Changes to come

Mr Snopp I agree with you. I have already talked to my layer and he said I have a hell of a case. I have been working basically 35-38 hrs a week, no benefits or nothing. As bad as china workers getting screwed. Since I'm getting it, time to fight back.
I think you are answering your own posts, bad spelling and attitude are the same.

did it not cross your mind that a couple of us were copying snoop to be funny? Geez
obviously it didn't come across as funny. I perceived it to be the same person with inadequate spelling skills. Oh well you are out the door soon anyway, probably before 12/31/15. Headquarters always takes off the week around X-mas to New Years, so plan on tying up loose ends before X-mas.

obviously it didn't come across as funny. I perceived it to be the same person with inadequate spelling skills. Oh well you are out the door soon anyway, probably before 12/31/15. Headquarters always takes off the week around X-mas to New Years, so plan on tying up loose ends before X-mas.[/QUOTE

Ya think?....

obviously it didn't come across as funny. I perceived it to be the same person with inadequate spelling skills. Oh well you are out the door soon anyway, probably before 12/31/15. Headquarters always takes off the week around X-mas to New Years, so plan on tying up loose ends before X-mas.

By da way, me gone and you 2 fool!! Now that's sum funny shit!

One last question. Do I really have to work til 12/31 or can the layers cover us from here???

Doggie Dog, I expect that most of us will be looking for other work. Being serious, I'm very sad that pdi has put us all in this situation during the Holiday Season. We were all sold on a two year contract now this. This contract has been corrupt from the very start. My Lawyer really feels that we all have been used for this past year. I wish everyone love and success for 2016. This economy is not good and many of us really counted on this job. Good luck to all.


Well BI was told by PDI that we would sell only CR and when the some of the sales team started to promote Kerydin also is when BI most likely decided to end the contract.
The bad decision to tick off the client comes back to bite the reps.
Agreed it is awful to be in this situation at the holidays.
CR is going to another CSO.