Really? Just ask John Livingston; he received a text message from his regional manager (Jon R) that his contract was being terminated. This supposedly occurred at the same time that Jeff R and CJ were meeting with the Dolphin Medical reps and the new agency that they were going to put on. This meeting happened without the knowledge of the principal of Dolphin Medical.
You can mock this all you want but this happened. It makes the rest of us in the field feel very insecure with Acumed and some members of their sales management team.
Ever read a B2B contract or agency agreement? Like any, Acumed's contains a section addressing termination. It includes explicit terms, detail and process for termination, both with or without cause. Ever worked for a medical device manufacturer? Before any such action is taken, operations and legal are in the loop and must approve. This is the case even for a company the size of Acumed.
Were the Dolphin Medical Acumen agency terminated as described above, Livingston lawyers would put a gag on John. Why risk the big bucks slam-dunk lawsuit payout?