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Christophe's Town Hall Notes


Change is coming. Emphasis is on specialty. Layoffs coming for Deerfield. Third and fifth floor going to get rocked. Syncophants will be promoted and put in charge. Field safe through end of FY 15.

Heard they are laying off close to 40% of the field sales reps. Revenue going forward for 2016 does not look good. They are talking restructure from the top down for TPUSA. In license deals, specialty mainly, but primary care legacy products can no longer support current staffing levels.

Heard they are laying off close to 40% of the field sales reps. Revenue going forward for 2016 does not look good. They are talking restructure from the top down for TPUSA. In license deals, specialty mainly, but primary care legacy products can no longer support current staffing levels.

Long Over Due!

Holy Man! Does this surprise anyone? I've been here for over 17 years (started with TAP) and even with the products in my bag I have hardly any offices that I can meet with. No one cares about our products, by and large. I work about 12 hours per week and so do most of the others in my district. It's a running joke. I can't believe this cushy situation has lasted this long.

I'm sure those of us displaced will get HUGE severance packages. I can't complain about this company. It's been a gravy train with a pot of gold if they lay you off.

STFU and blow off "formerly displaced TAP employee". We are held so accountable and watched there's no way you work that little. This post is total BS.

All we do is complain to one another how much we work during the day and on our time off. Oh I know, now we're going to get the spiel about the rep that works more then 40 hours a week, is a r*****.

Then I'm a schizophrenic~

STFU and blow off "formerly displaced TAP employee". We are held so accountable and watched there's no way you work that little. This post is total BS.

All we do is complain to one another how much we work during the day and on our time off. Oh I know, now we're going to get the spiel about the rep that works more then 40 hours a week, is a r*****.

Then I'm a schizophrenic~

If the big red clown shoe fits

Holy Man! Does this surprise anyone? I've been here for over 17 years (started with TAP) and even with the products in my bag I have hardly any offices that I can meet with. No one cares about our products, by and large. I work about 12 hours per week and so do most of the others in my district. It's a running joke. I can't believe this cushy situation has lasted this long.

I'm sure those of us displaced will get HUGE severance packages. I can't complain about this company. It's been a gravy train with a pot of gold if they lay you off.

Takeda has been a joke since 2010.The once great culture and great people that ran it then are mostly gone,as is the integrity and professionalism that were the core of the company.NOW,just a "me-too"company just barely hanging on until it will soon be gone in the US.Sad demise.Get out before they boot you out!

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