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Can everyone please cool your jets on the company car issue.
It ain't happening and it is what it is, unless you all want to be driving base model white Chevy Equinox and still pay $300 per pay period to offset the company leasing these things. Neurocrine has figured the car benefit into our salaries. Why do you think they are able to pay above industry salaries? Plus on the next downsizing they don't have to deal with all those surplus fleet issues.

Can everyone please cool your jets on the company car issue.
It ain't happening and it is what it is, unless you all want to be driving base model white Chevy Equinox and still pay $300 per pay period to offset the company leasing these things. Neurocrine has figured the car benefit into our salaries. Why do you think they are able to pay above industry salaries? Plus on the next downsizing they don't have to deal with all those surplus fleet issues.

Put the crack pipe down ass breath. You’re post is all FOS. We get hosed on auto allowance and above industry salaries my ass.

Put the crack pipe down ass breath. You’re post is all FOS. We get hosed on auto allowance and above industry salaries my ass.

Can everyone please cool your jets on the company car issue.
It ain't happening and it is what it is, unless you all want to be driving base model white Chevy Equinox and still pay $300 per pay period to offset the company leasing these things. Neurocrine has figured the car benefit into our salaries. Why do you think they are able to pay above industry salaries? Plus on the next downsizing they don't have to deal with all those surplus fleet issues.

Can everyone please cool your jets on the company car issue.
It ain't happening and it is what it is, unless you all want to be driving base model white Chevy Equinox and still pay $300 per pay period to offset the company leasing these things. Neurocrine has figured the car benefit into our salaries. Why do you think they are able to pay above industry salaries? Plus on the next downsizing they don't have to deal with all those surplus fleet issues.

I didn't say anything about a fleet car. I asked why the monthly allowance and reimbursement hasn't kept pace with the price of cars (new and used) and gas. Is the company truly not concerned with this issue? NOBODY is happy with the current policy.

I didn't say anything about a fleet car. I asked why the monthly allowance and reimbursement hasn't kept pace with the price of cars (new and used) and gas. Is the company truly not concerned with this issue? NOBODY is happy with the current policy.

Hell, our yearly merit increases haven't kept pace with the standard cost of living increase, why should the allowance and reimbursement be any different?

Hell, our yearly merit increases haven't kept pace with the standard cost of living increase, why should the allowance and reimbursement be any different?

Making reps pay out of pocket for auto expenses and fuel costs is so cheesy. Reps are making company money using their own damn cars and yet company elects to make money off reps driving their own cars.

Stop whining about the car allowance. If you don't like it, please go elsewhere. To set the record straight, there are two components. A fixed component, usually around 600-700/month depending on where you live and a variable component usually around .25-.27 a mile. If you are actually leaving your house, driving to customers and logging your miles, you are probably getting reimbursed 1100-1400 a month. You can argue that a company car is still a better deal but its not as bad as stated and you get to pick what you want. There are a lot of things I dislike about the company, but overall when it comes to pay and benefits, Neurocrine is well above average.

Stop whining about the car allowance. If you don't like it, please go elsewhere. To set the record straight, there are two components. A fixed component, usually around 600-700/month depending on where you live and a variable component usually around .25-.27 a mile. If you are actually leaving your house, driving to customers and logging your miles, you are probably getting reimbursed 1100-1400 a month. You can argue that a company car is still a better deal but its not as bad as stated and you get to pick what you want. There are a lot of things I dislike about the company, but overall when it comes to pay and benefits, Neurocrine is well above average.

Thank you for this post and you are spot on. So sick and tired of hearing about this and we really need to be focusing on moving our business. If we aren't successful in hitting our numbers this year, believe you me, we will have bigger problems ahead of us. Now go out there and do the damn job you agreed to take and enough with the whining! We are all paid very well and make more than enough to drive our personal vehicles.

Thank you for this post and you are spot on. So sick and tired of hearing about this and we really need to be focusing on moving our business. If we aren't successful in hitting our numbers this year, believe you me, we will have bigger problems ahead of us. Now go out there and do the damn job you agreed to take and enough with the whining! We are all paid very well and make more than enough to drive our personal vehicles.
You ain’t just whistlin’ Dixie, darn tootin

Stop whining about the car allowance. If you don't like it, please go elsewhere. To set the record straight, there are two components. A fixed component, usually around 600-700/month depending on where you live and a variable component usually around .25-.27 a mile. If you are actually leaving your house, driving to customers and logging your miles, you are probably getting reimbursed 1100-1400 a month. You can argue that a company car is still a better deal but its not as bad as stated and you get to pick what you want. There are a lot of things I dislike about the company, but overall when it comes to pay and benefits, Neurocrine is well above average.

Appreciate the honest feedback. Thx.

Stop whining about the car allowance. If you don't like it, please go elsewhere. To set the record straight, there are two components. A fixed component, usually around 600-700/month depending on where you live and a variable component usually around .25-.27 a mile. If you are actually leaving your house, driving to customers and logging your miles, you are probably getting reimbursed 1100-1400 a month. You can argue that a company car is still a better deal but its not as bad as stated and you get to pick what you want. There are a lot of things I dislike about the company, but overall when it comes to pay and benefits, Neurocrine is well above average.

No you go to hell

what is this a dictatorship?
I am not allowed to voice my opinion?

if people were like you the past we would still be working 12 hour shifts for pennies. Stop backing unfair management

Thank you for this post and you are spot on. So sick and tired of hearing about this and we really need to be focusing on moving our business. If we aren't successful in hitting our numbers this year, believe you me, we will have bigger problems ahead of us. Now go out there and do the damn job you agreed to take and enough with the whining! We are all paid very well and make more than enough to drive our personal vehicles.

what a little ass wipe kiss up! It takes a dumb ass to argue the point of a pharma rep having to out of pocket 12-15k a year to cover car and fuel expenses. I make the company a shit load of money ya little pr!ck so don’t go there. Draining reps several thousands dollars annually is 1st class cheap. The no fuel card is especially ridiculous. Totally destroys a company culture. Bitch

No you go to hell

what is this a dictatorship?
I am not allowed to voice my opinion?

if people were like you the past we would still be working 12 hour shifts for pennies. Stop backing unfair management

Voice your anonymous opinion on this backwater site, but don't dare let your manager know - dissent isn't tolerated.

Find a new gig and move on before your identified as a dissenter

what a little ass wipe kiss up! It takes a dumb ass to argue the point of a pharma rep having to out of pocket 12-15k a year to cover car and fuel expenses. I make the company a shit load of money ya little pr!ck so don’t go there. Draining reps several thousands dollars annually is 1st class cheap. The no fuel card is especially ridiculous. Totally destroys a company culture. Bitch
You don’t bring in anything that’s not compensated by your salary. You’re a Billboard B!tch

I can buy and sell you tool and guaranteed I’ve put way more in this companies bank account that you can’t begin to sniff.
Sure, pharma rep. Enlighten me, dummy. How much have contributed to the P&L? What’s your territory bringing in before and after COGS? What’s the LRS through 2027 how about the LRP? Any Medicaid business? Are they GNUP? How and where are you offsetting URA and SRA? What is the AMP for the SRA?Any CPI penalties on the horizon due to price increases? What assumptions are you making for this year before you forecast your territory’s GTN? You don’t know a damn thing about how this industry works. You’re pathetic. ;)

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