons. There are still people here that were involved in that process: CJ went to Tulsa to meet with the Dolphin med reps on the day their principal was fired by TEXT MESSAGE. DV protected JR's decisions and had a hand in the dismissal of CC in Arkansas. CJ was also involved in the dismissal of TJ in Wisconsin. How are their replacements doing this year? Someone needs to look and report to BJ and LT.

This IS John & Lori Livingston
FACT: SC met with us in 2/2014 with our 5th new regional manager in a year and to see our new offices and go over our business plan and assured us that Acumed was behind DM 100% - What can we do for YOU!!!! RAH RAH
FACT: We were assured this was in no way a 3 or 6 month probation period as Acumed as a whole was down in 2013. We (Acumed) want to do what we can to support our distributors.
FACT: July 31, 2014 we receive our 30 day termination notice of our agency agreement via voicemail (not text) not that is any better.
FACT: At the time of our termination, DM was above quota and increasing sales in all regions, signing contracts with facilities etc. Things were going well!!!!
FACT: At the same time as we received our voicemail, JR, CJ and 2 other Acumed employees were at the Hard Rock with the new Oklahoma distributor and all of our sales reps having a meeting, and making job offers. Some of our sales reps were actually contacted and offered positions BEFORE we received our 30 day notice.
FACT: This was handled in the most unprofessional way and this is NOT the way RH would have done business.

This IS John & Lori Livingston
FACT: SC met with us in 2/2014 with our 5th new regional manager in a year and to see our new offices and go over our business plan and assured us that Acumed was behind DM 100% - What can we do for YOU!!!! RAH RAH
FACT: We were assured this was in no way a 3 or 6 month probation period as Acumed as a whole was down in 2013. We (Acumed) want to do what we can to support our distributors.
FACT: July 31, 2014 we receive our 30 day termination notice of our agency agreement via voicemail (not text) not that is any better.
FACT: At the time of our termination, DM was above quota and increasing sales in all regions, signing contracts with facilities etc. Things were going well!!!!
FACT: At the same time as we received our voicemail, JR, CJ and 2 other Acumed employees were at the Hard Rock with the new Oklahoma distributor and all of our sales reps having a meeting, and making job offers. Some of our sales reps were actually contacted and offered positions BEFORE we received our 30 day notice.
FACT: This was handled in the most unprofessional way and this is NOT the way RH would have done business.

Ugh...not a good tale of how to treat a long-time partner.

This IS John & Lori Livingston
FACT: SC met with us in 2/2014 with our 5th new regional manager in a year and to see our new offices and go over our business plan and assured us that Acumed was behind DM 100% - What can we do for YOU!!!! RAH RAH
FACT: We were assured this was in no way a 3 or 6 month probation period as Acumed as a whole was down in 2013. We (Acumed) want to do what we can to support our distributors.
FACT: July 31, 2014 we receive our 30 day termination notice of our agency agreement via voicemail (not text) not that is any better.
FACT: At the time of our termination, DM was above quota and increasing sales in all regions, signing contracts with facilities etc. Things were going well!!!!
FACT: At the same time as we received our voicemail, JR, CJ and 2 other Acumed employees were at the Hard Rock with the new Oklahoma distributor and all of our sales reps having a meeting, and making job offers. Some of our sales reps were actually contacted and offered positions BEFORE we received our 30 day notice.
FACT: This was handled in the most unprofessional way and this is NOT the way RH would have done business.

Five Regional Managers in one year?
So, which of them lied to you? Apparently there were discussions for some time prior to the now infamous voicemail. What happened from Feb 2014 to July 2014? Why did the Regional Manager tell you one thing in Feb (Rah Rah and all, as you put it) and then switch gears in July?
It also is very telling about CJ and the way he conducts business.

I know for certain that CJ is a bottom feeder and not one to be leading any orthopedic organization. Does he have any real sales experience?

Five Regional Managers in one year?
So, which of them lied to you? Apparently there were discussions for some time prior to the now infamous voicemail. What happened from Feb 2014 to July 2014? Why did the Regional Manager tell you one thing in Feb (Rah Rah and all, as you put it) and then switch gears in July?
It also is very telling about CJ and the way he conducts business.

I know for certain that CJ is a bottom feeder and not one to be leading any orthopedic organization. Does he have any real sales experience?
Termination of a distributor relationship is never an ad hoc or casual decision. This had to be in the works at Acumed corporate for sometime and involved multiple departments including legal.

The execution of this termination by Acumed is abysmal. I feel for the Principals of Dophin. Were I in their shoes, it is a stab-in-the-back.

Jon R said that if Livingston and Lori had been selling and not on Cafepharma all the time, he wouldn't have gone with firing them and replacing them with K Blue.

Just sayin.

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