Changes to come

What is the reason that we are not being told what is going on ? Why do we have to rely on snoop? Snoop? Can you provide some insight on that matter?
First, I think what going on is crap. No communication, nothing to the field. My job is over, I work through the 31st. Can't reveal who or what I do, but I'm being honest. Communication was nothing last week, and is almost the same this week. Hope to have more info tomorrow.


Hey, I appreciate the ones that care. Here we go-----this again is the truth. 5 managers have been kept and 2 others--non-managers. Our managers have nothing to do with who is staying or going. Sales have zero part of the 110 reps staying. It will be geography and years with company. Contract is through the end of the month and company wants calls to be made. I will have more info tomorrow so hang tight. Lots of crap rumors going on. I want to be spot on before I say anymore. Hang tight, I'm sorry this is going on. I'm trying to get info for a new contract that is coming, would be great for us all! Another company. Love and Peace!

7 managers ( 5 plus 2 to be managers?) have been retained, maybe that's the 2 non managers you are referring too? Word is that 7 managers are being retained to run the business. Yes, there is some hope that a new contract will be added this month. Managers force ranked teams. This is always done to "draw a line" as to who stays and goes as long as there is a territory in the geography. Anyone else hear about compliance stuff being brought up? Expense reports, sampling, etc?? This is very strange that we as reps are just sitting here. I have secured a new position and am already in process of going over to another pharma company full time in a new city as well. I wish all good luck!

why isn't anyone saying anything? I don't understand why everything is so secretive. Nobody I know has been told anything. I will not make a call this month until they tell us something.

Whatever happens will happen you new guys act like you are fighting for $100k jobs. U new people have no idea what the tenured reps have been thru and show up and judge. This is 3 months of one contract doesnt compare ...versus years and years of numbers you have never seen w/ all contracts over the years. Move on.., you guys are gone... 3 months of luck doesnt match years of loyalty and performance you dont know about.

Whatever happens will happen you new guys act like you are fighting for $100k jobs. U new people have no idea what the tenured reps have been thru and show up and judge. This is 3 months of one contract doesnt compare ...versus years and years of numbers you have never seen w/ all contracts over the years. Move on.., you guys are gone... 3 months of luck doesnt match years of loyalty and performance you dont know about.

we all need to stand together and not enter any calls until we get a update on what is happening, and paid our bonus.

Gwen Stefani

We will know something by tomorrow, good bad or ugly. Whoever said know by Friday on the call Monday is right on....also on the force ranking thing; Managers were asked to force rank, meaning there can only be one number one, two, etc....and were to turn these list into their managers. That said, it is a sign that PDI CSO owned by publicis or not, is looking to keep the best people as determined by the managers. So now We wait....but not making calls wont make you money. I am making as many calls as I can...If I am retained, great if not at least I will have a check coming....