Celgene Layoffs to be Massive!!!

Left for another biopharma awhile ago, and glad I did.
This place was run by a clique and they ensured no one got in.
I saw how they excluded good candidates in the past.
Well karma coming back at all of you- you better hope others don't do unto you as you have done unto others
About 5 years ago I interviewed with a smug, little Try-Hard at Celgene who asked off the wall questions and flippantly refused to acknowledge my questions about the company or even follow up with me after the interview was done. I am now a manager and I just hope one of these people tries posting for an open territory. If its the person I interviewed with I will let them in, then proceed to make their life more of a hell than they could ever fucking imagine.

BMS rep here. It’s going to be with a lot of pleasure that I will watch the once coveted, lean mean true biotech Celgene sales reps all stepping over each other in a panic-crazed rummaging frenzy like a bunch of ants pilfering over a spilt sugar bowl. Don’t kid yourself, your ours now and my smile is ear to ear.

About 5 years ago I interviewed with a smug, little Try-Hard at Celgene who asked off the wall questions and flippantly refused to acknowledge my questions about the company or even follow up with me after the interview was done. I am now a manager and I just hope one of these people tries posting for an open territory. If its the person I interviewed with I will let them in, then proceed to make their life more of a hell than they could ever fucking imagine.

^^^I like this person

BMS rep here. It’s going to be with a lot of pleasure that I will watch the once coveted, lean mean true biotech Celgene sales reps all stepping over each other in a panic-crazed rummaging frenzy like a bunch of ants pilfering over a spilt sugar bowl. Don’t kid yourself, your ours now and my smile is ear to ear.
Sounds like you guys all deserve each other...

Left for another biopharma awhile ago, and glad I did.
This place was run by a clique and they ensured no one got in.
I saw how they excluded good candidates in the past.
Well karma coming back at all of you- you better hope others don't do unto you as you have done unto others

So many of them all women- Alpha women who if a man in this day in age acted like that he would be in HR
So many of these individuals both men and women were sooo incompetent.
CONFIDENCE without competence. Now we will see when they have to go out and interview
OR have to interview or sweat for their jobs at BMS.
KARMA its a bitch

So many of them all women- Alpha women who if a man in this day in age acted like that he would be in HR
So many of these individuals both men and women were sooo incompetent.
CONFIDENCE without competence. Now we will see when they have to go out and interview
OR have to interview or sweat for their jobs at BMS.
KARMA its a bitch
Totally agree! So many of these women in Summit talk about people in a negative way and their little gossip groups is right out of the movie “Mean Girls” ! I have never seen anything so pathetic in a corporate structure!

you BMS robots aren't going to touch me - I will take the buyout, cash my RSUs and options and probably retire altogether and guess what - I am 53. that's right, you will still be having field rides with your DM about oncologists you can't see, expensing coffee and planning out milestones for the next field ride while I will be down at the shore, enjoying my condo, doing some zumba and getting baked

you BMS robots aren't going to touch me - I will take the buyout, cash my RSUs and options and probably retire altogether and guess what - I am 53. that's right, you will still be having field rides with your DM about oncologists you can't see, expensing coffee and planning out milestones for the next field ride while I will be down at the shore, enjoying my condo, doing some zumba and getting baked
Good luck paying for healthcare until you’re Medicare eligible!

I don't usually go on here, but ya'll are so incredibly sad. I feel so deeply bad for the negative people here spreading their nasty vibes. You must have such issues wishing others to loose their job and cheering for people to scramble around without work. These people have families and people they provide for. The only people who are really suffering are YOU guys, the ones writing negative comments here, your lives must be so terrible and sad. I pray for you. Please seek medical, spiritual help. Wishing others bad and praying bad on others is just bad karma. Best of luck.

Totally agree! So many of these women in Summit talk about people in a negative way and their little gossip groups is right out of the movie “Mean Girls” ! I have never seen anything so pathetic in a corporate structure!
I don’t wish poorly on those that are good people and there are good people that will lose their job. But facts are facts and if the shoe fits!!!!!

I don't usually go on here, but ya'll are so incredibly sad. I feel so deeply bad for the negative people here spreading their nasty vibes. You must have such issues wishing others to loose their job and cheering for people to scramble around without work. These people have families and people they provide for. The only people who are really suffering are YOU guys, the ones writing negative comments here, your lives must be so terrible and sad. I pray for you. Please seek medical, spiritual help. Wishing others bad and praying bad on others is just bad karma. Best of luck.

No its called Karma- you must be so naïve to think that EVERYONE here is all that you say, not true.
Wake up. No one is praying or hoping people lose their jobs. Yet many who you say may have blocked others from the very thing you point put, getting a job. Its called do unto others as you have them do unto you.
Well in this case, some of those will have it coming back to them.
They should have thought or prayed for others as they did exactly as you have stated, kept others from getting jobs or pushing them out

Although your sanctimony I quite self complimentary and elevating yourself to some moral high ground.

Left for another biopharma awhile ago, and glad I did.
This place was run by a clique and they ensured no one got in.
I saw how they excluded good candidates in the past.
Well karma coming back at all of you- you better hope others don't do unto you as you have done unto others

All of us? Ok so we interviewed with the same clique as you, agree with you that the way they treated candidates has never been ok, dislike the cool kids culture... but got the job. We have families to support and need jobs just as much as anyone. Thankfully the severance packages are very generous so I think we’ll be ok... in case you were directing you anger for management to the wrong people and actually care. Karma is everywhere.

All of us? Ok so we interviewed with the same clique as you, agree with you that the way they treated candidates has never been ok, dislike the cool kids culture... but got the job. We have families to support and need jobs just as much as anyone. Thankfully the severance packages are very generous so I think we’ll be ok... in case you were directing you anger for management to the wrong people and actually care. Karma is everywhere.

Agreed, definitely a good percentage of dick heads 33%- but wont classify everyone into one category.
And your correct severance will hold us over to the next gig

you BMS robots aren't going to touch me - I will take the buyout, cash my RSUs and options and probably retire altogether and guess what - I am 53. that's right, you will still be having field rides with your DM about oncologists you can't see, expensing coffee and planning out milestones for the next field ride while I will be down at the shore, enjoying my condo, doing some zumba and getting baked

If anyone looking at these boards believes a single thing all of these clowns are posting then you deserve whatever happens to them. There is 0% accuracy on Cafepharma. It's a goof folks.

At another pharma company (A) that had major downsizing last year, if you already had signed a contract for another job at company (B) the employee was no longer elible for severance package with company A. I have no idea how company A enforced it, but I know of one employee who was denied the severence that left 1 month before announcements.