Class Action Lawsuit

First, go smoke another cigarette then fill some of those 40 plus PST positions. LabWest PSC's were much nicer than LabCraps. Also, learn how to train your PST's to have some manners. Do you have a training program? Didn't think so. Who's in charge of your PSC's in SoCal? I've heard about her scare tactics. Apparently, she's quite a handful and likes those cigs.

A PST in California is suing the company for not allowing her to take breaks and forcing her to work unpaid overtime. She's trying to get it authorized as a class action suit. The woman has a point. It's been an issue for years and people are getting tired of it. If you run a one-person PSC you are expected to keep it open for 8 hrs with no extra time for breaks or paperwork or the janitorial shit we get stuck doing.

If this is true and you really have proof of it habitually happening then don't do a class action lawsuit because the Lawyers will end up with most of the money! Hire your own Attorney and sue. If this is true I am sorry for you. If not then don't play games because LC will counter sue you for their Attorney fees and then you are screwed!

Same exact thing going on in the Southeast.

I've been in the laboratory business for a long time and I have NEVER witnessed such dysfunction and disregard for employees and patients in my life.

This company truly has a LOT to learn.

Same exact thing going on in the Southeast.

I've been in the laboratory business for a long time and I have NEVER witnessed such dysfunction and disregard for employees and patients in my life.

This company truly has a LOT to learn.

Evidently you've been in some other type of laboratory business for a "long time". Anyone reading this shouldn't let the previous writer fool you. They all function this way.

Evidently you've been in some other type of laboratory business for a "long time". Anyone reading this shouldn't let the previous writer fool you. They all function this way.

No they don't.

The big box labs do, but Quest certainly has an edge over LabCorp when it comes to knowing how to handle people and business issues.

LabCorp seems to flounder and make it up as they go. This company truly makes me shake my damned head at some of their half brained tactics.

One day, the right people are going to let it all out, lay the proof on the table in black and white and LabCorp won't be able to run damage control fast enough.

Evidently you've been in some other type of laboratory business for a "long time". Anyone reading this shouldn't let the previous writer fool you. They all function this way.

I work for a very successful regional lab in the southeast and I can tell you that they aren't ALL the same way. Quest, Labcorp and the Sonics just don't have any guidance or integrity. It is out there though.

No they don't.

The big box labs do, but Quest certainly has an edge over LabCorp when it comes to knowing how to handle people and business issues.

LabCorp seems to flounder and make it up as they go. This company truly makes me shake my damned head at some of their half brained tactics.

One day, the right people i are going to let it all out, lay the proof on the table in black and white and LabCorp won't be able to run damage control fast enough.

Yes, and there are some folks who are just about pissed off enough to do it. Is it really that difficult to hire managers who will, at least, be fair and even handed with fellow employees and not so mercenary. Stealing PLB from those who work their behinds off every day so that she can fatten her bonus is about as low as you can go.

And you are right about the women's club. They have each others backs when it comes to accountability, lying and corruption, and putting the screws to someone. Their departmental policies change to suit the the person and/or occasion.

Get a clue. They didn't say it was allowed. They said all labs treat employees this way.

Get a clue. It is not allowed in California and all labs do NOT do it. Therefore, if you are treated this way as an employee and have proof, and don't want to hire a lawyer, you can take it to the labor board and win. You anal jerks so irritate me.

The bottom line is LabCorp reacts to the market. Zero proactive forethought. Where are the clean PSC's that you claim were remodeled? How about having to manually enter all the patient info? Phucking up on entries? Patients having no clue when their name will be called. Go to a Quest PSC. See the green walls, hardwood floors, computers letting patients check in and give them their wait times, polite PST's and investing on the front end. They pay a little more as well. LabCorp's management shares tampons and probably recycles needles. Once again, it's not about short term gains...let your PST's and couriers go on vacation, invest in technology, train your PST's and let them take breaks per California law or you will pay big time in the long run. The west coast upper management leadership is absolutely worthless.

The bottom line is LabCorp reacts to the market. Zero proactive forethought. Where are the clean PSC's that you claim were remodeled? How about having to manually enter all the patient info? Patients having no clue when their name will be called. Go to a Quest PSC. See the green walls, hardwood floors, computers letting patients check in and give them their wait times, polite PST's and investing on the front end. They pay a little more as well. LabCorp's management shares tampons and probably recycles needles. Once again, it's not about short term gains...let your PST's and couriers go on vacation, invest in technology, train your PST's and let them take breaks per California law or you will pay big time in the long run. The west coast upper management leadership is absolutely worthless.

If you don't like your job then quit and go to Quack (Quest) the rest of you are Quack employees who have no idea what you are talking about and STAY on our board complaining about LC and posting incorrect information. You are obsessed with us. So Quack how about those stock prices these days? Yesterday's close had to hurt! And your sales are in the toilet again. Now I know why you sound so bitter. Go SPEND some more money updating your PSC's.

The bottom line is LabCorp reacts to the market. Zero proactive forethought. Where are the clean PSC's that you claim were remodeled? How about having to manually enter all the patient info? Patients having no clue when their name will be called. Go to a Quest PSC. See the green walls, hardwood floors, computers letting patients check in and give them their wait times, polite PST's and investing on the front end. They pay a little more as well. LabCorp's management shares tampons and probably recycles needles. Once again, it's not about short term gains...let your PST's and couriers go on vacation, invest in technology, train your PST's and let them take breaks per California law or you will pay big time in the long run. The west coast upper management leadership is absolutely worthless.

Who and where is the west coast upper management leadership?

Exactly. They suck. Don't listen to any of us peons. Dictate without knowing anything about the market. Complete mess out here. NC needs to know that this women's club wants to make cuts without investing for long term gain. Clueless and cocky without the latter.