CEO RK's Performance

And hiring yet another executive in the VP of Sales. More dollars, more upper management.

This does add up with the rumors I have heard that DH is being groomed to be the CEO. Dont know if this is speculation or wishful thinking.

In any case this will now lead to more speculation on what to expect, what musical chairs will be played & ultimately one cant help but ask what direction we will go as a company.

This does add up with the rumors I have heard that DH is being groomed to be the CEO. Dont know if this is speculation or wishful thinking.

In any case this will now lead to more speculation on what to expect, what musical chairs will be played & ultimately one cant help but ask what direction we will go as a company.

I've heard the same...DH is likely our future CEO

You will see a MASS exodus if DH becomes CEO unless....he devises a compensation program to actually REWARD over achievers.

How does DH have any street cred?

His performance is lackluster, he is inappropriate in situations, and he was FIRED from his previous company. Why does he still have a job?

You will see a MASS exodus if DH becomes CEO unless....he devises a compensation program to actually REWARD over achievers.

How does DH have any street cred?

His performance is lackluster, he is inappropriate in situations, and he was FIRED from his previous company. Why does he still have a job?

You seem to suggest that the current comp plan is lousy. If so, how come there is NO mass exodus currently?

What you are saying does not square.

I am not sure if they are on a fiscal or calendar year,.
So whenever their years ends.....that's when people will exit.
No one will leave any company until after the awards ceremony....year end bonus etc.

The only thing management is going to do, is stay in bed with the Board to make sure their comp continues to rise. It's s shame to see such highly compensated individuals who are continuously bonused despite a 52 week low on share price.

The share price has hit three new 52 week lows in the last few weeks, each low about 10 percent worse than the previous low. The stock is tittering in the penny stock range.

Didn’t RK get a special bonus last year, even though he missed his goals, and the board cited improvement in share price as a reason for this special dispensation. Do they get to claw back that bonus given the deep drop in share price this year? Or is this one of those things, you know….heads I win, tails you lose. I wonder what the board will do this year?

This company's stock price is on a glide path of a brick.

The day before the merger announcement, the stock price had closed at $2.35, which in itself was gliding down because of disappointing performance with urgentpc.

About a week after RK announced the merger the stock hit a new 52-week low of $1.97. Looks like the investors didn't like what RK said.

Two weeks ago the stock hit another new 52-week low of $1.70.

After the conference call yesterday, the stock hit another new 52-week low of $1.32 today. Looks like the investors once again didn't like what RK said, in spite of his best attempt to put lipstick on this pig.

So every time RK opens his mouth the stock drops. This now in my mind brings into question RK's credibility and shows a vote of no confidence in his leadership.

The shareholders were displeased once before when they voted down RK's compensation package. Now the shareholders are voting their displeasure with their feet. This shareholder walk-away started much earlier with disappointing urgentpc results and, now with the merger, the walk-away has turned into an avalanche.

This does bring a big question in my mind. Is this the right horse to ride? Or, perhaps there is nothing wrong with the horse, we just need a new jockey.

And where is what appears to be a toothless board in all this debacle?

Let us face it: this cat won't bounce, like we say out here.

personally, i've never said - this cat won't bounce. in fact, i've never even heard that before. grow up. anonymous ramblings on Cafe Bellyache aren't productive for anyone. yourself included. if you don't like it here move on.

personally, i've never said - this cat won't bounce. in fact, i've never even heard that before. grow up. anonymous ramblings on Cafe Bellyache aren't productive for anyone. yourself included. if you don't like it here move on.

……wow. these are not some trivial losses for the shareholders. at one time the companys val;ue to the shareholders wAS about $110 million, today about $30 million, so loss of $80 million……worse yet, those who did it are still around…. and you are defending this!!!! …..shame,shame,shame.

……wow. these are not some trivial losses for the shareholders. at one time the companys val;ue to the shareholders wAS about $110 million, today about $30 million, so loss of $80 million……worse yet, those who did it are still around…. and you are defending this!!!! …..shame,shame,shame.

Like I said, move on if you don't like it here. I'm not fond of underachievers anyway. Perhaps pharma is your calling if you can not handle the pressure here? Thank you

This "medical device" company is one of the biggest jokes in the Urology market space. I'm so glad that I have been shorting this stock ever since I left. The new management has come in lead my the Giant DH and brought in this buddies to bleed this company dry. They are taking all the money they can stuff into their pockets and waiting for some sucker to buy them out (will never happen). I cant wait until this stock goes under a dollar and gets delisted. Leading by fear is not leading.

Aren't u asking the wrong person 2 move on. Shouldn't u b starting with the biggest underachiever who put us in this mess.

Agree - - start with the biggest underachiever, but why stop there. Next should be the cronies, and then this arrogent, Kool Aid-stuffed, boot-locking, yes-man who has been telling all the hardworking, successful folks to move on only because they chose to speak the truth.