Christmas in July


I have been with AZ for about 9 months now. I came from another industry and this environment was totally foreign to me. To say the least, I have been struggling and thought nobody cared or was paying attention. I now am proud to be a part of this organization. My boss rode with me last week and at the end of the day we sat down for a debriefing. I really thought he wasn't concerned about me or my career but I was wrong. He had actually been thinking about me and came up with a plan to help guide me. He has outlined specific tasks and goals for me to obtain and even put times to achieve them by. I really like that he is holding me accountable and will be showing me more individual attention. Now we get to communicate more frequently by email and phone. I was thinking he didn't like me or care but now he is spending more time with me than anyone else on his team. In fact what he came up with to help me even said Performance Improvement Plan as the title or PIP for short as he nicknamed it. We went over the details and I'm excited to say the least. Now I have specific targets to achieve that, as he said, are meant to help me more systematically reach larger goals. He said that he was even holding himself accountable to my success so that is why the HR department was aware of his actions. He said he had failed me but with this tool, that would be a living document, we would get back on track.

I'm am so excited and happy to work for an organization like AZ that would put this type of ongoing training and development into their people.

Life is good again


Yes indeed, it is fortunate that he skipped an action plan to go straight to a PIP to insure that you receive the greatest amount of personalized attention. Your boss will surely receive accolades from his CBD and HR for being so conscientious towards the well being of an individual district member. After you he will certainly hunt for another prospective teammate to "develop," which will further demonstrate just how well he is managing the district.

I have been with AZ for about 9 months now. I came from another industry and this environment was totally foreign to me. To say the least, I have been struggling and thought nobody cared or was paying attention. I now am proud to be a part of this organization. My boss rode with me last week and at the end of the day we sat down for a debriefing. I really thought he wasn't concerned about me or my career but I was wrong. He had actually been thinking about me and came up with a plan to help guide me. He has outlined specific tasks and goals for me to obtain and even put times to achieve them by. I really like that he is holding me accountable and will be showing me more individual attention. Now we get to communicate more frequently by email and phone. I was thinking he didn't like me or care but now he is spending more time with me than anyone else on his team. In fact what he came up with to help me even said Performance Improvement Plan as the title or PIP for short as he nicknamed it. We went over the details and I'm excited to say the least. Now I have specific targets to achieve that, as he said, are meant to help me more systematically reach larger goals. He said that he was even holding himself accountable to my success so that is why the HR department was aware of his actions. He said he had failed me but with this tool, that would be a living document, we would get back on track.

I'm am so excited and happy to work for an organization like AZ that would put this type of ongoing training and development into their people.

Life is good again

This post is from years ago, but it's still somewhat entertaining.

In November 2013, Microsoft Corp. announced it had ended its controversial "stack ranking" employee-review and compensation system and no longer requires managers to grade employees against one another and rank them on a scale of 1 to 5. The most contentious aspect of this approach was its targeted, or forced, distribution requirements, which meant managers had to designate a small percentage of their direct reports as under performers.

As the Seattle Times reported, Lisa Brummel, Microsoft’s head of human resources, wrote in a Nov. 12 e-mail to employees:

"No more curve. We will continue to invest in a generous rewards budget, but there will no longer be a pre-determined targeted distribution. Managers and leaders will have flexibility to allocate rewards in the manner that best reflects the performance of their teams and individuals, as long as they stay within their compensation budget."

Even GE, which initiated stack rank under Jack Welsh, has dropped the model.

In November 2013, Microsoft Corp. announced it had ended its controversial "stack ranking" employee-review and compensation system and no longer requires managers to grade employees against one another and rank them on a scale of 1 to 5. The most contentious aspect of this approach was its targeted, or forced, distribution requirements, which meant managers had to designate a small percentage of their direct reports as under performers.

As the Seattle Times reported, Lisa Brummel, Microsoft’s head of human resources, wrote in a Nov. 12 e-mail to employees:

"No more curve. We will continue to invest in a generous rewards budget, but there will no longer be a pre-determined targeted distribution. Managers and leaders will have flexibility to allocate rewards in the manner that best reflects the performance of their teams and individuals, as long as they stay within their compensation budget."

Even GE, which initiated stack rank under Jack Welsh, has dropped the model.
AZ will never drop this practice. It makes it easier to get rid of older higher paid people.

In November 2013, Microsoft Corp. announced it had ended its controversial "stack ranking" employee-review and compensation system and no longer requires managers to grade employees against one another and rank them on a scale of 1 to 5. The most contentious aspect of this approach was its targeted, or forced, distribution requirements, which meant managers had to designate a small percentage of their direct reports as under performers.

As the Seattle Times reported, Lisa Brummel, Microsoft’s head of human resources, wrote in a Nov. 12 e-mail to employees:

"No more curve. We will continue to invest in a generous rewards budget, but there will no longer be a pre-determined targeted distribution. Managers and leaders will have flexibility to allocate rewards in the manner that best reflects the performance of their teams and individuals, as long as they stay within their compensation budget."

Even GE, which initiated stack rank under Jack Welsh, has dropped the model.

The ranking at AZ will remain. H.R. and sr. management wouldn't know how to begin to rate an individual's performance without being given specific metrics which compare one to another. It's been this way and is here to stay.

The ranking at AZ will remain. H.R. and sr. management wouldn't know how to begin to rate an individual's performance without being given specific metrics which compare one to another. It's been this way and is here to stay.
A system that favors and protects the head bullies is a self perpetuating system that once in place is very hard to eliminate. Plus, it feeds their egos because it symbolizes the power to fuck with people and get rewarded for it.

I have been with AZ for about 9 months now. I came from another industry and this environment was totally foreign to me. To say the least, I have been struggling and thought nobody cared or was paying attention. I now am proud to be a part of this organization. My boss rode with me last week and at the end of the day we sat down for a debriefing. I really thought he wasn't concerned about me or my career but I was wrong. He had actually been thinking about me and came up with a plan to help guide me. He has outlined specific tasks and goals for me to obtain and even put times to achieve them by. I really like that he is holding me accountable and will be showing me more individual attention. Now we get to communicate more frequently by email and phone. I was thinking he didn't like me or care but now he is spending more time with me than anyone else on his team. In fact what he came up with to help me even said Performance Improvement Plan as the title or PIP for short as he nicknamed it. We went over the details and I'm excited to say the least. Now I have specific targets to achieve that, as he said, are meant to help me more systematically reach larger goals. He said that he was even holding himself accountable to my success so that is why the HR department was aware of his actions. He said he had failed me but with this tool, that would be a living document, we would get back on track.

I'm am so excited and happy to work for an organization like AZ that would put this type of ongoing training and development into their people.

Life is good again

You do realise that a PIP is the first stage in terminating you?

A system that favors and protects the head bullies is a self perpetuating system that once in place is very hard to eliminate. Plus, it feeds their egos because it symbolizes the power to fuck with people and get rewarded for it.
Most companies that adopted this have already realized that is doomed to failure but not good ole AZ. Once we grasp the reins of failure there is no letting go. We have invested too much in the process and systems to micromanage this from a small disaster into a major one.

Re: Christmas in July and then Iraq in August

Most companies that adopted this have already realized that is doomed to failure but not good ole AZ. Once we grasp the reins of failure there is no letting go. We have invested too much in the process and systems to micromanage this from a small disaster into a major one.

Probably both Christmas in July and then Iraq in August. A crazy company.

Most companies that adopted this have already realized that is doomed to failure but not good ole AZ. Once we grasp the reins of failure there is no letting go. We have invested too much in the process and systems to micromanage this from a small disaster into a major one.

Bullseye! When AZ tries something and it fails, it doesn't mean that the plan was bad to begin with, it means that the damn sales force just didn't try hard enough and AZ doubles down. When the micromanagement/messaging/brutality still doesn't work, well then they double down again and again and again until it works, which it never does. AZ is incapable of learning. The Ole'Boys network of patronage and currying favor comes into play because AZ's golden rule for managers is to never promote someone smarter than the hiring manager is. The result is managers get dumber and dumber and voila, you end up with the terminal, stage 4 stupidity we see today.

The op is a loser who is reposting someone else's post, rewriting it for different boards. Or, this dumbshit is the original author and is so impressed with his own writing that he feels the need to post everywhere. Shaking my head at how pathetic you are. Here's a link to the same post I saw last year on the Pfizer board.

(Yes, and just like you I am going to copy and paste my own reply onto the Genentec, AZ, Sanofi and Novo boards so everyone will see what joke you are. Why, because I'm an asshole like that! Lol)

The op is a loser who is reposting someone else's post, rewriting it for different boards. Or, this dumbshit is the original author and is so impressed with his own writing that he feels the need to post everywhere. Shaking my head at how pathetic you are. Here's a link to the same post I saw last year on the Pfizer board.

(Yes, and just like you I am going to copy and paste my own reply onto the Genentec, AZ, Sanofi and Novo boards so everyone will see what joke you are. Why, because I'm an asshole like that! Lol)

As already stated the 3rd post down: "This post is from years ago, but it's still somewhat entertaining."

It was worth a giggle again. Your post? Meh...

I don't disagree. I actually thought the post was great, very witty and the subtle sarcasm was hilarious. Apparently so does the original author. When I saw the same post on the Novo board with AZ swapped out for Novo I thought it incredibly odd. Since I work only a few hours a day, what else do I have to do but a quick search to see this clown posted the same thing on 8 different boards, all edited to reflect the company thread.

I don't disagree. I actually thought the post was great, very witty and the subtle sarcasm was hilarious. Apparently so does the original author. When I saw the same post on the Novo board with AZ swapped out for Novo I thought it incredibly odd. Since I work only a few hours a day, what else do I have to do but a quick search to see this clown posted the same thing on 8 different boards, all edited to reflect the company thread.
So what? And you care what other boards it is on because???