CEO here

The temperature check is a farce. It doesn't detect the virus. Not everyone show symptoms once they have the virus. Including a fever. This doesn't show the world you care. It shows you are pretending to do SOMETHING that makes you look good.
:eek: retirement state seeing so many deaths for some reason :eek:
Not a very high death rate. Must be the masks and social distancing....

Or maybe it's our immune system fighting it off :eek:
Maybe we already had it in this country over the past few decades, and it went around like a common bug :eek:
Remember when FMC's were canned? Auditors too. I never check 5S. LMFAO. Nobody does. It's a waste of time. Tack sheets too should be treated the same way. Some people don't have "run rates" in their work area yet they're operating a machine. No pressure for those people. Share the joy. Make the entire production floor just do as much as they can SAFELY. Quality over your silly run rates. Speed demons are competing over how much farther beyond the run rate they can accomplish. Others who do it right are hassled by the AO and team leader on why they can't "keep up". Sh!TTy product is the result. Nobody likes being harassed into working faster.
Get rid of everything that isn't necessary. From the production crew that make the work force miserable. To the team leaders/managers with favoritism. To areas that don't require a 3'rd shift, or even a 2'nd shift. It's nerve wrecking every year hearing from people "on the inside" saying the company is a sinking ship. Stop patching up the holes and letting water get in. Get rid of the problems!!!
Area Owner and Team Leader evaluations no longer needed as these positions are allowed immunity to act how they want in order to get the job done. The "open door" policy means 1 person will be confronted at a time. And the cycle continues because nobody wants to do the right thing anymore.
Still no managers walking the floor and firing the people that ARE NOT WORKING.

They take a very long time to get around with so much WEIGHT of responsibilities. They spend their time discussing BUSINESS for hours so we can improve the company. They don't want to pressure the remaining work force to follow the rules or else we will have less work force for sure. :eek:

That job can be replaced by hidden cameras or ceiling surveillance in a heart beat. Banks don't have managers walking around making sure everyone's working. Grocery stores, government buildings, shopping malls, etc. They can see everything from one room if they must. At this place you can receive so many WARNINGS if they like you. Because there's no PROOF you did anything wrong.
Who's the genius that lowered the safety stock? We are so behind on backorders. Then the new people made the parts wrong so we have to wait much longer. If we had the product made and waiting in the warehouse, I'd think we could have sent it out to the customers by now :eek: