Chris Kyle

So, why does ISIS exist? Would they exist if Saddam was alive?

They would not. In his interviews it became clear that he had nothing to do with terrorism. They could take away his power. Every place America had been only makes it worse. They don't defend it's partners like Egypt and other countries. Also didn't we provide arms to ISIS when we backed the rebels when they were fighting Syria?

You would think with all the problems the white people have. (special needs kids all over the place, the H drug issues, all the jails filling up). They would be less concerned about things happening thousands of miles away. America feels the need to be involved in everything. You don't care about your own children. If you can't care and love your own family, how can you do anything to help others.

But what you and many others don't get is we wont HAVE an America the way things are going...Do you honestly think car bombs are the extent of our worries? Don't you think they are planning another 9/11 attack against us right now? We can't afford another attack on American soil...Look what it did to our economy....If you wise-asses would pull your head out of your buttocks and realize education, equal rights, climate change, Freedom of Speech, pro-life/pro-choice....None of this shit will matter if our economy and this country collapses. We are already at 18Trillion in debt and pay over a million dollars to China a day JUST IN INTEREST. You cannot spend your way out of a bad economy. but all it takes is someone taking out our power grids or poisoning the water supply or another 9/11 type attack here in America and we're toast. Ron Paul and other isolationist type whack jobs don't seem to get it. You can't isolate from this. They will find us and find a way to get to us and our children. We have open borders partly because of Obama and the Democrat shenanigans. It's far too easy to get terrorist into our country and again to sit back and wait for them to hit us to me is ludicrous...We won't survive another hit.

You know the Romans were pretty cocky thinking NO ONE could stop them or take them down and we all know what happened to them...

But what you and many others don't get is we wont HAVE an America the way things are going...Do you honestly think car bombs are the extent of our worries? Don't you think they are planning another 9/11 attack against us right now? We can't afford another attack on American soil...Look what it did to our economy....If you wise-asses would pull your head out of your buttocks and realize education, equal rights, climate change, Freedom of Speech, pro-life/pro-choice....None of this shit will matter if our economy and this country collapses. We are already at 18Trillion in debt and pay over a million dollars to China a day JUST IN INTEREST. You cannot spend your way out of a bad economy. but all it takes is someone taking out our power grids or poisoning the water supply or another 9/11 type attack here in America and we're toast. Ron Paul and other isolationist type whack jobs don't seem to get it. You can't isolate from this. They will find us and find a way to get to us and our children. We have open borders partly because of Obama and the Democrat shenanigans. It's far too easy to get terrorist into our country and again to sit back and wait for them to hit us to me is ludicrous...We won't survive another hit.

You know the Romans were pretty cocky thinking NO ONE could stop them or take them down and we all know what happened to them...

Yea lets start a few more wars against invented enemies, that will pull us right out of debt

Have you taken a history class? Ever? I'm serious.

All bets are off if Iran gets the bomb. This administrations " negotiation" seems to be expediting Tehran going nuclear. Then all these arguments will be just so much spilt milk and the war in Iraq just a training exercise.

All bets are off if Iran gets the bomb. This administrations " negotiation" seems to be expediting Tehran going nuclear. Then all these arguments will be just so much spilt milk and the war in Iraq just a training exercise.

Yea dude, Iran would definitely use nukes on us, which eould guaranteed their immediate and complete destruction. What has Pakistan done with their nukes? India? Israel?

All bets are off if Iran gets the bomb. This administrations " negotiation" seems to be expediting Tehran going nuclear. Then all these arguments will be just so much spilt milk and the war in Iraq just a training exercise.

This is exactly why Israel is so desperate to meet with U.S. leaders. Of course, as Bob Marley sang in Redemption Song "you got to fulfill da book". Bible prophecy? Armageddon? If so, who would you pick as the Anti-Christ?

Yea dude, Iran would definitely use nukes on us, which eould guaranteed their immediate and complete destruction. What has Pakistan done with their nukes? India? Israel?

And you show your ignorance. Iran does have ICBM's but they will use nuclear weapons on Israel. They have already said so. Pakistan and India are ancient enemies so their mutually assured destruction acts as a deterrent.
Should Iran use nukes on Israel who will come to its aid? Not us. Not under this administration. We'll just hashtag or send James Taylor.
I know, your news source is Jon Stewart and The Daily Show. Ha ha. So funny huh?

And you show your ignorance. Iran does have ICBM's but they will use nuclear weapons on Israel. They have already said so. Pakistan and India are ancient enemies so their mutually assured destruction acts as a deterrent.
Should Iran use nukes on Israel who will come to its aid? Not us. Not under this administration. We'll just hashtag or send James Taylor.
I know, your news source is Jon Stewart and The Daily Show. Ha ha. So funny huh?

Nah, Jon Stewart was a dope.

Hey, Israel named their airport after a terrorist, and has more nukes than everyone in the region combined. We send them plenty of money and weapons, they are perfectly capable of defending themselves.

Nah, Jon Stewart was a dope.

Hey, Israel named their airport after a terrorist, and has more nukes than everyone in the region combined. We send them plenty of money and weapons, they are perfectly capable of defending themselves.

Which is why the day Iran goes nuclear Israel should take 'em out reactors and all.

Did I say indefinitely? Who's saying anything about indefinitely? I'm not saying another occupational stunt but go over there get in get out and kill them SOB's and come home. Combined with France, England, Jordan and anybody else's ground forces it wouldn't take that long to eradicate 50K ISIS troops...They have no air power, so again, this NEEDS to be done.

Or you can continue to sip your Vanilla Latte's and live under a rock thinking that we're completely safe in this country...

Maybe you liked what happen during 9/11 or the Boston bombings. Maybe you like surprises like that. I do not. Be complacent all you want, I'm not going to be .

Like it's that easy to go overe there to get them and kill in no time flat like it's a movie or TV show. Fox News has really dumbed you down but you were probably born an idiot. Thank God you are not running the country.

I served two tours in desert storm to protect coward F'ks like you Hiding in college !

Boo hoo. If you were too stupid to go to college, then you should have hired a tutor. I respect those who have served our country. However, I don't have as much respect for those who served and want to use that to make others feel guilty just because I don't agree with their thinking.

Actually I'm an old school conservative. Don't see the honor in volunteering to kill brown people at a distance in a country that never attacked us. Maybe I'm weird.

This is why you are a sheep. If you read the book or see the film it was about "protecting our own." You may be a conservative but you clearly aren't a warrior. But, this doesn't mean you're weird, it means you have no perspective.

This is why you are a sheep. If you read the book or see the film it was about "protecting our own." You may be a conservative but you clearly aren't a warrior. But, this doesn't mean you're weird, it means you have no perspective.

Protecting your own, who were aggressors against Iraq. Heroic, really.