
I put Certifect on my 2 year old lab he was lethargic and started having tremors. I Stopped using the product and the tremors are gone...will not be using the product again.


Owners that are taking a MAOI, diabetic or diagnosed with heart disease should not handle products containing Amitraz, according to the Certifect label. Amitraz can cause a diabetic's blood sugar to skyrocket, even with a low exposure. I'm sure these hazards have been expressed to clinics so they don't kill their clients off.

My vet changed to certif*k'd earlier this year. I had used up the last of frontline and was given Cert.. I gave it to my 11lb dog, it smelled terrible and that night he thru up, the next day he was lethargic and continued to vomit. He ended up in the vet hospital for 2 days having iv fluids to flush his system, misc meds and irregular heat rate. Now heart meds and I have to keep an eye on him. They took back the unused certif*k'd and they don't recomment it any longer. They had other dogs of various size have simular reactions.

My vet changed to certif*k'd earlier this year. I had used up the last of frontline and was given Cert.. I gave it to my 11lb dog, it smelled terrible and that night he thru up, the next day he was lethargic and continued to vomit. He ended up in the vet hospital for 2 days having iv fluids to flush his system, misc meds and irregular heat rate. Now heart meds and I have to keep an eye on him. They took back the unused certif*k'd and they don't recomment it any longer. They had other dogs of various size have simular reactions.

Well thought out Shawn McKee. Maybe they switched to Comfortis and that is why you are backordered. Or, maybe they puked Comfortis up and it had nothing to do with Certifect. By the way, good luck with your cat product. It will do better than Assurity (hard not to), but good luck trying to catch Revolution. That product rules. Sincerely, just a pet owner

Well thought out Shawn McKee. Maybe they switched to Comfortis and that is why you are backordered. Or, maybe they puked Comfortis up and it had nothing to do with Certifect. By the way, good luck with your cat product. It will do better than Assurity (hard not to), but good luck trying to catch Revolution. That product rules. Sincerely, just a pet owner

WRONG, I am NOT a bot or Shawn. What I blogged is what happened. I have the huge bill for the hospital visit. I am not just a pet owner, but a happy pet owner and concerned pet owner for others that may have the same reaction to certif*k'd. I will be going back to frontline without the amitraz.

I used Certifect on both my large dogs. The smell is horrible and it made my dogs extremely lethargic, however it does note that on the packaging. Unfortunately, the product caused a horrible skin reaction on one of my dogs. His skin was peeling off almost like it was disintegrating and it was only in the area where we applied the Certifect. He lost hair and was miserable. Called the company and they took a report, but said nothing like this has ever happened. Our vet confirmed it was caused by the Certifect and $400+ later, my dog seems to be doing better. I just hope there are no long term effects. We will no longer be using this product on either dog.

I have an American Eskimo with chemical burns on his shoulder and tail areas where I applied Certifect. There are pictures all over the internet of similar reactions with the drug.

I have an American Eskimo with chemical burns on his shoulder and tail areas where I applied Certifect. There are pictures all over the internet of similar reactions with the drug.

I have a male American Eskimo with 8"x10" chemical burns on his shoulder and tail areas after the second Certifect application. Lost my female after noticing bloody urine. Called the vet, but he couldn't see her until morning. She died at 7:30, never made it to her feet all night.

is it true? did you look at the pdf? This is an article from the Kansas State Vet School's monthly newsletter.

ProMeris from Pfizer is also mentioned in this article as also causing PF, being taken off of the market, and was non-systemic.

Are you drunk? Knockoff topicals? How can the market leader and the soon to be market leader knockoffs? Go back to seeling your flea only pill. Better enjoy it this year. Maybe you can get a job here when we expand in 2015?

yes, it's gone - finito - kaput -etc., etc,.etc.

too much Pemphigus Foliaceus.......

guess NexGard will be your latest in a line of failed launches
