Cell Phone Reimbursement

All we need to show HR what ABLs put out over text. The soft underbelly of this place that we need to hit. You will get sued and when the Gov asks for phone records we will be first in line. I saved EVERY TEXT. ITS UGLY and not compliant.
You have a duty to act and speak up! If you don’t you are just as non-compliant.

Hmmm.. you make well over 100k a year. Close to 200k when you throw in benefits. Every cell plan in America is unlimited and no one has a home line anymore. Why should Novartis foot your cell phone bill that is 99% personal use? Same with your home internet.

If Novartis pays your cell phone bill they should have a right to see the bill. How many minutes you are on it during business time- when you should be in offices. They should have a right to know where the calls were made from so they have the option of comparing that to where you put calls in for the day. Pay your own cell phone bill you don't need a pharma company like Novartis to pay for it for you.

Hmmm.. you make well over 100k a year. Close to 200k when you throw in benefits. Every cell plan in America is unlimited and no one has a home line anymore. Why should Novartis foot your cell phone bill that is 99% personal use? Same with your home internet.

If Novartis pays your cell phone bill they should have a right to see the bill. How many minutes you are on it during business time- when you should be in offices. They should have a right to know where the calls were made from so they have the option of comparing that to where you put calls in for the day. Pay your own cell phone bill you don't need a pharma company like Novartis to pay for it for you.

first of all they are paying $75 monthly reimbursement for both cellular and Internet. No one is getting their entire bills reimbursed.

Give me a company phone then.. and mark it business use only. I’d be fine with it. Don’t use my unlimited minutes and expect to get copies of my bill and know my personal business..

Additionally if they don’t want to accommodate WiFi reimbursement.. we should all turn off WiFi access on your iPads. Hope they’re paying for unlimited plans on the iPads.. otherwise Straight cellular service will hit their pocket book

I’ll be running all teams calls on cellular. Good luck with having good service and connectivity.. this is going to be fun.

first of all they are paying $75 monthly reimbursement for both cellular and Internet. No one is getting their entire bills reimbursed.

Give me a company phone then.. and mark it business use only. I’d be fine with it. Don’t use my unlimited minutes and expect to get copies of my bill and know my personal business..

Additionally if they don’t want to accommodate WiFi reimbursement.. we should all turn off WiFi access on your iPads. Hope they’re paying for unlimited plans on the iPads.. otherwise Straight cellular service will hit their pocket book

I’ll be running all teams calls on cellular. Good luck with having good service and connectivity.. this is going to be fun.

This is brilliant. Why am I letting them use my WI-FI?!

first of all they are paying $75 monthly reimbursement for both cellular and Internet. No one is getting their entire bills reimbursed.
1. They stopped reimbursing $75.
2. Cell ph is only reimbursed if you itemize! Must provide ALL calls made and show cost of each call, in order to submit a cell phone reimbursement.
3) Difference between FASTE Internet (ie Gigabit upgrade speed) vs standard Internet speed is reimbursable.

+1 on turn off wi-fi stream data using iPads cell phone connection.

Really unfortunate Novartis would choose to do this. Maybe internet. They do provide iPads where we can access the internet anytime. But cell phone reimbursement, no way. They should then provide us with a business phone. Too much communication with providers offices via phone and text. Hope my manager doesn’t expect me to communicate with them. Yes, I have unlimited data/phone but WTH.
Total BS. Still no communication on this in my region.

So don't be surprised when later this year you are forced to install a Novartis app on your personal cellphone that is a secure texting/RTE connection to your HCP's personal cellphones, that is if they op in. Legal has decided too many of you are exchanging restricted info over your cell. And you thought that $75 expense item was a big deal....

So don't be surprised when later this year you are forced to install a Novartis app on your personal cellphone that is a secure texting/RTE connection to your HCP's personal cellphones, that is if they op in. Legal has decided too many of you are exchanging restricted info over your cell. And you thought that $75 expense item was a big deal....

If they don’t assign one, I’d rather get a separate cell phone to use for strictly business.

If anyone is non-compliantly texting providers, be aware they can confiscate your phone.

If you’ve been here long enough, there was a sales meeting a few years back that they forced reps to turn over their cell phones to inspect, and if they reps refused, they were terminated.

Sorry, but they will not be privy to my personal usage of my phone.

first of all they are paying $75 monthly reimbursement for both cellular and Internet. No one is getting their entire bills reimbursed.

Give me a company phone then.. and mark it business use only. I’d be fine with it. Don’t use my unlimited minutes and expect to get copies of my bill and know my personal business..

Additionally if they don’t want to accommodate WiFi reimbursement.. we should all turn off WiFi access on your iPads. Hope they’re paying for unlimited plans on the iPads.. otherwise Straight cellular service will hit their pocket book

I’ll be running all teams calls on cellular. Good luck with having good service and connectivity.. this is going to be fun.

omg this is brilliant! we should all do this! i know i will. thank you so much for the idea!

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