Oh Mr. Pure as the wind-driven snow rep, how do you know if I have faked sigs? How do you know if I'm honest? You don't know me, so don't make assumptions. As a matter of fact I have never done that, but I'd detest anyone else squealing on someone that did. The faking sigs is a result of a flawed company policy. Getting a required number of calls or sigs a day is stupid and unproductive. You say you had to drive all over to get calls/sigs because of the geography of your territory? That's lots of unproductive windshield time, and the company should be aware of that. The rep that forged the sigs was wrong, but the rep going to squeal on her is even worse. It's true, no other rep in that division will like or trust him if he squeals. The manager may act as though he approves of what the rep did if he squeals, but even the manager will never trust that rep again and I doubt he would ever get high evaluations on his performance reviews either. Trust is a terrible thing to lose, and you can't get it back once it's gone. Nobody trusts a squealer.