15. Ohio State is named after a tree, the buckeye. Consider almost every other nickname - it is something to be feared, not something to be urinated on. Contrary to what some idiotic Buckeye fans will claim, the buckeye nut is not poisonous.
16. John Cooper's decision to run up the score on Penn State in 2000, which led to Adam Taliaferro becoming paralyzed. Had Cooper eschewed the meaningless score at the end of a 38-6 game, the Buckeyes would have certainly run the ball instead of pass with less than two minutes remaining. Rather than take a knee AFTER Taliaferro was paralyzed, Cooper decided to score a touchdown. In a shameful display lacking any perspective whatsoever, Cooper grinned when Ohio State scored. Buckeye fans applauded this decision for the most part.
17. In another classless display, Ohio State players ripped down the Michigan "Go Blue" banner before the Michigan / Ohio State game in 1973. Perhaps Ohio State can be proud in its role as the muse to thug programs like Miami stomping on opponents' logos at midfield.
18. Maurice Clarett is not hated for his wrongdoings at Ohio State, but for the fact that he exposed Ohio State as a dirty program.
19. Robert Reynolds, whose violent choking of Jim Sorgi was overlooked at Ohio State, has continued the Buckeye tradition of thuggery by getting domestic abuse charges.
20. Ohio State's stadium is named after the footwear of a horse. Since Ohio Stadium has the ends of the horseshoe pointing down, it has to be considered bad luck.
21. Not only are Ohio State's graduation rates poor, but the difference in graduation rates between black and white student athletes raises questions. The 4 class average graduation rates as of 1999-2000 for white football players was 71%, but a mere 30% for Ohio State's black football players. This is pathetic and shameful.
22. Ohio State claims its band is "The Best Damn Band in the Land." For some reaons, Buckeyes believe that repeating lies makes it true.
23. The Dead Schembechlers, an Ohio punk band that dresses up like the violent Woody Hayes, showed a lack of integrity by changing their name to the Bastard Sons of Woody. And before anyone says this was done to respect the passing of Schembechler, note that Woody Hayes is dead too.
15. Ohio State is named after a tree, the buckeye. Consider almost every other nickname - it is something to be feared, not something to be urinated on. Contrary to what some idiotic Buckeye fans will claim, the buckeye nut is not poisonous.
16. John Cooper's decision to run up the score on Penn State in 2000, which led to Adam Taliaferro becoming paralyzed. Had Cooper eschewed the meaningless score at the end of a 38-6 game, the Buckeyes would have certainly run the ball instead of pass with less than two minutes remaining. Rather than take a knee AFTER Taliaferro was paralyzed, Cooper decided to score a touchdown. In a shameful display lacking any perspective whatsoever, Cooper grinned when Ohio State scored. Buckeye fans applauded this decision for the most part.
17. In another classless display, Ohio State players ripped down the Michigan "Go Blue" banner before the Michigan / Ohio State game in 1973. Perhaps Ohio State can be proud in its role as the muse to thug programs like Miami stomping on opponents' logos at midfield.
18. Maurice Clarett is not hated for his wrongdoings at Ohio State, but for the fact that he exposed Ohio State as a dirty program.
19. Robert Reynolds, whose violent choking of Jim Sorgi was overlooked at Ohio State, has continued the Buckeye tradition of thuggery by getting domestic abuse charges.
20. Ohio State's stadium is named after the footwear of a horse. Since Ohio Stadium has the ends of the horseshoe pointing down, it has to be considered bad luck.
21. Not only are Ohio State's graduation rates poor, but the difference in graduation rates between black and white student athletes raises questions. The 4 class average graduation rates as of 1999-2000 for white football players was 71%, but a mere 30% for Ohio State's black football players. This is pathetic and shameful.
22. Ohio State claims its band is "The Best Damn Band in the Land." For some reaons, Buckeyes believe that repeating lies makes it true.
23. The Dead Schembechlers, an Ohio punk band that dresses up like the violent Woody Hayes, showed a lack of integrity by changing their name to the Bastard Sons of Woody. And before anyone says this was done to respect the passing of Schembechler, note that Woody Hayes is dead too.