And hiring yet another executive in the VP of Sales. More dollars, more upper management.
And hiring yet another executive in the VP of Sales. More dollars, more upper management.
This does add up with the rumors I have heard that DH is being groomed to be the CEO. Dont know if this is speculation or wishful thinking.
In any case this will now lead to more speculation on what to expect, what musical chairs will be played & ultimately one cant help but ask what direction we will go as a company.
I've heard the same...DH is likely our future CEO
So what is new here….Haven't you watched the interaction& body language between DH & RK? DH acts like he is the de facto CEO. Don't know how it sits with RK.
You will see a MASS exodus if DH becomes CEO unless....he devises a compensation program to actually REWARD over achievers.
How does DH have any street cred?
His performance is lackluster, he is inappropriate in situations, and he was FIRED from his previous company. Why does he still have a job?
The only thing management is going to do, is stay in bed with the Board to make sure their comp continues to rise. It's s shame to see such highly compensated individuals who are continuously bonused despite a 52 week low on share price.
personally, i've never said - this cat won't bounce. in fact, i've never even heard that before. grow up. anonymous ramblings on Cafe Bellyache aren't productive for anyone. yourself included. if you don't like it here move on.
……wow. these are not some trivial losses for the shareholders. at one time the companys val;ue to the shareholders wAS about $110 million, today about $30 million, so loss of $80 million……worse yet, those who did it are still around…. and you are defending this!!!! …..shame,shame,shame.
Like I said, move on if you don't like it here. I'm not fond of underachievers anyway. Perhaps pharma is your calling if you can not handle the pressure here? Thank you
Like I said, move on if you don't like it here. I'm not fond of underachievers anyway. Perhaps pharma is your calling if you can not handle the pressure here? Thank you
Aren't u asking the wrong person 2 move on. Shouldn't u b starting with the biggest underachiever who put us in this mess.
Aren't u asking the wrong person 2 move on. Shouldn't u b starting with the biggest underachiever who put us in this mess.
Nice Job, Rob. Congratulations.
This from all your fans, admirers and a%$ kissers.
Check this out."2015-02-06T18:00:00.000Z"},"scale":"linear"}