Christmas Packages

500 fired or laid off or whatever you want to call it. Lots of good people gone. Heartbreaking for sure. People on here blaming Trump blaming the Covid virus blaming senior leaders. All of that maybe true. I don't know. I do know anyone with six months experience in this job can how little sales reps influence business. Managed care, lack of access, hospitals closed you name it. Many posts on CP talk about the demise of pharma sales. Not hard to find them. Go to any major pharma company CP site and they are there. When are people going to get it? This business we are in is dying. Pharma is dying a slow death. If you are not prepared life will bite you in the ass. Make the assumption if you are 55 years old or less you will NOT retire with AZ. Those sales people here at AZ approaching retirement hope to hell they will make it. Maybe some will. Most want. My message is to prepare now for the day you get the pink slip.
Do you think Covid affected just the pharmaceutical industry, every sector of businesses have been hammered by this pandemic, so please expand your mind and not just single out on industry....

Do you think Covid affected just the pharmaceutical industry, every sector of businesses have been hammered by this pandemic, so please expand your mind and not just single out on industry....

Covid made some businesses thrive, and others die. Pharma will restructure the ancient and outdated sales model of more reps = more sales. Adding more reps only produced a slightly marginal benefit for a large increase in cost. Access was diminished before Covid, and it was a house of cards with reps entering fake calls to justify the job. If everyone entered 100% real face to face interactions before Covid then pharma would have restructured a long time ago. Pharma reps battle to stay here because the hours are incredible for the money we get paid.

Covid made some businesses thrive, and others die. Pharma will restructure the ancient and outdated sales model of more reps = more sales. Adding more reps only produced a slightly marginal benefit for a large increase in cost. Access was diminished before Covid, and it was a house of cards with reps entering fake calls to justify the job. If everyone entered 100% real face to face interactions before Covid then pharma would have restructured a long time ago. Pharma reps battle to stay here because the hours are incredible for the money we get paid.

I for one, was surprised the layoff was only 500 reps. Covid in my opinion only accelerated this round of layoffs. Pharma has been dying for quite sometime. Majority of calls false, hospitals closed to reps, medical schools teaching future docs that pharma is evil, access in the shitter and below 50 percent of docs seeing reps. I don't know when but future layoffs will be a whole lot more than 500. Those of us who are prepared for it will do fine those reps with their head in the sand and believe they will never get laid off are in for a surprise.

I for one, was surprised the layoff was only 500 reps. Covid in my opinion only accelerated this round of layoffs. Pharma has been dying for quite sometime. Majority of calls false, hospitals closed to reps, medical schools teaching future docs that pharma is evil, access in the shitter and below 50 percent of docs seeing reps. I don't know when but future layoffs will be a whole lot more than 500. Those of us who are prepared for it will do fine those reps with their head in the sand and believe they will never get laid off are in for a surprise.

very, very true. All I can say is, eliminate debt as much as you can. There is a freedom in owing anything to anyone. Yes, obviously you will have real estate taxes to pay if you own a home, but that is a small drop in the bucket compared to CC debt, mortgages, car payments, student loans, etc.

very, very true. All I can say is, eliminate debt as much as you can. There is a freedom in owing anything to anyone. Yes, obviously you will have real estate taxes to pay if you own a home, but that is a small drop in the bucket compared to CC debt, mortgages, car payments, student loans, etc.

Great advice. Save and invest and never pay credit card interest. You have a ton of freedom in this job use it wisely. Start a business you can grow.

very, very true. All I can say is, eliminate debt as much as you can. There is a freedom in owing anything to anyone. Yes, obviously you will have real estate taxes to pay if you own a home, but that is a small drop in the bucket compared to CC debt, mortgages, car payments, student loans, etc.

Great advice. Things will get more difficult due to this “Diversity” garbage. Once these people get in they will only hire their own people. I’m glad my career is over.

I am curious. What is AZ doing to help those of you that were fired find a job? I use the word "fired" instead of laid off because I'm sure it was a punch in the gut. Some of you were with AZ for a long time. Are there even any jobs out there?