Class Action Lawsuit

All the reps and their managers, PST's and their managers, know that the upper management has absolutely no leadership and motivational skills. We need some testosterone who knows that California marketplace. Not AZ (MM) or those two other NC twins who has zero love from the SD folks. I'm talking about California experience who can listens to those below them and stands up to the machine.

Why is it that it is the spineless opportunistic tools who seek positions of authority? They only thing they do is try to feel make themselves like big shots by bullying real workers into taking the blame or into silence. The only emotion they feel is the fear of losing their jobs. Why don't they just get out of the way so that talented management who understand the market place and have a managerial style that is not only informed by the company's and its employees best interest, but who are not afraid to stand up for what is right no matter what the cost.

Well those "women" are doing something right because the West tied for division of the year in 2013. The only people who complain about them are the people who don't want to work hard. If you can't cut it and you mess around you are fired. Plain and simple. I work hard so I like them. They don't bother me. I seem to remember you whiners complaining about the "Men" who ran the West before the Women took over. You guys are never happy.

All the reps and their managers, PST's and their managers, know that the upper management has absolutely no leadership and motivational skills. We need some testosterone who knows that California marketplace. Not AZ (MM) or those two other NC twins who has zero love from the SD folks. I'm talking about California experience who can listens to those below them and stands up to the machine.

Yeah well you SD folks needed to get a wake up call because you were little spoiled, lazy, out of control, unprofessional brats before they came. Went to one if your meetings a couple years ago and most of you dressed like you were going to the beach. You didn't pay attention to the speaker and played with your phones or talked through the entire meeting! Not all of you but at least half. Your sales were terrible, etc. now that we have new management it's a whole different vibe. You all dress and act professional at meetings. You have to or they will kick your ass. It's so refreshing to go to those meetings now. I can actually learn something! Say what you want, you know it's true!

By the way, NC doesn't give a crap if the SD employees don't like the new management. You either gotta play ball with them or you are gone. They are here to stay for awhile. At least TB is. Haven't you noticed how many employees are gone now? Either from firing or quiting because they can't handle stress. I am choosing to keep my good job and kiss ass if I have to. I like my bonus money and car too much.

Well those "women" are doing something right because the West tied for division of the year in 2013. The only people who complain about them are the people who don't want to work hard. If you can't cut it and you mess around you are fired. Plain and simple. I work hard so I like them. They don't bother me. I seem to remember you whiners complaining about the "Men" who ran the West before the Women took over. You guys are never happy.

Let's not forget that it was KV who set up your success for 2013 little senorita. Your communistic clan will continue to sink our SD lab and the good folks will leave. You'll be left with clowns who follow the circus train and couldn't find a new job if they wanted to. Once again, the "women" didn't do a damn thing for 2013. Keep protecting each other. Eventually, your tactics will sink and NC will figure out your sinful scams. Happy Mother's Day BTW.

Yeah well you SD folks needed to get a wake up call because you were little spoiled, lazy, out of control, unprofessional brats before they came. Went to one if your meetings a couple years ago and most of you dressed like you were going to the beach. You didn't pay attention to the speaker and played with your phones or talked through the entire meeting! Not all of you but at least half. Your sales were terrible, etc. now that we have new management it's a whole different vibe. You all dress and act professional at meetings. You have to or they will kick your ass. It's so refreshing to go to those meetings now. I can actually learn something! Say what you want, you know it's true!

The heat must be getting to your brain in AZ Miss MM.

Let's not forget that it was KV who set up your success for 2013 little senorita. Your communistic clan will continue to sink our SD lab and the good folks will leave. You'll be left with clowns who follow the circus train and couldn't find a new job if they wanted to. Once again, the "women" didn't do a damn thing for 2013. Keep protecting each other. Eventually, your tactics will sink and NC will figure out your sinful scams. Happy Mother's Day BTW.

You just showed you know nothing about sales and the IPA world of CA. KV was fired in 2012. I could write so much more about what TB and team has done behind the scenes with contracts but I'm not about to give up info on a public board. Bottom line is men just can't handle it when women are in charge. It shouldn't matter if you are male or female. Who cares???

Let's not forget that it was KV who set up your success for 2013 little senorita. Your communistic clan will continue to sink our SD lab and the good folks will leave. You'll be left with clowns who follow the circus train and couldn't find a new job if they wanted to. Once again, the "women" didn't do a damn thing for 2013. Keep protecting each other. Eventually, your tactics will sink and NC will figure out your sinful scams. Happy Mother's Day BTW.

"Señorita" ??? Another faux pas. You are truly an uneducated person and it shows.

Let's not forget little girl that KV and our LabWest clan set up that HCP and Muir contract that your numbers. Yes it takes a year for the fruits of our lab to be harvested. Obviously, you don't have much experience. Keep following the sheep into barn and watch it burn you dumb Harvard prep.

Let's not forget little girl that KV and our LabWest clan set up that HCP and Muir contract that your numbers. Yes it takes a year for the fruits of our lab to be harvested. Obviously, you don't have much experience. Keep following the sheep into barn and watch it burn you dumb Harvard prep.

"LabWest". that explains it all. Now I know who I'm dealing with. Hicksville. Watch what info you're putting on this board about contracts Bubba. You know one thing about contracts, they actually have to be "signed" before they are valid.

Your warning about discussing contracts is well advised. Yet you would have to be blind not to see that MM has either made the life of leadership no longer with us that is known to stand up for their employees & what's right for their clients so miserable that anyone with self esteem would tell these woman ignorant to the marketplace to take a hike. The fact is they don't want to be questioned because they don't care, they lack complete respect for anyone's opinion but their own. You want to talk lazy? That would be the team that Was put in place by MM today. A proven team of nice people, known not to rock the boat, maybe because they like the check and their car, non-producers. Yes, the West was in first last year only because KV and JF signed significant contracts in late 2012 that would not get going until 2013, everyone knew it was going to be off the chain. JF was not going to be fired, she was given another position and it was announced. All of a sudden the weekend TB comes JF is told she's terminated. By TB doing this JF was out of luck and lost her possible $250,000 in commission and bonus for the contracts that TB & MM sailed into first place on in the division and patted themselves on the back for the credit. Even worse the two frauds can't negotiate a contract either, and the incompetents they put over managed care when the one that was there TJ was good and respected in the industry walked out the door in disgust over MM's lack of management skills. So after KV was fired for cause these two geniuses hire him back to negotiate contracts for them. The one thing KV is known for is his horrible IPA contracts. The one thing California is not getting is organic sales. There harder to get but they don't just come. You have to have RMBD's that understand the marketplace. It's almost amusing to watch how inept these two are and how absolutely confident they are that they think they know what their doing. All their minions running around saying how great they are. They all told KV he was great too, and they will tell the next one how great they are too. That's what you get when you play into weakness. You all deserve each other. The rest of us try and survive until the next one comes in and you hope they are better.

Your warning about discussing contracts is well advised. Yet you would have to be blind not to see that MM has either made the life of leadership no longer with us that is known to stand up for their employees & what's right for their clients so miserable that anyone with self esteem would tell these woman ignorant to the marketplace to take a hike. The fact is they don't want to be questioned because they don't care, they lack complete respect for anyone's opinion but their own. You want to talk lazy? That would be the team that Was put in place by MM today. A proven team of nice people, known not to rock the boat, maybe because they like the check and their car, non-producers. Yes, the West was in first last year only because KV and JF signed significant contracts in late 2012 that would not get going until 2013, everyone knew it was going to be off the chain. JF was not going to be fired, she was given another position and it was announced. All of a sudden the weekend TB comes JF is told she's terminated. By TB doing this JF was out of luck and lost her possible $250,000 in commission and bonus for the contracts that TB & MM sailed into first place on in the division and patted themselves on the back for the credit. Even worse the two frauds can't negotiate a contract either, and the incompetents they put over managed care when the one that was there TJ was good and respected in the industry walked out the door in disgust over MM's lack of management skills. So after KV was fired for cause these two geniuses hire him back to negotiate contracts for them. The one thing KV is known for is his horrible IPA contracts. The one thing California is not getting is organic sales. There harder to get but they don't just come. You have to have RMBD's that understand the marketplace. It's almost amusing to watch how inept these two are and how absolutely confident they are that they think they know what their doing. All their minions running around saying how great they are. They all told KV he was great too, and they will tell the next one how great they are too. That's what you get when you play into weakness. You all deserve each other. The rest of us try and survive until the next one comes in and you hope they are better.


Your warning about discussing contracts is well advised. Yet you would have to be blind not to see that MM has either made the life of leadership no longer with us that is known to stand up for their employees & what's right for their clients so miserable that anyone with self esteem would tell these woman ignorant to the marketplace to take a hike. The fact is they don't want to be questioned because they don't care, they lack complete respect for anyone's opinion but their own. You want to talk lazy? That would be the team that Was put in place by MM today. A proven team of nice people, known not to rock the boat, maybe because they like the check and their car, non-producers. Yes, the West was in first last year only because KV and JF signed significant contracts in late 2012 that would not get going until 2013, everyone knew it was going to be off the chain. JF was not going to be fired, she was given another position and it was announced. All of a sudden the weekend TB comes JF is told she's terminated. By TB doing this JF was out of luck and lost her possible $250,000 in commission and bonus for the contracts that TB & MM sailed into first place on in the division and patted themselves on the back for the credit. Even worse the two frauds can't negotiate a contract either, and the incompetents they put over managed care when the one that was there TJ was good and respected in the industry walked out the door in disgust over MM's lack of management skills. So after KV was fired for cause these two geniuses hire him back to negotiate contracts for them. The one thing KV is known for is his horrible IPA contracts. The one thing California is not getting is organic sales. There harder to get but they don't just come. You have to have RMBD's that understand the marketplace. It's almost amusing to watch how inept these two are and how absolutely confident they are that they think they know what their doing. All their minions running around saying how great they are. They all told KV he was great too, and they will tell the next one how great they are too. That's what you get when you play into weakness. You all deserve each other. The rest of us try and survive until the next one comes in and you hope they are better.


The west is sinking fast. MM is by far the most incompetent leader I have witnessed. Why does she live in AZ? Can someone let me know one successful initiative or idea she has brought to the table? Our PSC's are in shambles while Quest continues to streamline their process. Hiring inept PST's who are overworked. Zero training program. Nice job MM. Apparently, accessions are up by numbers are down. Who would want to go a LCA facility when you feel like you're in a third world country. MM and her the managed care girls club can't even negotiate a deal without KV holding their hand through the process. This makes the managed care clan leaders hair get all frazzled. Whoever was in charge of working with the Covered Ca contracts should be fired. Sales are down, quality sucks, leadership is a joke, no motivation whatsoever. Corporate needs to get a clue about this incompetent leadership and clean house before layoffs happen. Of course they'll cut employees and keep their cronies so their bonus checks is as fat as possible. Overpaid management who should get the ax.

Well now, that response sure address' the lack of new sales, why there has not been an RMBD in the LA are for a long time now, why Reps. in LA with any ability and knowledge have moved on even when there may have been opportunities at LCA for them, and why MM placed her proven non-producing minions in leadership positions they were not qualified for, and they are still non-producing. This would be a typical minion response to a complex problem.