
More amitraz, great! You might want to read this before using certifect:
Dude, give it a break. 3 questions:
1. Where exactly in that article does it directly link amitraz to Pemphigus Foliaceus?
Nowhere. As a matter of fact, did you know the evidence is actually starting to swing the other way? Metaflumizone, and even the inert ingredients (carrier), are now being investigated too.

2. When has amitraz ever been directly linked to Pemphigus Foliaceus?

3. Do you even know how much amitraz is in Certifect? If you did, you wouldn’t be making yourself look like an idiot. Check it out.

Thanks for caring though. This one’s already doing better than expected. Safe, effective, and unique in the marketplace.

Ah, he/she's talking about this: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/06/090629100639.htm

Never gonna happen....they abandoned the molecule. And, no IGR?
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Take Note – Volume 7 Issue 14

Study sheds light on tortoise navigation
As of August 3rd, 2011.....here's some more about the pill-to-come.....looks promising
Monthly flea- and tick-control pill developed
A team of scientists at Merck Research Laboratories in New Jersey say they have found a safe and effective pill for flea and tick control in dogs and cats.

Ok troll, you sure are a super sleuth aren't you? Good lord, when will people realize you'll never be able to keep ANY product out of the online channel? Just look for one of the “track & trace” products online….they’re out there too, slick.

Really? "Good Lord", you say? Matthew 7:20, we say.

Certifect is taking off in my region. The ticks are especially bad with this warm spell after the early rains. Too bad our dist make more $'s off of Comfortis. It would be awesome if we would match that.

Whats the word on this new Certifect product.

Don't have a clue what you are all arguing about,but I can tell you that I put Certifect on my 2 70 pound dogs and the smell make me sick for 2 weeks. Frontline never did that. We live in the woods and Frontline has always worked. I think the Vet talked me in to switching. Now my Vet is going to exchanged all my Certifect for Frontline. I'm happy about that!