Changes to come

So Snoop you tell us how are they going to decide who's in who's out?
What's the criteria?

I hope you all checked your Email today. Just I said CC tomorrow. As for who stays its easy. If you sail the fungus toe, you will have some calls, no $$$$$ to be made. If you sell CR 12-31-15 is your last day. No matter how you rank. PDI has lied enough. Happy Holidays. 2 yr contract, pdi at its finest. Time to call my layer friend!! I still have my email saying it was for 2 yrs!!


I hope you all checked your Email today. Just I said CC tomorrow. As for who stays its easy. If you sail the fungus toe, you will have some calls, no $$$$$ to be made. If you sell CR 12-31-15 is your last day. No matter how you rank. PDI has lied enough. Happy Holidays. 2 yr contract, pdi at its finest. Time to call my layer friend!! I still have my email saying it was for 2 yrs!!


Mr Snopp I agree with you. I have already talked to my layer and he said I have a hell of a case. I have been working basically 35-38 hrs a week, no benefits or nothing. As bad as china workers getting screwed. Since I'm getting it, time to fight back.

So Snoop how are the powers to be going to decide who sells Kerydin and who gets booted out the door?
At this point that's the question.
For those of us that need the work that's all that really matters.
Yes there are some of us that badly need this job.

So we will have usual calls through 12-31-15 for CR? What about any pay into January to fulfill a 60 day notice requirement possibly?
-Doggie Dog

Calls as usual and contract will end on 12-31. No 60 day notice. We will get unemployment that will equal about what the toe nail contract will be. I have a great layer and it's time to get these fools. Class action will be good!!


Calls as usual and contract will end on 12-31. No 60 day notice. We will get unemployment that will equal about what the toe nail contract will be. I have a great layer and it's time to get these fools. Class action will be good!!


Forgot to tell, my manager is backing me up. Time to get whats mine!!


There will not be a severance, the real question will be: will they pay out our bonus, back calls with no signature, and training for all the training we had to do and then not have to do.