i have heard and agree with all of the point you make and more. I believe there is a different business model that would work for all constituents, physicians, the company, and most important the patients. One example, applicable in a large group,practice or academic center is to model it after the infusion center/pheresis center model. Infusions themselves are a low margin service based business but have become very profitable as the number of biological agents requiring infusions has driven demand. I know in some practices the practice purchases the agents and marks them up to,generate additional income but I believe this model can be adapted. The opportunity for PTNS is only going to increase with the ever increasing awareness of cognitive impairment associated with the use of anticholinergic medications for the treatment of urinary incontinence. Why the company has not leveraged this into their marketing message is a mystery to me and a disservice to the salesforce. Clinical understanding and appreciation of the risks associated with pharmacotherapy for urinary incontinence is evolving and creating an immense opportunity for PTNS, it is incumbent upon this mgmt team to monetize this opportunity they have been given