CEO RK's Performance

Yes, we know Kill schemed to scam the company. Yes, we know he lined his pockets with the obscene compensation package his stooges on the board offered him. Yes, we know he was completely lacking in leadership skills. Yes, we know that for those and many other sins he was fired from Cogentix, as he was from his other companies.

But what good does it do for us to keep flogging this mule. He is no longer with us. He got fired for what he deserved. So please move on to spending time selling, for which you are hired to be here. And if you are not prepared to do so, you are no longer a team player. Please look forward to the opportunities we have that we can exploit. Your bad mouthing is not helping the company morale and does not do any of us any good. So shape up or move on, or we will get TC to pounce on you. Believe me, you do not want that witch to get her fangs on you.

RK, the CFO who had quit on you earlier this year just rejoined the Company less than 3 weeks after you were fired. Do you now get it as to how much your management team and employees hated you?

Do you have any doubt in your mind that your firing was well deserved and your employees celebrated your forced departure!!

On behalf of all the employees, thanks for all you did for us Lew Pell.

RK, the CFO who had quit on you earlier this year just rejoined the Company less than 3 weeks after you were fired. Do you now get it as to how much your management team and employees hated you?

Do you have any doubt in your mind that your firing was well deserved and your employees celebrated your forced departure!!

On behalf of all the employees, thanks for all you did for us Lew Pell.
I didn't give a shit what the employees thought of me, just so long they snapped their heels in my presence. It didn't take me too long to get that honor from all the employees. Some I had to force feed that Koole aid of mine, but eventually all became adept at snapping their heels. For the tough, principled ones I made it easy for them to leave the company.
My Best

I didn't give a shit what the employees thought of me, just so long they snapped their heels in my presence. It didn't take me too long to get that honor from all the employees. Some I had to force feed that Koole aid of mine, but eventually all became adept at snapping their heels. For the tough, principled ones I made it easy for them to leave the company.
My Best

Rob, please send the chopper, I am at the dock. I had to take a boat to your yacht last time and I don't have 10 minutes to waste. Please chill my martini (vodka, dirty please) before I arrive. Many thanks

Rob, please send the chopper, I am at the dock. I had to take a boat to your yacht last time and I don't have 10 minutes to waste. Please chill my martini (vodka, dirty please) before I arrive. Many thanks

Sorry I am not entertaining any guests presently. I have chosen to go into seclusion to get over the fact that Pell so humiliated me. That was the worst humiliation in my life. Mind you, after a sufficient mourning period, I shall come back roaring and find another company to milk. I had gone thru the same seclusion process when I was fired from my several jobs previous to Uroplasty, and look at how I made out like a bandit. My middle name is the "great come-back kid," a well-earned honorific.

This week's Minneapolis/St Paul Business Journal once again lists Rob Kill as one of the most overpaid CEO. Here is the link:*xx.jpg

Looks like we still can't shake-off Kill's ghost. That guy was a disaster and his legacy still keeps on haunting us!! Who here doubts that he robed the company, fully supported by his cronies on the Board.

Lou, thank you for delivering us from Kill's bondage. Free at last, free at last, thanks to Lou.

This week's Minneapolis/St Paul Business Journal once again lists Rob Kill as one of the most overpaid CEO. Here is the link:*xx.jpg

Looks like we still can't shake-off Kill's ghost. That guy was a disaster and his legacy still keeps on haunting us!! Who here doubts that he robed the company, fully supported by his cronies on the Board.

Lou, thank you for delivering us from Kill's bondage. Free at last, free at last, thanks to Lou.

What's changed? I don't get it.

No, the revolving door will not kill the Company, but just wait, MDT will put a nail in CGNT's coffin, sooner rather than later. That $20 million of the UPC business will go poof before too long. Mark my words.

Does anybody know what RK is up to now! What is he going since he got his ass licked outta here?

Who gives a shit about RK!! I doubt anybody with a sound mind would hire him. He has been fired from his jobs, what now for the third time because he could not get along with the board, and every time he screwed the company with his self-dealing hefty compensation. You would be a fool to even hire him as a dog catcher!!!! No matter where he goes, his past will haunt him.