CEO here

Tacksheets are a waste of paper, team leaders mostly stand around and chit chat or sit around approving pto then talk, some people do little to no work and get away with it because upper management isn't "witnessing" it, temperature checks do not prove someone is/isn't infected with a virus, if we hit goal for this quarter PLEEEEEAAAAASE give production a big raise, if not, get rid of people that aren't necessary.

area owners don't own any areas
please change the job position title to "I only snitch on people I don't like"

or just get rid of them all and have water spiders that mind their own business do the A.O. job, and the team leaders should actually do their job instead of relying on a biased snitch

imagine being in charge of a company that has lazy managers/pot luck leaders that don't do anything other than "expecting everything to run smooth and tell everyone that the problems will eventually go away"

don't spend any money on another attempt to see the problem through with an asian dude called "sensei" from japan walking around departments to IMPROVE the company when all that happens is "excuses" on why we can't afford any change

get rid of the a.o. position
get rid of the team leader position
get rid of third shift
stop forcing people to do over time
start monitoring the employees work ethics instead of relying on biased people
(cameras aren't biased)
update the old 1980's machines that break down frequently and cost maintenance their time away from more important issues
vent the hot air from machines OUTSIDE so the a.c. isn't required to cool down the building as much
replace all fluorescent lights with LED
replace employees in the warehouse with small robots on wheels like every other updated company out there
RAISES WOULD BE NICE TWICE A YEAR (more incentive to work hard)
get rid of tack sheets, scan the items as they go into the warehouse to measure productivity
update all primitive processes like chemical etching, and completing many tasks by hand instead of a machine


get ready for more people quitting and leaving feedback all over the internet on how this company, after so many years of the same feedback, still hasn't fixed the biggest problems yet