Celgene Layoffs to be Massive!!!

At another pharma company (A) that had major downsizing last year, if you already had signed a contract for another job at company (B) the employee was no longer elible for severance package with company A. I have no idea how company A enforced it, but I know of one employee who was denied the severence that left 1 month before announcements.

Most companies allow for accelerated termination and severance, though it's not advertised. Talk to your HR person. They have this at BMS.

If anyone looking at these boards believes a single thing all of these clowns are posting then you deserve whatever happens to them. There is 0% accuracy on Cafepharma. It's a goof folks.

So says the Home office A-- hole!
Actually most of the time, the stuff on this site actually does become a reality

No its called Karma- you must be so naïve to think that EVERYONE here is all that you say, not true.
Wake up. No one is praying or hoping people lose their jobs. Yet many who you say may have blocked others from the very thing you point put, getting a job. Its called do unto others as you have them do unto you.
Well in this case, some of those will have it coming back to them.
They should have thought or prayed for others as they did exactly as you have stated, kept others from getting jobs or pushing them out

Although your sanctimony I quite self complimentary and elevating yourself to some moral high ground.
Well put! Some need to be humbled and will receive their necessary kick in the ass. Let them struggle a little in hyper-competitive job market in a declining industry called Pharma.

No its called Karma- you must be so naïve to think that EVERYONE here is all that you say, not true.
Wake up. No one is praying or hoping people lose their jobs. Yet many who you say may have blocked others from the very thing you point put, getting a job. Its called do unto others as you have them do unto you.
Well in this case, some of those will have it coming back to them.
They should have thought or prayed for others as they did exactly as you have stated, kept others from getting jobs or pushing them out

Although your sanctimony I quite self complimentary and elevating yourself to some moral high ground.

Not true. Wrong on all points.

At another pharma company (A) that had major downsizing last year, if you already had signed a contract for another job at company (B) the employee was no longer elible for severance package with company A. I have no idea how company A enforced it, but I know of one employee who was denied the severence that left 1 month before announcements.
That company A is going down big time. The layoff methods should be looked by DOJ. But DOJ is under shutdown so pharma is in la la land now. Terrible times.

I'm going to confirm for you...yes, bms does s*ck.. at least the last 3 or so years of continous, dragged out layoffs.. pc termed "transformations" or, another favorite- strengthening our geographic footprint". I feel really bad for any one that comes from celgene to bms.. they have been yanking our chains for 18 + months....feeding us propaganda bs for sooo long...morale is at the all time low!! Just a very demoraling and depressed place to work. (Unless you were part of the team pulled in about two years ago) to slash and burn .. i honestly think a few of them are getting their jollies off on it.

How about BMS any lay offs? There are a lot waste of people here and tons of duplication...

Yes! BMS layoffs will be massive. Celgene employees shouldn't assume they will be severed. In many cases they are looking to keep Celgene and remove the BMS sludge that has been hiding in plain sight the past several years.

Many BMS employees are hoping this is their chance to raise their hand and get a decent package vs getting fired down the road.

See you guys in Lawrenceville.

Yes! BMS layoffs will be massive. Celgene employees shouldn't assume they will be severed. In many cases they are looking to keep Celgene and remove the BMS sludge that has been hiding in plain sight the past several years.

Many BMS employees are hoping this is their chance to raise their hand and get a decent package vs getting fired down the road.

See you guys in Lawrenceville.
Don’t assume anything, there’s plenty of sludge at Celgene.

Don’t assume anything, there’s plenty of sludge at Celgene.
Agree! The Bob H campus is full of gossip
whores that talk a big game but are all fake. Never have I seen so many back stabber’s and disingenuous women.They truly ruin it for those that are hard working and trying to make a difference

Agree! The Bob H campus is full of gossip
whores that talk a big game but are all fake. Never have I seen so many back stabber’s and disingenuous women.They truly ruin it for those that are hard working and trying to make a difference
Those women are the worst. Could name literally hundreds from experience with the company.

Agree! The Bob H campus is full of gossip
whores that talk a big game but are all fake. Never have I seen so many back stabber’s and disingenuous women.They truly ruin it for those that are hard working and trying to make a difference

There are many men who wear excessive cologne and behave liek women and keep backstanbbing, soon those jokers will be on the lookout for jobs

Former BMS Neuroscience rep: These companies lie when it comes to merger timelines and layoffs. We were all told in March of 2012 that our jobs were secure for 18 months "barring no unforeseen circumstances" (KEY PHRASE)...... (after Otsuka disinvited us to the launch of the long acting injection of Abilify). The division was dissolved at year's end. (announced 6 months after the 18 month, pretty confident, promise we had jobs for 18 months). I left that summer and avoided the layoff. No severance is worth impending unemployment in a very competitive environment. BMS WILL use this as an opportunity to shave off non-performers, classically the bottom 10%, but that information with be hard for Celgene reps to ascertain. I'm sorry for what's happening to Celgene and wish all of you luck and godspeed.

BMS rep here. It’s going to be with a lot of pleasure that I will watch the once coveted, lean mean true biotech Celgene sales reps all stepping over each other in a panic-crazed rummaging frenzy like a bunch of ants pilfering over a spilt sugar bowl. Don’t kid yourself, your ours now and my smile is ear to ear.